Philosophy of Language

Can Words Kill?

Can mere words be used to kill? Words can hurt and offend, but can they be lethal weapons? I don’t mean that in a metaphorical sense. We all can admit that words can hurt or offend. But I’m asking if they can literally kill?

Frege: The Invisible Anti-Semite

It is a little known fact that the German philosopher was a hard-core right-wing, anti-democrat, anti-liberal, racist, nationalist anti-Semite. While he died before the rise of Hitler, one can only speculate how he would've responded.

Ashley Madison, accommodation, and silencing

I recently read, with much interest, Jason Stanley’sHow Propoganda Works发现它非常刺激,发人深省。令人兴奋的是,斯坦利将他在形式哲学(语言哲学和认识论)中最神秘的领域的工作视为与我们社会面临的最重要的政治问题有关——自由民主国家的种族主义和不公正问题。Equally as stimulating, has been following up on some of the sources Stanley cites as influencing his thinking on these

Does Language Affect Thought?

Does language affect the way you think about the world?