American Pragmatism

14 January 2007

[Tom Burke, a Stanford Ph.D. and author ofDewey's New Logic, is associate professor of philosophy at the University of South Carolina ( I invited him to guest blog on the topic of pragmatism, which he didn't think we quite did justice to on our program of a few weeks ago. --jp]

What Is Pragmatism?

by Tom Burke
Department of Philosophy
University of South Carolina


First of all, pragmatism is not a single philosophy. There is no single pragmatist epistemology, no single pragmatist metaphysics. More particularly, there is not just one pragmatist theory of truth. Rather, pragmatism is a style or way of doing philosophy. As such, it allows a variety of views on just about any philosophical topic. It cannot be directly confirmed or refuted but will merely fail or succeed in ways that philosophical styles fail or succeed. So the question remains: what is it? How might we characterize pragmatism so as to clearly distinguish it from other ways of doing philosophy?

One could argue that the variety of possible pragmatist philosophies is a matter of family resemblance. That would not be very illuminating. I would claim instead (drawing more on historical hindsight than on what any particular pragmatist has ever said) that to qualify as pragmatist a philosophy need satisfy just one criterion: it must essentially and substantively endorse the pragmatic maxim. This maxim has been stated and interpreted in multiple ways, and such multiplicity is unavoidable. Nevertheless I'm suggesting that a pragmatist philosophy must formulate it, interpret it, and essentially depend on it, whether as a basic assumption or as derived from other basic assumptions. It's as simple as that.


因此,考虑到皮尔斯的原始表述是如此错综复杂,对实用主义格言制定一个更精确的表述可能会有所帮助。我们应该注意到,实用主义(与这个词本身的词源保持一致)强调实践或行动,就像它强调效果或后果一样。这在皮尔斯强调可能的实践的可能的效果中很明显,即,可能的效果与可能的实际轴承。在这些基础上,在更晚的时间里,罗蒂是我们可以称之为话语实用主义者的人,因为他所关心的行动和效果在本质上是专门的话语——不是说话语是他所关心的一切,而是只有在对话方面,实用主义格言的某些版本才在罗蒂的哲学中起作用。当然,其他类型的实用主义承认更广泛的可能行动及其可能的影响。为了突出实用主义与纯粹的话语实用主义的区别,或者为了表明实用主义格言能够达到的深度,回想一下奎因的著名格言:“存在即是变量的价值”。这本身不是一个形而上学的主张,尽管它对如何形成形而上学的主张有一定的限制。它反映了一种哲学研究的风格或方式,可以说,它从根本上是面向可能的“实体”或“事物”,而不是面向可能行动的可能效果。与奎因的格言相比,实用主义的另一种说法可能是这样的:“成为一个可能行动的可能效果,就是成为一个变量的值。”也就是说,与特定行动方式相关的变量将在各自的可能结果范围内存在,基本命题将涉及这些结果和/或行动方式之间的关系,等等。这几乎不是标准一阶语义的典型,在这种情况下,我们会想要重新思考当代分析哲学所依赖的整个形式逻辑基础。 The point here is that pragmatism, no less than Quine's first-order-logicism, puts constraints on how to formulate philosophical views by stipulating what one may take to be semantically basic. For Quine, our philosophical language takes entities or things as a semantic basis for devising theories and models of how the world works. For a pragmatist, one's philosophical language takes actions and their effects as a semantic basis for devising theories and models of how the world works. This is what Peirce meant, I claim, by asserting that possible effects of possible actions must ground our fundamental terminology for formulating and clarifying our ideas. The latter couple of sentences constitute what I think is a more precise statement of the pragmatic maxim.

With all of that said, one might (only) now begin to think about various pragmatist accounts of truth, or about how and whether a pragmatist might or might not be a realist. I hope it is clear that one can be all over the philosophical map with regard to either of those topics while still being a pragmatist, just as one can be all over the philosophical map while being a first-order logicist.


It was also claimed that "the pragmatists rejected all forms of absolutism and insisted that all principles be regarded as working hypotheses that must bear fruit in lived experience." Okay, some if not all existent pragmatists may have so insisted in one way or another; but it is not obvious that this is an essential feature of pragmatism given that one can insist thusly without being a pragmatist, i.e., with no cognizance whatsoever of the pragmatic maxim. Once again, talking in terms of experiential fruits of hypotheses may be understood, e.g., in purely Quinean first-order-logicist terms with no regard at all for the pragmatic maxim. Such a claim, then, is not sufficient as a characterization of pragmatism. Nor is it necessary, given that the pragmatic maxim does not by itself rule out all forms of absolutism. Not very many (if any) pragmatists have gone down that particular road, but that road is not obviously blocked by the pragmatic maxim alone.



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Thursday, August 13, 2009 -- 5:00 PM

hi goodevening please can you give me an exam

hi goodevening
please can you give me an example of pragmatism that easy to understand and applicable in the student like me?

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Monday, October 12, 2009 -- 5:00 PM

My pragmatic principle is much simpler: Use what w

But at the core, it is a very simple concept. Unbeatable, in fact. Any philosophy that tries to prove 'better' than pragmatism, if it actually works better, then it *is* pragmatism. If it's not, then it doesn't beat pragmatism. Any 'truth' that makes better predictions *is* justified by pragmatism. If it doesn't, then how can we claim to know it is 'true'?

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010 -- 4:00 PM

Hello Alyssa, Take a look at the opening pages of

Hello Alyssa,
Take a look at the opening pages of William James's "What Pragmatism Means" (ch.2 of his 1907 book _Pragmatism_). The pragmatic method is nothing more nor less than a method of clarifying one's ideas, of defining one's terms. That's ALL. In this case, James uses the example of a dispute about what is meant by the phrase "going around" -- in a dispute, specifically, about whether someone can go around a squirrel on a tree if one can never get "behind" the squirrel even if one goes entirely around the tree. There are two different ways to "measure" your spatial position relative to the squirrel (north/east/etc or front/side/back/etc). In these "practical" terms there are thus two meanings of the given phrase. There is no point in arguing which is the right meaning once and for all, though you need to be clear which of the two you mean when you make a claim about going around the squirrel.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, March 16, 2022 -- 5:01 PM

Made some remarks this

Made some remarks this evening on pragmatism. One of the online sources, platformed by Feedspot, a site I now follow. Sorta. My overall view is pragmatic. Makes sense to me, philosophic utility, notwithstanding. Ahem.

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