Superpredators Old and New

03 August 2017

Inlast month’s blog, I began to explore the political role of the concepts ofnaturalnessandunnaturalness. To recap, every human culture makes use of a system of conceptual categories—a sort of cognitive grid—to make sense the world. The beings that fit into these are welcomed as natural, whereas those that don’t are abhorred as unnatural. Unnatural beings elicit very powerful aversive reactions: they horrify us. I concluded with the following words:

Some of the most hideous acts of atrocity have been perpetrated against those who do not fit into the boxes endorsed by their culture. A person who’s out of place may be put in their place, but a person that has no place, because they straddle the categories used to define what is normal, are marked for destruction or shunted off to the margins of society—in the past, exile, and in the present, prison.

And I promised to “explain in greater detail how we turn ordinary human beings into monsters and demons: avatars of the unnatural.”

Then, after writing this, President Trump gave a speech in Youngstown, Ohio—a speech that contained remarks that are so relevant to the topic that I wanted to address, that I decided to change my plan somewhat and structure this month’s installment around them. Here’s a bit of what he said:



Trump’s image of marauding Latinos is strikingly close to John DeIiulio’s infamous 1995 description of what he calledsuperpredators—young Black males who—he alleged—form “wolf packs” to hunt down their victims. “The superpredators,” he wrote, “…. are perfectly capable of committing the most heinous acts of physical violence for the most trivial reasons (for example, a perception of slight disrespect or the accident of being in their path).”


Trump’s speech should not be regarded as thereturnof the superpredator idea, because the idea that young Black and Latino males are roving, predatory beasts never really disappeared. Instead, it merely went very shallowly underground for a while—simmering away just outside the border of social acceptability. In speaking as he did, our president empowered believers to come out of the closet. He made it a little more OK to say in public what had long been said under the cover of privacy—that young men of color are monsters.

For the past ten years or so, my work has been focused how it’s possible for a whole group of people to be demonized in this way. This was the topic of my 2011 bookLess Than Human, and it’s also the subject of a book that I’m working on now, that’s entitledMaking Monsters. This research has led me to the conclusion that if you really want to understand what’s going on when people think of other people as superpredators, you’ve got to consider this phenomenon in a wider context, for although the term “superpredator” was coined here only a little more than two decades ago, the idea behind it is a whole lot older.


例如,南卡罗来纳州国会议员本杰明·蒂尔曼(Benjamin Tillman)对他的参议员同僚说,奴隶制废除后,“可怜的非洲人……变成了恶魔,变成了寻找他可以吞噬的野兽,挤满了我们的监狱和监狱,潜伏在周围,想看看是否有无助的白人女性会被谋杀或虐待。”当时的文学作品中也有类似的描写。举几个例子,非裔美国男性被(严肃的思想家,而不仅仅是疯子)描述为“地球上最可怕的生物,最残忍和无情的”,“一个被欲望疯狂的怪物”。他的残暴几乎是恶魔般的。疯狂的公牛或老虎几乎不能比这更残忍”,他们对白人妇女的掠夺是“难以形容的兽性和可憎的[…],以[…]为标志的是一种恶魔般的持续和恶性暴行的细节,在自然史上最兽性和凶猛的动物的整个范围中没有反映”。


The image of the monstrous other can be traced back further still. Debra Higgs Strickland remarks in her bookSaracens, Demons, and Jewsthat during the European Middle Ages:

Jews were not only barbarians…they were also monsters. This monstrosity was supposedly expressed through unspeakable acts begun, of course, with the murder of Christ, but continuing into the present day with the ritual torture and murder of Christian boys and the desecration of the sacred host. The most prominent arena for the visualization of Jewish monstrosity was passion imagery featuring physically deformed, evil torturers of Christ.


There are many, many more examples that could be presented, from various historical periods and cultures. Of course, the details often vary. For example, nineteenth century descriptions of Black superpredators emphasize brute strength and insensitivity to pain, while German representations of Jewish superpredators emphasize their cunning and guile. But these variations are underpinned by several robust commonalities.

First, superpredators are malevolent—they are out to get you and yours. Second, they are devoid of morality—they will do anything to satisfy their depraved desires. Third, they are irredeemably evil—bad to the bone. The only way to deal with them is by banishment, prison, or execution. Fourth, they are racialized—they are not members ofour kind. And fifth (and very importantly) they have superhuman powers—superhuman strength, or endurance, or sexuality, or intelligence, which (combined with their other attributes) makes themimmensely dangerous.

The prevalence and far-flung distribution of these ideas shows that it’s a mistake to try to make sense of them entirely in light of what’s going on socially and politically at a single historical moment. In other words, we can’t fully comprehend Trump’s remarks unless we look further than the contingencies of the contemporary American political scene, or even the racial history of the United States. And that’s exactly what I intend to do in next month’s installment, where I’ll be linking them to ideas about the unnatural and will harness work on the philosophy of monsters to throw light on how and why societies transform ordinary human beings into inhumanly powerful, malignant creatures.


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, August 5, 2017 -- 12:58 PM

Well. So, were the pawns of

Well. So, were the pawns of the Inquisition also superpredators, or were they merely seeking to evangelize (by whatever means necessary) the entire non-Christian world? There are several good books on Inquisition techniques (Susan Jacoby and Steven Pinker come to mind: STRANGE GODS and THE BETTER ANGELS OF OUR NATURE). When I was a child, even a late adolescent, I never knew the grisly truths associated with the Dark Side of Christianity. Those things were not discussed, let alone taught. It took some amount of research and investigation, but I learned things I would not have thought possible. Oh well, maybe I should have paid more attention in school...but no, I would have remembered. Of this I am certain.