2019: The Examined Year
Ian Shoales

23 December 2019

There was a dispute about how much AT&T wanted to charge DISH, which led to DISH no longer carrying HBO. I’d have pay more for just HBO, and I already have Hulu, and Netflix, and DMZ, and Amazon Prime, and DISH. And Apple and Disney are leaping into the brave new world of streaming, so I missed the new adaptation ofWatchmen. Thanks, 2019.

However, I understand that Dr. Manhattan is being played by a black actor. In the original comic, Doctor Manhattan was a white guy who looked like a cross between the Academy Award statue, and Brainiac. Remember Brainiac? He always gave Superman a run for his money. Why didn’t Brainiac get a reboot in 2019? I mean Superman languished in 2019, because he is kind of boring, but Joker got his own movie. On the rise, with nary a Batman in sight. So whither Brainiac? Avengers is over. Marvel ran out of second string superheroes to fill the roster.

Also, speaking of second stringers, not knowing as of this taping whether the president has been tarred and feathered or given a medal. Could go either way. The Inspector General report said there was no deep state plot to bring Trump down. The next day Trump claimed exoneration. What? From what now? Attorney General William Barr said the report was probably wrong, just one more potshot designed to bring down the high flying bird that is the Trump presidency. Even Obama spied on Trump, or could have—we need to investigate further.

朝鲜领导人威胁要恢复称特朗普总统为“老糊涂”。这看起来不像是什么威胁。It’s what fans ofTheAvengerscould call Martin Scorsese, following his opinion that superhero movies might be rollercoaster rides, but they are not film. 2019 finally brought it home, we are all privileged, yet all victims, and everything is in flux. Like what is “film.” Identity. Democracy. Gender. I read an alarmed conservative tweet that the country is being overrun by a “trans ideology,” whatever that even means. Boys who are girls, girls who are boys, owning their pronouns, children, and all the while the men’s men of Ukraine are just trying to make a damn living.

亨特·拜登还在那里工作吗?他的实际工作是什么?它会从我桌上拿走食物吗?还有,乌克兰是否在选举操纵中诬陷俄罗斯,本应帮助希拉里,结果却大错特错?民主党是否在乌克兰埋了一台电脑?为什么?朱利安尼与一个右翼新闻团队一起调查此案,采访声名狼藉的乌克兰寡头,以期扳倒希拉里,最终让唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)成为总统。当不完美意味着最好。

In Manhattan, which is not a real doctor, the Museum of Modern Art reopened—better and much bigger, appropriately, because it has become more inclusive, which is great, but makes everything enlarged and clunky. Takes a month just to virtue signal through the permanent collection.

今年夏天,研究人员在心怀不满的年轻男性中发现了一种新的“心理综合症”。它被称为“混乱的需要”,解释了incels、白人至上主义、反法和fa,有毒的工作环境。这甚至可能是一个有毒男子气概的新时代的黎明,在一个无聊的水平上,傻瓜,粗人,马的屁股....他们阅读了《Q Anon》中隐藏的信息,并等待着从地下室跳出来的信号,带着装满辣酱的超级水球,准备给这个破碎世界的自由主义者们造成水泡。我想说的是,现在是另一种现实,我们都将留下我们的申云传单和破碎的梦想。Q留下了我们需要找到并翻译的秘密信息。小约翰·肯尼迪还活着,希拉里面对着一个恋童癖团伙,特朗普虽然总统不是真正的总统,有点像你搬回家时的那些梦想,这是一样的,除了现在你妈妈在吸毒,范·迪塞尔住在地下室,而你以前没有地下室。那种真实。你完全相信它,直到你醒来,除了没有人醒来。新的研究表明,除非我们迅速采取行动,否则我们所熟知的地球注定要灭亡。 If we’re arachnids in Australia, we might get lucky, if we burrow deep enough.

So anyway the idea that Dr. Manhattan is now an African American, well, he is a shapeshifting god and when you reboot or sequelize a classic doing something to confuse or tick off the fans is part of the process. That’s why Ernst Stavro Blofeld is now James Bond’s long lost brother. AskStar Wars. Whatever, says the Need for Chaos. To the quid pro go the quos. Veni vidi vici. By by earth. But not before all the grifters of the world cash in a couple more times. You and I will be killing each other for hoarded Red Bulls, but they’ll be on their own island, sitting pretty. With their bespoke oxygen tanks. Their vintage inhalers. Their sunblock so thick they slide uphill.

Happy New Year! I gotta go.


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, December 19, 2019 -- 9:58 AM

Trying to think rationally

Trying to think rationally about this, I guess I'd just as soon '86' 2019. It was remarkable, but only in unremarkable ways. Another friend, Allan Combs, reportedly moved to Ecuador, having gotten fed up with these United States for reasons known mostly to himself. I will not miss 2019. Hell, I did not miss 1969; 1970-71; or 1980 either. The more we know, the more we find we do not know. Sometimes we also find we should have been better off not knowing certain things. But, you can't go back. May as well go forward then?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, December 29, 2019 -- 10:21 AM

The irony of the coming year,

The irony of the coming year, based solely upon the number, 2020, was lost to me until quite recently. I was discussing (with my wife) the tragedies which have occurred---plane crashes; natural (and not so much) disasters; deaths of cultural icons and other noteworthy individuals; and, last but not least; deaths related to vanity and other forms of human foolishness. We have seen much this year, much of it avoidable, if only people would have paid attention to their surroundings; heeded warnings from experts; and not tried to cover their asses when losses of big dollars were at stake. This all may seem too early, and is when compared to examining 2019. But, just by-way-of prognostication, 2020, as we all know, is significant to an eye specialist, Wouldn't it be great if, in 2020, we were all able to see more clearly?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, December 31, 2019 -- 11:19 AM

I thought a little more about

我又多想了想“回顾这一年”和我2020年的个人目标。我仍然记得我祖父关于不如邻居富裕的哲学。他出生于19世纪后期;养育了两个儿子和两个女儿;他是个多面手,(和许多人)在大萧条中苦苦挣扎。简单地说,他的经济立场是:“你要利用你所拥有的。”因为他一无所有,所以他学会了好好利用和重复使用,如果有必要的话,任何可以重复使用的东西。几十年过去了,我重新整理并强化了他的这句话:尽可能多地利用你所拥有的,尽可能多地去乞求、借用或窃取。这可能被视为本质主义或极简主义,或其他一些“主义”。但是,由于缺乏更好的描述,我是一个节俭的实用主义者。 I make-do and get-by. What I have found encouraging is that providence smiles on determination and purpose (PSDP, for short). You can never win them all, but with some effort, good things are attainable. And you can take that all the way to Rhode Island.