Are Americans All Nationalists?

27 September 2017

Do you think America is the greatest country in the world? Even if you said no, do you implicitly believe in American exceptionalism? Do you think other countries have bigger problems and worse institutions than ours? Do you think that developing countries are trying to "catch up" to the US? Could you never imagine moving to another country? Why?

And if so many of us do buy into American exceptionalism, is that just because government propaganda convinced us to? At whose expense does American exceptionalism come at?

A recent article inThe Guardianby Suzy Hansen discusses these gripping political questions. It's a long one, but it's worth it.

Check it out:


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, September 28, 2017 -- 12:39 PM

The sign featured in the

The sign featured in the photograph is a sign of the times. I wonder how many folks in the region where it appeared THOUGHT about it? Sadly, these sorts of malapropisms are becoming more common, largely because people DO NOT think. America is a better place to live than most other countries. However, she has her moments. For me, one of those moments came in late 1968. Knowing intuitively that Viet Nam meant nothing to the United States and her way(s) of life, I left. About seven years later, with one parent gravely ill and another not knowing what he would do without her, I returned, under the umbrella of humanitarian parole. I have never regretted my choices, Nor have I, to my knowledge, been released from parole. It was all a lifetime ago. Believe what you may, but, American exceptionalism (as it is currently being sold) is only an artifice, not a reality. Propaganda? Maybe---with good intentions(?) Other countries have problems, but those have generally arisen because their peoples are unable to mount the means of opposition to despots and tyrants. This is neither unique nor even exceptional---it is rather commonplace and has been for centuries. America is exceptional because of her history; a few good turns of events and the determination of a few patriots who learned a whole lot about political freedom from watching Europe during the 1700s. The time was called the Enlightenment. For our forefathers (and a few mothers), it was, uh, seminal. I thought the sixties and seventies were rough times for America. They were, it seems, only an inkling of what was to come. This has happened through complacency and peeristic misdirection. Seems to me.