The Philanthropy Trap

16 June 2016

Is philanthropy an unalloyed good? Or does philanthropy have its downsides too?


It’s not that I think the world would be a better place if these billionaires simply blew all their money on frivolous luxuries. My concern is that these foundations set up billionaires to decide exactly what counts as the public good. And who are they to make such decisions? Making billions of dollars does not make you an expert on the needs of society.



But, given that we do live in a capitalist society with vast inequality, what is the alternative? Isn’t it better that the super rich donate some of their wealth rather than spend it all selfishly on themselves and their families? Other than overthrowing the capitalist system, are there any other possibilities?

One obvious candidate is to impose a much greater tax on the ultra wealthy. If we actually taxed the 1% more, we could use their wealth to do lots of good in the world, without them dictating what counts as the public good. Wouldn’t this be more democratic?

Sadly, that does not seem like a completely satisfactory answer. For a start, it’s not as if we, the people, have much power in deciding how our taxes are spent. How much of these taxes on the ultra wealthy would actually be spent on the public good and not on, say, funding more wars? If we had confidence that giving the government more money was a good way to serve the good, then more of us would choose to do that rather than donating to our favorite charities.


Third, it’s not clear that governments even have the will to tackle these big social problems. Or if they do, their efforts are obstructed at every turn by ideologues who think that if the market doesn’t provide social goods, government has no business doing so either.

So what is the answer?


Should we welcome the input of successful entrepreneurs, both in terms of their money and their innovative ideas? Or will we just end up with the equivalent of an app to “solve” homelessness?


Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Friday, June 17, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

Most government agencies are

大多数政府机构都比私营部门的机构更有效率。政府深陷政治泥潭,而不是官僚主义。举个例子,买车或买房的文书工作比交税的要多。把资本主义这个主题排除在外有点不恰当。资本主义才是关键。这是另一个简单的封建主义的名字,基于资本的“头衔”而不是土地的“头衔”。但肯定没有充分的理由只看慈善的表面价值。“做好事”的人一般都不会受到惩罚。但如果你还记得,即使税收减免没有变成一个卑鄙的利润来源,大部分的“捐赠”来自公众,因此公众应该有权利评论和规范“慈善”的使用方式和用途。人们很容易忘记一个根本的问题:这到底是谁的钱? Just because the law turns a blind eye on how obscene profits are generated doesn't mean they are well earned. And it certainly doesn't give the wealthy the right to think of the revenue diverted by a tax loophole is their own money. Tax revenue is our money, not yours mine and theirs. And "ours" includes even those of us too poor to have any tax liability at all. And that's the danger I'd like to point out, that the diversion of tax revenue into 'private charitable donations' promotes the misapprehension that representation is proportionate of wealth. Perhaps it should be, but if so, inversely. By the way, the use of "LLC" is easily confused with a limited liability partnership, a very different animal altogether, or maybe I'm the only one who trips on the similarity.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, June 17, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

Your three little words said

Your three little words said it succinctly: money equals power. And regardless of what they will insist upon telling us, philanthropists revel in their power and the acclaim earned(?) through throwing large sums of money around. I had a comment or two about this on one of PT's other posts concerning altruism and such like. In short, though, the money/power addiction is seductive. And when one is giving one away to enhance the other, it all seems so, well, generous. Until we really start to think about it.

davemc's picture


Sunday, June 26, 2016 -- 5:00 PM

Otherwise known as the Golden

Otherwise known as the Golden Rule. He who has the Gold makes the Rules.

yeedenn's picture


Tuesday, February 26, 2019 -- 12:55 PM

There's a certain irony in

There's a certain irony in hearing this topic discussed by three professors from a university whose campus is bristling with buildings, research centers, endowed chairs — and benches— all bearing the names alumni whose maecenism is sweetened by the prospect of a bit of semi-immortality, promised by the development office, when other public institutions of higher learning in the state are scrimping and scraping. Would the discrepancy be less marked if the tax advantages of philanthropy were extended only to anonymous gifts, in which case a donor would have less incentive to give to Stanford than a more worthy institution?