Schopenhauer and Prozac
John Fischer

02 April 2005


Hmm. Later, he says, "... you may look upon life as an unprofitable episode, disturbing the blessed calm of non-existence." Take that, Lucretius!



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Saturday, April 2, 2005 -- 4:00 PM

Was it the case that Schopenhauer was as grumpy in

Was it the case that Schopenhauer was as grumpy in real life as he was in his writing (at least, when he was not around his mother, with whom I understand he had a fairly nasty literary competition)? Because it's possible that taking pessimism to its extreme in his philosophical musings took the edge off of it in the project of getting through the day.

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Saturday, April 2, 2005 -- 4:00 PM

There is no great genius without some touch of mad

Plato?s cave 2005
The following is poetry, not to be taken seriously:
?The normal people are really crazy, and the crazy people are sane.
This world is a psychiatric hospital. The nurses and doctors are the priests of the
Sciences, Business, and the Arts-they are the best patients-they need no pills-they are brainwashed. Every now and then someone wakes up to the fact that they are in the
Hospital. They see the systems and the absurd rituals performed in the hospitals.
First they try to wake the other people to the fact, they do this knowing that
They will be called crazy, and that the other patients can?t hear what they are
Saying no matter what they tell them. When the genius/madman speaks to his fellow patient, they just stay quiet and say nothing out of fear of having to actually speak and think. He really wants to wake up the smart quiet patients that say nothing. The best patients, the smart quiet ones, get to become nurses and even the doctors after some time. The madman, genius, finally decides that only a minute amount of people wake up.
So he finally decides to write a book, hoping that he can communicate through time
To another person who will also wake up centuries later, who can write another
Book that will eventually be able to wake up more patients, or make changes to
The system in the hospital. The mad genius could keep quiet and try to become a
Nurse or even a doctor and try to reform the system a little bit, but the time used to
Get to be a doctor or a nurse could be used more usefully writing the books.
Eventually the madman, after his death, finally gets called a genius centuries later-and his book is put on the shelf, and a minute amount of patients pick up, read, and understand it. The really smart madmen can balance their writing of truth, with their acting as a nurse/doctor. If Schopenhauer took the pills/and psychiatric brainwashing-he would have never wrote his great book, but made the gradual step back to become a silent patient. ?

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Sunday, April 3, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

I disagree. Schopenhauer's penetrating intellect w

I disagree. Schopenhauer's penetrating intellect would have seen through all the therapy and psychology nonsense so beloved in our day. His therapy was thinking, reading, and writing.

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Sunday, April 3, 2005 -- 5:00 PM

Are we allowed to say he might be getting too mixe

Are we allowed to say he might be getting too mixed up between two different views of the self? The idea that our lives must be innately meaningful seems to go hand in hand with the religious belief in the afterlife. But if we discount the afterlife as implausible (as I understand Schopenhauer does) aren't we asking a little too much that our lives be somehow innately meaningful? In more speculative, tea-drinking moments I seem to be able to accept the notion that if all I am is an element in a vast causal chain (and not, it should be added, an easy to isolate element - not something I can easily delineate and say 'such is me') that meaning rather dries up. Is this wrong? Or is that Schopenhauers problem - he feels this too but it depresses him?
To actually try to answer the question asked; surely we should be asking whether or the pharmacological answers offered to psychological problems are actually helpful. It seems to be a case of supressing the symptoms rather than treating the cause and ditto to a lesser extent with 'talk therapy'. As far as I can understand it Schopenhauer understood fully what he was depressed about and it was that understanding with depressed him. Short of trying to convince him that life essentially was 'meaningless' in the way he looked at it but that didn't really change matters much, I can't see any real solution to problem of the man himself.
Is it a real problem if life is meaningless?

curmudgeon's picture


Sunday, May 13, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Was Schopenhauer even a 'depressed' individual in

Why is it so difficult to accept Schopenhauer's 'pessimistic view' of the world as being an objective one? Is it not true that life is ultimately meaningless, and all around we see people who are evil and selfish and egotistical? Do we not look on the news channel and hear about atrocities taking place every single day? If we reflect on the history of mankind has it not been nothing more than 'war of all against all' until recent decades?
Schopenhauer was simply giving an objective account of what life actually is about, and in his own words his philosophy provided him with much comfort. If anything, he was simply a melancholy man with a genuinely wicked sense of humour - hardly depressed!

curmudgeon's picture


Sunday, May 13, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

Was Schopenhauer even a 'depressed' individual in

Why is it so difficult to accept Schopenhauer's 'pessimistic view' of the world as being an objective one? Is it not true that life is ultimately meaningless, and all around we see people who are evil and selfish and egotistical? Do we not look on the news channel and hear about atrocities taking place every single day? If we reflect on the history of mankind has it not been nothing more than 'war of all against all' until recent decades?
Schopenhauer was simply giving an objective account of what life actually is about, and in his own words his philosophy provided him with much comfort. If anything, he was simply a melancholy man with a genuinely wicked sense of humour - hardly depressed!

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007 -- 5:00 PM

I am entirely in line with what Curmudgeon wrote a

I am entirely in line with what Curmudgeon wrote above. Schopenhauer exemplifies a clarity of thought and presentation that is rare in the history of philosophy. It is further evident that he must have had an extrememly healthy and well-balanced mind. He was neutrally concerned with the truth of the matter- what really is, and how it is. His affinity with eastern thought (Hinduism, Buddhism) influenced and cultivated this line of thinking as well. It is true that a depressed person will see no purpose in living. Schopenhauer understood that there was no point to life on a grand or universal scale, but still dedicated his entire life to the attempt of offering a well-balanced and neutral account of our existence, the suffering it entails, and the ways in which people aesthetically and morally seek to avoid it- in short, make the best out of this miserable life. It isn't about what they ought to do, but what they do. (the denial of the will, and extinction of the individual ego showcased as the highest pursuit of all great religions.)
For Schopenhauer to have sorted through all of the material that he did- which was more than any philsopher before and after him, and to arrive at a just notion of the world afterwards, showcases a depth and character of a mind that was well in control of itself. For Schopenhauer, just because life is miserable and pointless does not mean that we cannot overcome it and live well. The suffering state of the world is precisely the reason we continually seek for well-being!-or we'd be unconditionally content.

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Sunday, May 4, 2008 -- 5:00 PM

I think that A-Schop was as inconsistent as he tho

我认为a - schop就像他认为的傻瓜一样反复无常。如果一个人连续地读叔本华的散文集,他会发现他的观点的基调,或者你愿意的话,“观察”(每个人都有一个观点)会随着他的年龄而改变;这就是说,他的学说变了。如果不是情感驱动,叔本华是什么?抱歉,我喜欢他的作品,我不想贬低他的才智,但我认为他只是想被爱。普通的和简单的。对我来说,这意味着,即使是他也不完全相信他所写的一半。

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009 -- 4:00 PM

Don't all observations change with age? Try readin

Don't all observations change with age? Try reading your comment again and think about the subject some more after these years, read other works of Schopenhauer, etcetera, and examine your thoughts on it. Big chance you think different or that you're thoughts on the subject evolve when gaining more experience or knowledge.