Why Not Change Your Core Self?

25 October 2019


I’m guessing your answer is a clear ‘no.’ I would say ‘no’ too. But why? Why not switch?

答案乍一看似乎很简单。It would be reallyinconvenientto gain an entirely new set of preferences. You’ve set your life up around the ones you already have and you’ve made friends who like the same sorts of things as you. What’s more, you’ve made a great investment of research into those things you currently like. Changing your preferences and tastes would be a real headache and a lot of work.



My first thought is that, if I accepted this switch, the new preferences wouldn’t beminein the way my previous preferences were reallymine. But let’s try to figure out what that can possibly mean.

We might start here: my old preferences were ones I liked having. Perhaps I not only had a preference for horror movies, but I alsolikedhaving that preference. I had a positive second-order attitude about the preference itself. But why would this have to be any different after the switch? We could once again build into the thought experiment that the switch would provide new preferencesanda whole set of second-order positive attitudes towards them. Even if we built that in, I would still not switch. You probably wouldn’t, either. That seems to indicate that second-order liking of preferences is not fundamental to their beingminein the right way.

Here’s a more flat-footed attempt to say why the new preferences wouldn’t really be mine: I just got them! I have a long history with the old preferences. But can such a basic fact about preferences establish them asmine? The sheer persistence of something about me doesn’t necessarily imply that it’sminein any deep sense. I’ve also had trouble sleeping since I was young, and I don’t own that trouble asminethat rationalizes keeping it around. I would be ready to give it up in a heartbeat.

Here’s a third attempt. Perhaps what it takes for preferences to beminein the right way is for them to come from me in the right way. The challenge now is to say what thatright wayis.

One tricky thing about preferences is that we (usually) don’t reason our way into them. Many, if not all, of our preferences just fell into our laps. I just figured out one day that pink makes me happier than brown. I realized that olives taste bad to me. I don’t have reasons for these preferences, and they didn’t come from any reasoning process. That doesn’t show they’re notmine. In fact, that can make them seemreallymine.

So what it takes for preferences tocome from me in the right way不可能是推理的过程。我们试试别的吧。Maybe what it takes for preferences tocome from me in the right way是为了让他们反映出我内心深处的东西。这种深层的东西可能部分存在于我的生理构造中——包括我的大脑和身体的连接方式——但也可能存在于某种无形的东西,我的“核心自我”。“我们很容易觉得,一夜之间喜好的改变会对我的核心自我造成两种不利影响:要么新的喜好不会反映我一直保持的那个核心自我,要么我的核心自我会改变。”


I don’t think this gets us any closer to answering our question, though. We’ve built into the thought experiment that the shift in preferences would change your core self. That certainly seems like something I wouldn’t want to do—and I expect you wouldn’t want to, either. But we can simply ask our question again, now in an even more puzzling way. Why not change your core self?

To sharpen the worry, let’s build in even more. Let’s say youlike你新的核心自我,以及新的偏好。你的家,你的社交网络,你的知识都与你的新自我同步,就像你的新偏好一样。你的生理构造与你的新核心自我和你的新偏好相吻合。And there’s nothing objectivelyworseabout your new core self—you just like different stuff. So why not switch?

I think the answer we reach for here is as obvious as it is uninformative: because that’sme. When we come to points as basic as this in philosophy, it’s hard to know what to do. Have we reached rock bottom, a fundamental fact, whichneedsno further explanation? If so, our inability to explain ourselves any further might not look problematic.

但还有另一种令人不安的可能性。我们可能只是达到了一种根深蒂固的偏见。这让人怀疑我们抵制转换的合法性。我们可能会认为,我们无法解释自己的事实进一步表明,没有任何好的理由这样想。世界杯赛程2022赛程表欧洲区Indeed, we might think we shouldgive upthinking this way.

I’ll consider this possibility in my next post.

Photo byNiv SingeronUnsplash


L Wakefield's picture

L Wakefield

Friday, November 8, 2019 -- 6:36 AM

the dream child hypothesis

Is it possible that a person in Trump's base could change preferences?

Please see the conversation in the attached link. There is kindness on both sides.

The elephant in the room is abortion.

One side deploys this analogy:

It is just as great a crime to destroy the painting of an artist when it is 80 percent complete as when it is 100 percent complete.


The other answers with a different analogy:

From behind the curtain, enters a twirling ballerina.

She dances a brief, dramatic story.

And in the end, she disappears behind the curtain-- forever.

The stage is life.

The ballerina is the self.



Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 -- 12:22 AM

Hmm... this book seems a bit

Hmm... this book seems a bit shallow. Certainly we are not born unto our identity if that is what you are saying. Ask any shaken baby.

I applaud your self promotion and effort. Now comes the hard part. What are your reactions to this post? The easy path is to say your say, without coming to terms with others. Can you change your preference for self promotion and actually contribute here? I ask in all sincerity.

To quote P.D. Eastman "I do not like your hat."

L Wakefield's picture

L Wakefield

Sunday, November 3, 2019 -- 7:58 PM

In all sincerity, then. Here


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, November 4, 2019 -- 9:26 AM

Ah... so you change your post

Ah... so you change your post. Then put a "?" You can't change your postdate though can you? That won't change the vacuity of your books either. That troll hat looks good on you.

Laura Maguire's picture

Laura Maguire

Friday, November 8, 2019 -- 9:40 AM

I did see the original


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, October 27, 2019 -- 12:47 PM

Call me sentimental, but I

你可以说我多愁善感,但我最喜欢我自己的经历;怪癖;缺点;个性和彻头彻尾的愚蠢。当然,改变这一切会很有趣,但有什么用呢?不妨说:开始新的生活,白白的,开始掷骰子,看看现在的赌注会把你带到哪里!但是,再一次,有一个问题是,生活是好是坏,相当好,抛弃所有,为了什么,未知吗?我是一个有一定年龄的人,不管是通过狡猾的预谋还是愚蠢的运气,我所做的都是我自己的方式(谢谢,弗兰克)。一个新的我(也许)相当于某种形式的转世,这听起来并不那么令人不快,但是,为什么要再来一次呢?与其他生物相比,我们是相当短暂的,所以我们为什么要寻求一种全新的方法来解决这些问题呢? On the other cuff, though, what if the propounders of reincarnation are correct? Suppose we are all just consciousness in temporal vessels and, destined to live other lives, again and again? If so, the notion of changing 'core selves' is nothing new and has been happening for thousands of years---or, maybe, there are only a finite array of core selves to go around? It's all speculative, of course.

我曾经遇到过一个孩子。在朋友的婚礼上。在婚礼宴会上,她大部分时间都注视着我。这种体验几乎是超级的,或者更好,超自然的。她脸上挂着会心的微笑,脸上的温暖令人心醉,好像她认识我似的。这是令人不安的,但并没有威胁到我。那天晚上结束时,我感觉到我与我去世已久的母亲的转世面对面了。很恐怖?也许是这样,但有一段时间,我读了一些关于转世的书,试图发现那天晚上发生了什么,以及它对我的余生意味着什么(如果有的话);它会如何影响我的未来。我不知道。 Still can't quite connect the dots. Perhaps it was something like what Jung called synchronicity. But, I may never know for sure. And, I do not expect anything as dramatic as a change in my core self. That self, whatever it is, is fine the way it is. I wonder what became of that little girl. I hope she is well...

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 -- 7:37 AM

Professor Peacocke,

Professor Peacocke,

Yes. Yes I would like to do this snap change. I'd change especially if my friends would lose my number - or perhaps Mark Zuckerberg (in fact I've recently deleted my FB account for other reasons - but perhaps not entirely other.) Could you tell me how to do this snap change? I think it to be impossible without a leukotomy, drug or worse still some spartan self help routine pushed on me by some encroaching trend.

I'm guessing your answer is a clear 'no'. But how? How can one change their aesthetics?

I can tell you that it takes 30 days to delete your FB account (if you can trust such a company to follow their own policy - I have no confidence or qualms for that matter in my impending erasure.) Changing your preferences, ideas or mind even...that is the hard problem.

It's not that we can't change our thought. We can. We can not do anything, however, of our own choice, devoid of experience and the biological burden of our embodied minds. In fact, we are probably not who we think we are when we attribute any one thing to our identity. That is what "science" seems to be saying, to me if to no one else. But that is a thread jack and bitter pill best left to your impending essay.

But first and lastly why? Why would I give up my preferences? For the truth. Certainly not for relative beauty. Truth, absolute truth, is the one aspiration that I'd alter my staid and well pruned neural network to get just a little bit more comfortable in my own correctness. You don't seem open to reasons for change, but I think you too would like some truth for the snapping. Am I wrong? It would be the first time... I kid.

I'm looking forward to your next post. I'd keep it within the lines however. Philosophy is explaining how things in the broadest possible sense hang together in the broadest possible sense. I'm not sure if I understand what a preference is. You too ask this question. I'm not sure if you intend to answer it or not. I'll read your posts though because that is my preference.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, October 30, 2019 -- 8:22 AM

So... I slept on this. I've

So... I slept on this. I've fixed some typos above and now let me fix my thought about this idea one last time.

Wilfrid Sellars is the person who couched philosophy as understanding how things in the broadest sense of the term relate together in the broadest sense of the term. It was António Egas Moniz who won the Noble prize for pithing tens of thousands of human brains - mostly minorities and women.

我不知道为什么我有必要把这两个想法归为一类。科学无疑是任何当代哲学的基础,尽管它可能会误入歧途。归因是偏好依恋的核心。虽然我们可能站在巨人的肩膀上,但我真的不太确定我们最初的立场到底是什么。As I read your essay again I wonder about what I am.



RepoMan05's picture


Wednesday, November 6, 2019 -- 3:37 PM

Change your core self? Not

Change your core self? Change what's innate to you? Not possible without: un-invented drugs, un-invended surgery and un-invented biotechnology. Unless by "change" you mean: drasticly, uncontrollably and detrimentally incur brain damage.

You can't just argue with billions of years or evolution without lying to yourself. It would be easier for you to argue with God-himself(assuming).

RepoMan05's picture


Wednesday, November 6, 2019 -- 12:22 PM

When Catholics are near, you

"When Catholics are near, you should always triple check if your "enemies" are your "best friends" and your "best friends" are your "enemies."
~ Really Really Dead People
~ The Bucket of a Well
~ and, The Phantom of a Dropout.