
20 March 2019

In response to our recent show "Immigration and Multiculturalism" with guest Prof. Sarah Song, listener Judy asked:

First, I would like to have known what was meant by Dr. Song's comment that immigrants are obligated to integrate. What does integration mean, and how is that contrasted to assimilation?

Second, I heard her say that immigrants' opinions have nothing to do with culture. What?? Did I hear wrong? If not, I don't get it because such opinions have everything to do with culture.

Now, she said that something to the effect that immigrants deserve full participation in America, and that this entails the right to change the culture. This is precisely where things become fraught. Again, what is "integration"? How much integration do we have a right to expect? What kinds of changes become intolerable?

I struggle with this question, and I'm wondering how other people see it?

Sarah was kind enough to write a response:


You are right that the question of how much integration is a fraught one. If immigrants hold beliefs and engage in practices that contravene liberal democratic norms, such as gender equality, then you're faced with a conflict between respecting cultural differences and upholding important norms. There is no general or easy answer to such conflicts; much will depend on context. I write more about such conflicts in myStanford Encyclopedia of Philosophyessay on multiculturalism.

Thanks, Sarah!

If you have a question or comment that did not get addressed during the show, feel free to leave a comment on the website or send us an email atcomments@philosophytalk.organd we might just feature it here on the blog!


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, April 1, 2019 -- 9:18 PM

Here we go...Judy said.

Here we go...Judy said.



meganf's picture


Wednesday, April 3, 2019 -- 12:57 AM

Tim is making a good point.

Tim is making a good point. Culture is not a constant. Sometimes, people like to regard it as "consistent" by saying that society prefers certain "values," but even values are just social claims that serve a prescriptive forward-looking function or serve as means of characterizing retrospective judgments on past social behavior. I would argue that the social values of our country have changed throughout the years as public opinion has changed.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, January 31, 2022 -- 5:51 AM

This is pretty far after-the

This is pretty far after-the-fact. I too was uncertain about the usage of integration. That term is charged from the get-go. Assimilation is a softer way of talking about people fitting in. Dr. Song's points are well-taken by myself (and probably others). But, her explanation, I am certain, missed the mark for sensitive folks who have seen negative outcome, no matter which term is applied. Whether we are talking about swords ( double-edged):; razors (thin and sharp): or brooms ( tending to miss important minutiae), things get missed, if not lost, in translation. Some people, otherwise fit and willing to do so, have no wish to either assimilate or integrate. They simply desire the freedoms for which a free society claims to stand; the opportunities unavailable elsewhere.

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