New Blog Policy

26 February 2010


我们将开放评论,并在节目中监测评论,至少如果节目不是我们不断增加的预录制节目之一。世界杯赛程2022赛程表欧洲区But be warned that we will also feel free to delete comments that are simply spam, irrelevant, inappropriate, etc.

We hope this policy revives our blog. We love the idea of a blog. It's just that our two principals and our many guests are very, very busy people.

We start with this week's Dionysus Awards show. We should have a post up shortly to get the discussion going. We've received dozens of e-mails and comments on our face book page. Hopefully, there will be lots of traffic here too.


Guest's picture


Friday, February 26, 2010 -- 4:00 PM

Ah yes, the old time squeeze thing. Since many han

Ah yes, the old time squeeze thing. Since many hands lighten the load, perhaps your appeal to your audience will indeed generate some traffic. I'll do my part by commenting here whenever I have something to add.
Philoso?hy talk is a must listen podcast for me. Thanks for all you guys are doing to keep us thinking.
Dave K.

Guest's picture


Saturday, February 27, 2010 -- 4:00 PM

In addition to my phoned-in nomination for "Kawasa

我通过电话获得了《川崎的玫瑰》(Kawasaki’s Rose,捷克导演扬·赫雷贝克(Jan Hrebejk))的酒神奖提名,除此之外,我还想对最近在柏林国际电影节首映的《在路上》(Na Putu,《在路上》)给予强烈的荣誉提名。
Directed by Jasmila Zbanic, who won Berlin's top award in 2007 for "Esma's Secret," the film is set in present-day
Sarajevo. But while "Esma's Secret" revolves around a rape survivor's struggle to conceal her trauma from her daughter, who was fathered by a Serb soldier, Luna, the protagonist in ?On The Path,? has a choice about motherhood.
The film opens on her relationship with Amar, her partner, at cruising altitude (she?s an airline attendant; he?s a flight controller), but fertility issues prevent her from getting pregnant. Once Amar is fired after getting busted for schnapps in his coffee mug on the job, the couple?s relationship is severely tested, but not because of Amar?s unemployment. When an old war buddy offers him a job teaching IT at a rural youth camp that turns out to be an Islamic fundamentalist community, he begins to drift from the western lifestyle he and Luna once took for granted. As a result, both partners are challenged to rethink their repressed war traumas, their love for each other, and their deepest beliefs, while Luna?s longing for motherhood is soon warped by the partner she barely recognizes. The film moves at an easy, natural pace, but its philosophical charge is power-packed.

Guest's picture


Sunday, February 28, 2010 -- 4:00 PM

Hey Alexa: Good suggestion. And thanks for the g

Hey Alexa:

Guest's picture


Tuesday, March 2, 2010 -- 4:00 PM

Hi Ken! I moved the post...sorry it was in the wro

Hi Ken! I moved the post...sorry it was in the wrong place to start with, but it wasn't loadable anywhere else at first. Will you be uploading the Feb. 28 broadcast of PT soon? I have to send it ASAP to some at Berlinal HQ.
Thanks again for taking my call...It was much more fun talking about that Czech film in English than in German...
Cheers, or Tchüss as they say 'over here' -

Guest's picture


Thursday, September 9, 2010 -- 5:00 PM

Ah yes, the old time squeeze thing. Since many han

Ah yes, the old time squeeze thing. Since many hands lighten the load, perhaps your appeal to your audience will indeed generate some traffic. I'll do my part by commenting here whenever I have something to add.

Bill's picture


Monday, September 20, 2010 -- 5:00 PM

Thanks for not closing down the blog like you were

谢谢你没有像你想的那样关闭博客。It's great material for deep thinking