Transformative Experiences

15 November 2014

本周,我们的话题与所谓的变革性经历有关。在一个人的生活中,有些事件是如此强大,如此改变人生,以至于在事件发生前后,他或她可能不是同一个人。我说的不是赢得超级彩票。当然,这样做会改变我的生活。我可以买更多的东西。也许我会少干点。当然,我会多旅行。然而,这些变化并不是我们真正想要的。Those are just changes in the external circumstances of my life.


More generally, a transformative experience is one that somehow alters what matters to you. Those are really important experiences. Growing up, for example, typically involves a whole host of them.

But there’s even more to transformative experience than this. Begin by thinking of what it’s like to give birth to that first child. Now for me that's something I’m pretty sure, I’m never going to know. As a man, I can’t possibly know what it’s like to give birth, because I'm never going to have the relevant experience. But even a woman can’t know what it’s like to bear a child until she takes the plunge and actually bears one herself. In the absence of the experience of bearing a child, a women is completely ignorant of what bearing a child would be like.


I grant that those are all good ways of gaining information. But it will only get you so far. It’s no substitute for your own first hand experience. It’ll tell you something about what it was like for THEM to have the experience. But it won’t tell you what it would be like for YOU to do so.

但如果我知道我在相关方面和他们相似呢?那样的话,难道不知道他们的遭遇就能告诉我很多我的遭遇吗?我认为,答案是不会。这是因为我无法真正知道我和他们在真正重要的方面是相似的——如果你愿意,可以称之为体验上的相似——直到我真的有了经验,然后以某种方式比较他们的感受和我的感受。换句话说,只有经验才能教会我做自己是什么样的——如果你愿意,你会知道我是什么样的体验者。我是那种会把为人父母当成巨大快乐的人,还是那种会把为人父母当成巨大负担的人?我可能会猜出我是哪一种人。但我无法真正知道我是哪一种类型,直到我有了一次体验,并看到它揭示了我作为体验者的什么。这意味着在某种意义上,某些经验在认知上改变了我们。它们改变了我们看待世界的方式以及我们自己与世界的关系,它们打开了新的想象可能性,这是我们在实际体验之前无法预期的。 I might have been able to imagine having a child before having one, but I could not really imagine it qua kind of experiencer that only experience can reveal me to be.

If this is right, then when a person decides to undergo a potentially transformative experience, they are taking a complete shot in the dark. In fact, she is taking something like a double shot in the dark. First, she has no idea what experiences she will have or what those experiences will be like, if she chooses to have them. Second, she has no idea how her values will change in light of those experiences.

But this raises the question of how anyone could ever decide – rationally decide – to undergo one of these doubly transformative experiences. When we make decisions rationally, we decide partly on the basis of what we believe will happen, once we make the decision, and partly on the basis of how we value the expected outcomes. But in the case of these doubly transformative experiences, we have no idea either what sort of outcome to expect, nor how we will value that antecedently unknowable outcome once it happens.

And that is why experiences that transform us are worth philosophizing about. People DO in fact choose to undergo transformative experiences. They enlist in the army, have children, choose a profession, change their nationality. We’d like to think that their choices are rational – or not insane – at least sometimes. But it’s unclear how such choices can, in fact, be rational. I don’t mean to imply that such decisions are a mere matter of whimsy. I’m just saying that it’s really puzzling not only how we,in fact, go about making them, but also how weshouldgo about making them. Frankly, I’m stumped. I don’t have a clue how we are going to solve this puzzle. So why not give us a hand and see what we can come up together?


Starchild's picture


Tuesday, August 8, 2017 -- 5:45 PM

One of you said during the


First, other meat-eating species presumably are not aware of the suffering they cause in the way that perceptive/aware human beings are. Doesn't greater responsibility come with greater awareness, in the same way that we would hold an adult responsible for pushing someone out a window to their death, but we would not hold an infant responsible for doing the same?

Second, I think we should aspire to someday create a reality in which species can co-exist without causing each other to suffer. Plants are able to get their nutrients from the sun. Developing some kind of morally equivalent means for other animals to derive sustenance without causing suffering (help them evolve beyond it?) seems like an important long-term goal, even if we are not close to being able to implement it at present. In the meantime, human scientists are working on lab-created meat that is meat but did not come from any living animal. Hopefully in the future this will replace factory farming, fishing, and so on, for those who still find the taste of meat and dairy products enjoyable and are not already vegans.

P.S. – Having to create an account in order to post here is hassle enough. I already had to waste time with a "Captcha" thing in order to do that; having to do another "Captcha" in order to post – and then another, when the first one apparently "expired" while I was typing my comment – seems more than excessive. Makes me not want to bother participating here at all. A better approach to combating spam in my view is empowering community members flag and remove it.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, August 10, 2017 -- 11:51 AM

There are, as you have

就像你说的,有许多种变革性的经历。在另一个国家的七年对我来说是改变的。并不是每一个方面都很好变革性的。(显然,拼写检查不喜欢变革性的——它每次都亮起来。)好吧,不管怎样,我对变革性的概念更接近于迈克尔·墨菲几年前在《身体的未来》中所写的。至少可以说,他对“普通人”所取得的成就的逸闻趣事很吸引人。他和乔治·伦纳德教会了我很多。而且,我很确定他们的大部分课程在今天仍然有效。当然,我们吃什么就是什么,但也许更重要的是,我们吃了多少。现在对块头大的人的重视,以及对曾经被认为是肥胖的东西的接受,让我感到震惊。 But, then again, meaning changes with trendy regularity. I am thin and have, except for my forties, always been. I felt physically dreadful then, and upon retiring from an equally dreadful career, I dropped thirty-five pounds! Now that (for me) was a transformation.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Wednesday, November 19, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

Augustine or Pelagius?

Augustine or Pelagius?

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Thursday, November 20, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

To the point of departure it


Diana Senechal's picture

Diana Senechal

Thursday, November 20, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

I suspect that we're drawn

I suspect that we're drawn toward transformative experiences through an inkling of some kind. We have not only rational intentions but inarticulate yearnings and associations. Something may remind us dimly of something we have long wanted. Or there may be something about it that draws us in--and while we could explain part of this, we could never explain the whole.

lapaul's picture


Thursday, November 20, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

I think we are drawn to such

I think we are drawn to such experiences. But what if they aren't anything like what we expect them to be? How can we rationally choose to have them? Do you think the inkling gives us insight into their true character?

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Friday, November 21, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

~~...."for here there is no

~~...."for here there is no place


Understanding time as differing and contrariety to what extends before and after it (if time were extension) is a difficult enough problem without the massive commitment of the literature to expunging it. Every term in developing that understanding stands as despairing adversary to an overwhelming predisposition of our literary and intellectual institutions. It requires and epic effort, not an aphoristic one. You know, 'philosophy' in itself is a bad enough impediment to serious investigation of ideas, balkanizing the effort to resist its straitjacketing terms, but the internet is a veritable fragmentation bomb aimed straight at the human mind.

Diana Senechal's picture

Diana Senechal

Friday, November 21, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

Regarding Rilke's sonnet,

Regarding Rilke's sonnet, "You must change your life" has an ambiguity that pertains directly to the question here.
It could be taken as a statement of necessity--"like it or not, you will change your life"--in which case the transformation is underway, or even complete, insofar as the insight has encompassed it.
But in the second case, there may still be a transformation in the imagination.
As for Buber, I don't think it's quite correct that "his whole thrust is bringing self and other into alignment." He states emphatically that neither the self nor the other stop being anything other than what they are. He also recognizes that we must lead most of our lives in divergence. The You is not "aligned" with us but rather released of the limits we have given it. The encounter is fleeting--it can't be anything but fleeting, according to Buber--but it informs the rest of our lives. (I am relying primarily on I and Thou here--but I could bring up many supporting quotes.)

Diana Senechal's picture

Diana Senechal

Friday, November 21, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

We must be drawn to certain

We must be drawn to certain unknowns--or, more precisely, we are drawn to certain combinations of the known, apprehended, and unknown.
A situation intrigues us because of what we already know about it, what we sense or wonder about it, and what we do not know at all. That last part is as important as the rest, yet we don't seek out unknowns randomly. They have a shape.
Similarly, our internal unknowns have a shape. I doubt that we are conscious of these shapes, but maybe a match occurs, now and then, between the internal and external ones, or else we think it might.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Wednesday, November 26, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

My copy of I and Thou was


作为延伸的时间空洞了它的时刻。不同的时刻是作为其意义和价值的延伸或持续时间被计时或测量的离开。时钟是残忍的工具,而不是价值的衡量标准。与这些仪器测量的结果相比,偏差是反常的。离别的意义并不在于血缘关系,一个我-你和一个我-它都没有什么关系。只有坚韧不拔的人们才会认识到它的价值。如果这种责任和离开一样难以忍受,那么失去也是一种离开。因此,这是一个关于损失和责任的辩证问题。不断变化的思想的特征要求改变,因为它坚信性格和信念的恒久不变就是严格。如果我们会面的那一刻是通过那失去的信念而得以实现的,那我们为那一刻带来的先决信念是分歧,是的,但我们在最亲密的意义上共有的分歧,尽管分歧和差异(或差异?)是彼此完全不同的。 No god or sacred law (nor bloodless logic) can bring such moment about, and though the vicissitudes of life may militate against our enabling it, all the meaning and worth we share nevertheless comes of it.

Brit Shalom!

N. Bogdanov's picture

N. Bogdanov

Tuesday, December 2, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

This is a fascinating idea,

Some of Diana?s comments touch on this idea?but I wonder how our micro-decisions fit into this view. Contrast, for example, my choice as to which side to pass a bollard on with my choice to attend my present university over some other one. The former I can make rationally, perhaps by considering how much space is on the left side of the bollard versus on the right, if there are any puddles, rocks, or peoples that I need to be aware of, and the like; the latter seems to fall into the case of a transformative experience, namely going to one college over another?or at all.
It seems like the only reason I think that my choice, both to attend college and of which one to attend, is transformative is that I have heard that this is the case for most people in a similar situation; that, or I reason out that I will be meeting many new people, in a new city, etc., and that this might change me. Now consider the other situation: what if when I choose to bike to the left of the bollard I end up catching my tire on a root, crashing my bike, and running into a pedestrian who, as a result of the whole encounter, will one day end up marrying me. Isn?t this micro-decision just as transformative? Yet we don?t think of it as such, perhaps because we assume that stories like the above don?t really happen (often). Is our choice in the case of the bollard still rational? Are our choices rational only in degrees? How do we even assess what might be a transformative experience?

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Wednesday, December 3, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

Bollard? You're either a

Bollard? You're either a sailor or a Brit. What if the extremity of conviction in a continuity of reason is a complete revision of all terms prior current and future? And there is no way around it? That is, there is no binary reduction possible? Is reason worth it? Is reason worthy of it? Do we choose to change our mind?

Or's picture


Sunday, December 7, 2014 -- 4:00 PM

A transformative experience
