“得到”一件艺术品?Maybe 20 Minutes
Jack Herrera

10 March 2017

艺术网站Artsy的编辑人员艾萨克·卡普兰(Isaac Kaplan)最近提出了一个看似简单的问题:你需要花多长时间看一件艺术品才能得到它?

“The answer is highly subjective and dependent on the work of art, as well as how well-versed one is in parsing visual images,” he writes. “But it is safe to say that, generally speaking, we’re not looking at works of art for long enough. The exact numbers vary, but studies have determined that the average time a person spends gandering at a piece in a museum is between 15 seconds and 30 seconds.”

Kaplan interviews a few experts to get their opinions. James O. Pawelski, the director of education at the University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology Center, asks his students to spend20 minutescontemplating a single work of art.

慢艺术日的创始人菲尔·特里(Phil Terry)向卡普兰讲述了他花整整一个小时观察一幅抽象画的“令人兴奋”的经历。


How long do you think one should spend with a piece of visual art? And what does it really mean to “get” a piece of art? What is art doing for us? And what explains the feeling of understanding art?

Read the whole article:https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-long-work-art-it

Image credit: Painting by Keith Haring. Photo by Jack Herrera.