The Logic of Regret

11 October 2015

This week we're thinking about theLogic of Regret. Regret is a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that's happened or been done… especially a loss or missed opportunity. Seems normal enough -- so what’s the puzzle? Well, for starters, it seems irrational to regret the past. You can’t change the past, so why waste time feeling sad about it?

One answer is that regret can make you own up to the consequences of the past. Suppose you forget a good friend’s birthday. You can’t change that, but you can do the next best thing: give her a nice gift to make up for it (maybe a first edition of something by Derrida). So although you know you can’t change what you did, you want your friend to know that you would if you could – that If you had it to do it over, you would've paid attention to Facebook, noticed her birthday, and sent a nice message. No bad feelings for her, and you get to keep your first edition Derrida.



But suppose that was the night your oldest child was conceived. She wouldn’t have existed without that exact combination of events, leading to the exact combination of DNA that makes herher. You don’t regret your child’s existence, right? So you wouldn’t do anything, even if you could, to change that day so that he never existed.

But now you’re in a pickle. You regret not visiting your aunt. So you would undo that day if you could. But then…. no daughter. Yet you affirm her existence and wouldn’t undo that day even if you could. We’ve got ourselves a paradox: you both would and would not change the past if you could.

That said, we might ask whether regretting something means having to regretallof its consequences, or whether affirming something means having to affirmallof the events that were necessary for it to occur. Well, you might answer that it’s bad faith, or at least magical thinking, to affirm the effects -- your present life -- without affirming the causes -- the bad things that led to your present life.

Now you may be smelling a whiff of Nietzsche here. He claimed that to affirm your life, you have to think that if you had it to live over again, you would do everything the same, not regretting any of it, no matter how loathsome certain parts may be. That’s a pretty high and impractical standard to meet – but it does go to show that regret is indeed a puzzling phenomenon.


Or's picture


Saturday, October 17, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

The considerations one makes

The considerations one makes prior to choosing to do something (supposing these are considerations in order to make the optimal decision for one?s own good) have an effect on the impact of regret felt once said action has been completed. So I wonder: if there?s such a thing as anticipatory regret (you regret something before even doing it and then do it anyway), to what extent does this anticipation of regret weight on the regret you actually feel after completion of an action?
Regret depends on the information you had prior to making your decision ? if you were not aware of possible alternative courses of action, or factors you had no control over affected the decision [i.e. an unavoidable natural disaster] then perhaps the regret you feel is lesser ? I would think this to be rational, for you do not have the same weight of responsibility as you would if you had all your options laid out in front of you. The blame you might feel is lesser. You can experience more regret if you realize that you did not weigh your options correctly prior to the fact or if you did not realize the nuances of the decision about to be made - if you under-weigh regret prior to taking action. Thus, how implicated one is prior to action affects how much regret is eventually felt.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Sunday, October 18, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Go gentle into that good

Go gentle into that good night?
Purity of heart may be to will one thing, but regret and remorse are biological necessities, and no simple matter. Memory is not a system of file retreival. In a sense memory does not exist at all, it is remanufactured each time through a vast fabric of reminders. Each reminder triggers others that assembled something like the original, but never quite the same (some psychologists insist that they can stimulate exact replication of original experience but do nothing to establish this claim other than to point to the remarkable certitude of this that accompanies it, but this is no more creditable a claim than the now discredited "retreived memory"). Nagging memories assure an extensive reconsideration that may adjust future behavior and, more pertinently, motivate reflection upon the character of one's values, and about the nature of one's place in the world and in course of one's life.
Go gentle into that good night? The issue of remorse and regret has tentacles reaching into every nook and cranny of life and memory, and to present it as if it were a simple topic activates those tentacles while obscuring them and their pernicious work on us.

Alyosha's picture


Friday, November 20, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

Regret is an essential

Regret is an essential element to the cultivation of virtue.

Dan Grupp's picture

Dan Grupp

Thursday, June 21, 2018 -- 10:26 PM

There is a false assumption
