Education and the Culture Wars

26 August 2015

“文化战争”。不仅仅是自由派对保守党,民主党对共和党;世俗主义和宗教主义;进化论者和特创论者;女权主义者和传统主义者;MSNBC和狐狸。乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)对比尔·奥莱利(Bill O 'Reilly)——或者就我而言,我的自由主义自我对我深受爱戴、聪明伶俐的自由主义儿子。


Traditionally, America’s system of free public education has been a source of great pride and an engine of upward social mobility. But now those schools are becoming a hot-bed of controversy. Should they children about sex and birth-control? Is teaching evolution as established scientific fact encroaching the religious neutrality enshrined in the constitution?

That brings us to today’s issue. Who has the right to choose what and how our young people are taught about controversial issues?


That’s the traditional view. Public schools should be as neutral as possible, and leave the controversy to the dinner table and Sunday School. Parents who want religiously-infused education can send their kids to schools run by churches, synagogues, mosques. Or they can choose private schools that reflect their attitudes. Or if they want, they can teach their children at home.

And that’s the view I favor. To adapt a thought from Churchill’s analysis of democracy, letting parents have the basic say in the education of their children may be a horrible system, fraught with problems. But there isn’t any alternative that isn’t worse.

You might ask: What if they don’t want their children educated at all.

But that’s a red-herring. It’s the parents’ job to provide their children with nutrition. That doesn’t mean they have a right to starve them. Children have a right to be fed, and they have a right to be educated. The community has a right and responsibility to see that parents fulfill their responsibilities. This usually means that attendance at a public school is mandatory, unless some other alternative is provided. Seems reasonable to me.

So, to a considerable extent, I think parents have a right to determine thecontentof their children’s education. But there are limits. If parents teach their kids that two plus two is five, or that English sentences are read from right to left, that’s not education, that’s child-abuse.

But what if they teach that evolution isn’t science, but secular superstition? Or that God insists that women be subservient? Or that the white race is superior?


I think it's a mistake to suppose that the nonsense our parents teach us leaves us permanently scarred, doomed to lack what is necessary to be effective citizens.



Ken and I will sort all of this out with our guest, Stanford Political Scientists Rob Reich.

Photo bySharon McCutcheononUnsplash


MJA's picture


Tuesday, June 11, 2013 -- 5:00 PM


Truth is All our children need. Sadly though, for many and most, including our parents and teachers, truth can't be taught because it has yet to be defined.
For our children, our future, I will define it or is, empirically or mathematically, right or just here:

Guest's picture


Friday, June 14, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Teaching a child how to ride

Teaching a child how to ride a bicycle can be a pleasant or frustrating experience. It depends on the approach you take.
The pleasant approach is to find a small hill, then have the child coast down it several times without any use of the pedals. As soon as he/she has a confident sense of balance, anything more that he/she needs to learn will be easy.
Sure, blame the students, their parents or even grand-parents. Even blame the teachers. But the real problem is the faulty philosophy of the educational system.

Guest's picture


Monday, June 17, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

But what if they teach that

Unfortunately, although these questions are very reasonale to you and I , many people do not agree with your preface that these teachings are wrong in the first place.

Guest's picture


Saturday, June 22, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

As to the point raised by

至于Walter Messenger提出的观点,在我看来没有什么可担心的。孩子们在任何地方学习:在家里,在操场上,在学校。他们所学的不一定是他们想学的。他们不断地被不同的、相互矛盾的信息轰炸。哪一个影响他们?我想这又回到了先天和后天的争论。
"The function of education in a democracy is ... to liberate the mind, strengthen its critical powers, inform it with knowledge and the capacity for independent inquiry, engage its human sympathies, and illuminate its moral and practical choices." (Israel Scheffler, 1972)

Guest's picture


Saturday, June 22, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I enjoyed this conversation.

I enjoyed this conversation. I am a homeschool teacher, and from my personal experience, the fears about parents indoctrinating their children into some anti-civic mentality or failing to teach them basic skills are largely hypothetical and unrepresentative. I am sure there are homeschools in this country for whom this may be a concern, but the overwhelming majority of homeschool teachers I know are extremely conscientious, capable and resourceful. And honestly, public schools are not fairing much better. The very reason we homeschool is to give our children a better education than the failing public schools in our community. The homeschool students I know are head and shoulders above their public school peers. They are interested, interesting people for whom the world is their classroom. While the state continues to fail to educate its citizens through a broken public school system, why they would ever bother to try to regulate us? What has happened in the homeschool community is that we have become self-regulating, with organizations, curriculum providers forums, etc. to support what is a challenging, but fruitful enterprise. Less state involvement is better for business, why not for education, as well?

Guest's picture


Friday, July 19, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

If we reduced the noise to a

If we reduced the noise to a signal*, culture war would be resolved through education. But things are never that simple. Are they?
That said, I might watch television again. Naaah---probably not.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Friday, August 28, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Some fact that seem to get

Some fact that seem to get forgotten in these discussions:
在肯尼迪总统任期内,法院裁决指示各州将各种各样的残疾人“纳入主流”,包括精神疾病、学习障碍以及吸毒者。全国各地的州开始了拆除大型集中设施的漫长过程,但既没有给当地社区以满足需求的指示,也没有提供支持。一些“中途”住房开放了,但当地社区反对。于是,瘾君子和精神病患者大量无家可归的时代接踵而至。但是,当地的学校尽其所能地关注残疾人和学习障碍者的需求。这导致了公立学校费用的突然增加,以及随之而来的财产税的增加,使得整个国家都在反抗政府要求他们自己承担费用的要求。然后,罗伊诉韦德案激发了长期被政治行动的亵渎所压制的宗教右翼,从反对离婚到反对堕胎(这是一个以前从未出现过的问题)做出了战术上的改变。那时候离婚是注定要失败的。从那时起,他们就能够发起激烈的反对,奇怪地呼吁赋予他们在其他领域一直容忍侵犯的生命权。随着黑豹党(Black Panthers)坚持他们携带武器的权利,全国步枪协会(NRA)的地位逐渐上升,武器的疯狂扩散和对政府任何提议的极端反对(除了降低税收和向富人发放救济金)。 And then a stream of immigration swelled our schools with speakers of languages other than English (and by no means only Spanish, which, by the way, has been a language spoken in American, by many Americans, since the Mexican War). This sets the context of the "moral" and "cultural" theme of this discussion. the tensions are more social than cultural, more fiscal than moral. One more thing, Home-schooling and charter schools are largely protected by a taboo against critical review, and where they are looked at more critically a scandalous disregard for objective standards, and for the needs of children who might threaten to dispel the myth, reveals itself. And, lastly, the First Amendment protects a right to religious liberty, not religious authority. It does not even protect the ability of religious leaders to impose their doctrines upon their own membership, let alone others outside the faith, even if they are in some other way, as employees patients or applicants for services (like gay marriage) under their authority.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Friday, August 28, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

I forgot bussing, how did I

I forgot bussing, how did I do that?! It's importance, of course, is that it's occasioning "culture wars" is powerful evidence that, as usual, the real motive of the Right is not as stated. Remember what Kennedy said so famously?: "Ask not what your country can do for you....", this should have been instantly recognized as a promise to the southern states he would not mess with Jim Crow.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, August 31, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Let me put it this way, there

Let me put it this way, there is a public responsibility to see to it that every child has a right to an education free from private, or public, indoctrination. This is not a culture war, it is a war between private privilege and public responsibility.

Sofi Gray's picture

Sofi Gray

Sunday, September 6, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Suppose most of our nation's

Suppose most of our nation's schools, through some unknown mechanism, decided to stop teaching history and literature. Suppose our educators went along with this practice because it was so widely accepted, and so far advanced, that no one person could stop it. Individual teachers might still be allowed to make their idiosyncratic decisions about what to teach.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

There were many things

在1956-1966年间,我接受的公共教育遗漏了很多东西。我在美国中西部长大,在非保守主义的监视下长大,没有意识到有多少合理化;遗漏;半真半假和彻头彻尾的谎言,我至少在30年后才摆脱。我之所以说三十年,是因为这个认识是逐渐积累起来的,而且,我自己选择的东西读得越多,我不知道的东西就知道得越多。幸运的是,我最终以一种哲学的态度接受了我成长的命运,并继续接受自我教育的任务。在公元21世纪,人们做出了大量的决定,采取了大量的行动,其中许多让我们百思不得其解。美国最高法院已经远远超出了其权限范围,从而促成了正在讨论的那些文化战争。大约八年前,退休后不久,我向一些同事提出了一个关于社交媒体现象的看法。我说这将成为一场社交噩梦。 Aforementioned associates, at the time, laughed at the notion. They are not laughing now.
Seems to me,

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Thursday, September 10, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Piaget showed us that

Piaget showed us that children reach milestones in development before which it is impossible to get an idea across to them or to teach them to achieve it. You can't make a baby walk as long as its legs are made of rubbery cartilage only. To try to push a child when it is not ready instills only trauma. American childhood is trauma. Just think of how many small children are allowed to "cry themselves to sleep". In most cultures this would be considered abuse. In my schooling, bullying was actually relied upon as part of the disciplinary system. Like the Spartan model of throwing them to the dogs and seeing which one thrives, as a dog, I suppose. It doesn't toughen, it barbarizes.

alberteinstine's picture


Sunday, September 13, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Culturalism has been involved

Culturalism has been involved in education to create a societal conflict so that people remain involved in those conflicts. If you go through the research papers of professionals of Write Me an Essay in they have mentioned how education has been politically developed, you will surely get shocked.

serinalevis9's picture


Sunday, October 11, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Are you referring to

Are you referring to education in the US, Europe or SE Asia? In that respect are several great movies on this theme in the English culture, besides lots of books on this subject.
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