Why Propaganda Matters

01 June 2015

This week, we're thinking about Propaganda – how it works, why it matters. I feel about propaganda sort of the way I feel about pornography -- I’m not exactly sure how to define it, but I definitely know it when I see it. Turn to any good dictionary and you will find a definition of propaganda. Here is how the Merriam Webster online dictionary defines it. “Propaganda -- ideas that are often false or exaggerated and that are spread in order to help a cause, a political leader, a government, etc.” But this strikes me as a pretty lousy definition. First, not every false or exaggerated statement is propaganda. If I were to exaggerate for effect – something, by the way, I would absolutely NEVER do, not in a million years – that wouldn’t make my statement propaganda. Would it? Thus I refute Merriam Webster.


There’s a lot going on in that little utterance, but it’s a little hard to isolate exactly what makes statement propagandistic. Start with the fact that what he is most obviously doing is making a statement – perhaps true, perhaps false -- about Muslims. Clearly not every statement about Muslims is a bit of propaganda. But, someone might say, he isn’t just making a statement. He’s also doing something else in making that statement – he’s expressing his fear and disapproval of Muslims. This seems to be getting us closer to isolating what’s propagandistic in his utterance. But we still haven’t hit the target. After all, certainly not every statement that expresses fear or disapproval counts as propaganda. A monster is climbing through the window. I express my fear and disapproval of the monster by running and screaming. I am not for that reason speaking propagandistically.

Ah, but, there’s a difference, you might think, between our politician and me running and screaming. There’s a manipulative element to the politician’s speech that missing in my spontaneous screaming. The politician is trying to manipulate his audience. He’s trying to get his audience to share his fears and prejudices. But we have to be careful. It’s not the mere fact that he’s trying to induce certain attitudes and emotions into his audience that marks the politician’s utterance as propaganda. That is, after all, something that we all do all the time – not just politicians but poet and priests too. Even ordinary people do it. We all use language to induce attitudes and feelings in others. That’s one the things language is designed to enable us to do.



Of course, you can’t get away with that sort of thing in a free and open society. And that might lead you to think that propaganda can’t thrive because it can’t “propagate” where information flows freely and opinion is un-coerced. Free thought as the antidote to propaganda!

不幸的是,事情并没有那么简单。想想福克斯新闻——“公平和平衡。”“我们报告。你决定。”这真的是一个非常出色的作品,更不用说它是一个非常有利可图的纯宣传作品。福克斯每天都有数百万热切的听众收听。现在,如果你反对福克斯,你会认为这是因为每时每刻都有傻瓜出生,而如果你支持福克斯,你会认为这是一件好事。但我真的不想关注那些收看节目的人,我想关注的是福克斯让他们收看谁的节目。福克斯代表着每一个独立的新组织真正应该成为的形象——愿意考虑辩论的所有方面,没有党派议程,无论结果如何都坚持不懈地寻求真相,是解决片面、有偏见报道的解药。但不管你喜欢还是讨厌福克斯,你都很难否认,在现实中,他们在各个方面都与福克斯截然相反。客观地说,他们实际上是一个非常具有党派色彩的网络。 But that’s not how their most avid listeners think of them, I don’t think. They don't think they’re being fed a one-sided diet of spin. They think they’re getting a fair and balanced diet of truth.

Now if Fox was upfront and honest about what they were actually doing, I doubt they would be nearly as successful. In a supposedly free and open society, when you can’t bludgeon people into thinking and feeling what you want them to think and feel, you have to catch them unawares. You have to seduce them with democratic seeming ideals, and then gently lead them where you want them to go. Fox is, I think, extraordinarily skilled at doing just that. But they are not alone. The propagandistic arts have been honed to very high level in our supposedly democratic society, so much so that that thy threaten to undermine our deepest democratic values.


Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, June 1, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Don't confuse rhetoric with

Don't confuse rhetoric with propaganda. It's one thing to speak with the intention of effecting the views of others to favor one's own, it is entirely different to effect the ability of opponents to have such an effect. It has to do with how we are able to understand each other at all. There is nothing interesting can we say to each other that cannot be misconstrued. The way language grows is a matter of a growing grasp and response to this reality in such a way as to set our interlocutors free to construe us as they will. Rhetoric tries to manipulate this process, propaganda tries to short-circuit it entirely. Imagine this, that every word we utter alters the meaning of all words and terms, so that the lexicon is being eternally revised. Propaganda undermines this by setting the lexical frame into which any effort to engage it must enter. It amounts to an effort to buy a spam-free lunch at the "spam-spam-spam-spam, spam-spam-spam-spam, wonderful spam!" restaurant in Monty Python.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, June 1, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

In a comment on Laura McGuire

在劳拉·麦圭尔(Laura McGuire)的一篇关于小说的博客文章中,我评论说,宣传和小说是相关的——至少在某些情况下是这样。当新教皇称马哈茂德•阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)为和平天使时,我多少顿悟了一下:如果这位圣父真的相信自己的宣言,那么他从哪里得到这样的想法?而且,如果他不相信自己的话,他说这种话的真正动机是什么?他的话仅仅是为了促使各方重新努力实现中东和平——摆脱数十年来的敌意吗?或者他只是在进行修辞性的虚构,并在上面浇上宣传的糖浆?很多人想要改变中东局势;重铸肮脏的历史,治愈久违的仇恨。还有很多人看到他们的职业遗产在一个接一个的交易破裂时被打得一塌糊涂。(对我来说)最令人震惊的事情是,似乎没有人接受这样一个事实:有些人就是不能也不会相处。再多的宣传、虚构或修辞都不可能改变这一点。 So, we have the little man trying to push his rock up the hill. But try as he might, he cannot get it done.

Edwards's picture


Tuesday, June 2, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

One thing the definition gets

One thing the definition gets kind of right is that propagandistic proclamations are "regularly" false or deluding. But at the same time its essential to see that propagandistic proclamations can at times be valid. To be sure, I think that promulgation may be more powerful when its actual or possibly contains a bit of truth. unique groomsmen gift

MJA's picture


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

We are what we are taught, so

We are what we are taught, so if the propaganda was truth mankind would unite and become just One. =

Edwards's picture


Wednesday, June 3, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Fox gets a huge number of

福克斯每天都有大量狂热的观众收看。现在,如果你是福克斯的对手,你可能会认为这是因为某个时刻孕育了一个傻瓜,而如果你是天才福克斯,你会觉得这是值得感谢的事情。couples bridal shower invitations