The Philosophy of Westworld

27 September 2018


At first glance,Westworldis just another show about robots run amok—a simple remake of the 1973Westworldmovie, a newTerminator, or at best a twenty-first-centuryI, Robot. It appears to be solely interested inFrankenstein-style questions about people creating technology that no-one can control, and inBlade-Runner-style questions about artificial life forms evolving into creatures like us, with as much—or as little—autonomy, self-understanding, and feeling as we have. If you look a little closer, though, you find all kinds of other philosophical questions in play, and you find them being explored with impressive seriousness and subtlety. At the level of philosophical reflection, this is golden-age television at its very best.



这是另一个例子:是什么让我们成为现在的自己?这部剧在这一点上也非常模棱两可。它花了很多时间告诉我们,每个主持人都有一个“背景故事”,每个故事都有一个“基石时刻”:一个决定性的事件,改变了一切,把Bernard或Dolores变成了今天的他们。但是话说回来,当梅芙想要改变自己的时候,她会怎么做呢?她会找人重写她的背景故事吗?不!她只是告诉技术人员菲利克斯和西尔维斯特,调整他们神奇iPad上的滑块。所以,与其说我们是一个故事,不如说是一组特征。此外,Delos公司不需要了解你的背景故事(它只需要观察你在公园里的行为),而且每个客人的个性都可以用算法编码。那么,谁赢了呢? Are we our traits or are we our story? Once again the score is tied.

最后一个例子:艺术的价值。Something I love aboutWestworldis that it’s not just a meditation on the danger of technology, on the nature and limits and value of humanity, on identity, on free will, on morality, and on the desirability (or otherwise) of truth—it’s also a meditation on the questionwhat fiction is for. Westworld the park is one giant work of fiction that guests spend days interacting with. AndWestworldthe show is a work of fiction that viewers spend ten hours a season interacting with. Why do we all do it? Is it just a pleasurable waste of our time?

Here too, the show refuses to make things simple for us. At times things look pretty bleak: guests go to the park for mere escapism, and while they’re doing that, rapacious capitalists prey on their vices. Not good. But at times the park looks like a more dignified haven from the failings of the real world: what’s attractive about it—like all good art—is not that it offers cheap thrills but that it is perfectlyordered, with everything in it having a purpose and a significance. At its best, though, the park is a space for self-understanding and self-transformation.


Just as for Westworld the park, so too, I think, forWestworldthe show. It too is a fictional world offering a voyage of self-discovery. It is a deeply philosophical show—but not in the sense that it has particular beliefs to transmit to us; rather, in the sense that it raises philosophical questions in a powerful way. It doesn’ttellus whether there’s anything valuable about humanity, or what makes each of us who we are as individuals, or whether being oneself is always the best idea, or whether we have free will, or whether the truth is always valuable, or what goodness looks like in a morally degraded world. Instead it helps us to think about these questions. As Anton Chekhov once said, artists don’t have to solve a problem; they only have to present it correctly. In that way, and in many others, the writers ofWestworld是真正的艺术家。