The Right to Privacy

26 January 2012



In philosophy, we often say that one’s inner mental life is private, which means only you can know what you are thinking and feeling. Other people don’t have the same kind of direct access to your thoughts and feelings as you do.

I don’t need to do anything special in order to keep my thoughts private in this way. I don’t really withdraw them from the public; they come to me already private. But that’s not the case with most other things. You put curtains in your bedroom to keep what goes on there private. You put a fence around your house, to keep nosy neighbors out.

That’s because you consider your home your private sphere, a space where you can do what you want without anybody watching or interfering. It’s a place where you expect to be able to do what you want without fear of being “molested” by others, as John Stuart Mill put it. That’s one kind of privacy we take measures to protect. And we might ask whether we have arightto that particular kind of privacy.

There’s also another important sense of privacy, which is about access to information. We like to be able to control and limit the access others have to our personal information. For example, I lock my diary, and password protect my financial files. We like to control who canaccessour personal information. And we also like to controlhowpersonal information can beusedwhen it is accessible.

So, we want privacy, in the sense of having some control about what others know about us. And we want privacy, in the sense of being left alone, to make our own decisions. I’m wondering what these different senses of privacy have in common. Do they have a shared source?


Does this mean that simply by being human we have arightto privacy? And if so, what is the source of this right? Is it derived from a more fundamental right, like the right to protect ourselves from harm, or is it simply based upon human individuality and autonomy? If I have arightto privacy, does that mean you have a correspondingdutynot to spy on me or nose about in my personal business?




Guest's picture


Thursday, January 26, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

I think you have addressed

I think you have addressed the matter of privacy before in this blog. Maybe yes;maybe no. In either case, I have said privacy is dead. Even wrote an essay about that. Rights? What are those, in a world where natural selection rules. Your previous, regarding democracy is just another tile in the mosaic. Bill of Rights; Ten Commandments---these tenets and many others are merely contrivances, designed to coerce humans into behaving correctly---equitably---ethically---morally, and most of all: persuading us, somehow, that it is not in our best interests to willy-nilly, kill each other. We ain't listening. Or, we could be listening, yet refusing to hear. Give a listen to the pop tune by Mike and The Mechanics: The Living Years---it says a lot in fewer than four minutes. To me, anyway.

Guest's picture


Saturday, January 28, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

Not said, how Facebook's sea

Not said, how Facebook's sea change was not social networking per se - that was old - it was that its users began using their REAL NAMES. Consider Facebook's predecessor, MySpace, where users would create catchy handles, for example, 'CorgiFan'. That's way more under the radar, than say, Joan Smith on Facebook, where anyone can find her just by entering her name in the search. Interesting, no?

Guest's picture


Saturday, January 28, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

Where does the concept of

Where does the concept of personal privacy intersect with the idea of larger issues of social benefit, especially when there is a conflict between the two? One example of this is the use of surveillance cameras for public safety conflicting with the individual's anonymity.
However, this show brought up another interesting case. In the discussion of smart meters as an invasion of personal privacy, another side of this issue is the intent to optimize and reduce utility usage. And there is certainly a valid argument to be made that this is an issue of larger social need in terms of climate issues and energy independence. Individuals' energy usage habits impact everyone, so where does someone's right to privacy collide with another's right to live in a healthy environment?
In an example like this, is the real issue an insistence that an individual's right to privacy outweighs all of our rights to a decent environment? Or does this come back to fear of what might be done with the collected data outside of the context in which it is collected? And does that imply that the issue is not really an issue of privacy but rather of responsible use of private data?

Guest's picture


Saturday, January 28, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

One thing that was brushed

Hasn't anyone noticed that virtually all corporations use "agreements" that the consumer MUST sign, to get any services or products. Thus, for example, proposing that google can't share its private information collected about you, without your agreement or consent, is a useless right these days! Have you read through the often-tedious, lengthy, & totally self-serving "agreements" corporations from banks to on-line services REQUIRE you to sign before you'll have access to ANYTHING. Have you ever tried to amend the contract or strike the term allowing them to do anything they want with the information they collect on you? Not likely!

Guest's picture


Sunday, January 29, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

I think that searching in the

I think that searching in the constitution for a "right to privacy" is an example of the type of trap feared by some who opposed the Bill of Rights. The philosophical underpinning of the Constitution is the Social Contract: Rights are "endowed by the creator", not granted by the Constitution. The question should not be "where in the Constitution is there granted a Right of Privacy" but rather "where in the Constitution is there evidence that I gave up my Right of Privacy".
Deriving a power to "have a camera on every corner" from a power to "have a policeman on every corner" misses a key point. A human policeman will be forced by his/her own limitations to concentrate on being on the lookout for suspicious activities. The camera "captures all" and the record can be subsequently edited to take incidents out of context creating the appearance of suspicion where none existed. When governments or corporations have unlimited access to easily edited unlimited information we are no longer "secure". If this were not the case the phrase "witch hunt" would not have entered the vernacular.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, January 30, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

Van Pelt has pronounced

范佩尔宣布隐私已死。我认为他的评估并不大错特错。OUAT,社会安全号码是公民和政府之间的某种契约。现在,拒绝披露自己的SSN就等于说,一个人并不是真的想要福利、特权,是的,甚至是大多数美国人的梦想:有收入的工作。ssn最初并不是一种普遍的身份识别——它们是一种有限的、多产的、存在的门户。现在,它们成了各种海盗的工具。“人类设计的一切事物往往会在混乱中结束”——我想有人说过;如果没有,我就这么做了。跟热力学第二定律有关。隐私和安全在今天是矛盾的。 And will be tomorrow. And so on---and so on.

Fred Griswold's picture

Fred Griswold

Monday, January 30, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

Regarding whether there could


Guest's picture


Tuesday, January 31, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

Privacy on a tiny planet with

Privacy on a tiny planet with 7 billion people,
Hey, I got it, technology!

Guest's picture


Wednesday, February 1, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

Dear Fred:

Dear Fred:
我无意冒犯,但是——除非有人(以某种方式)看着你,或者你在炫耀,否则谁会知道你在做一个手提箱核弹呢?隐私,如果它曾经存在过的话,是最基本的。不是相对的。不是偶然的。在任何基本意义上,猴子都不关心隐私。他们是否在意人类的干涉,如果是真的,似乎是我们的错而不是他们的错。使用工具需要时间——很多时间。我们现在知道,某些灵长类动物和鸟类已经尝试过,并且成功了。范佩尔、诺伊曼和其他人已经发现,隐私现在已经无关紧要了。但是,如果你还没有注意到,我们已经,不管你愿不愿意,同意我们的隐私被删除了。 There are several combinatory influences, which are inextricable. Popular culture, which we worship. Information Technology, which we cannot live without (Intel; Microsoft; Apple and others have ensured this...), and our insatiable desire for "quick and easy"---re-inforced by the first two categories mentioned.
There is a lot of real money being stolen by our twenty-first century economy. And most of those losing the cash don't even get the fact that they are being fleeced. Keeping up appearances, and all...

Guest's picture


Wednesday, February 1, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

I just listened to this show

I just listened to this show and one point that was not brought up is the fact of personal choice to divulge privacy. As an avid user of the internet, and prior to its rise, electronic bulletin board systems, i have a long standing experience with online personal information sharing. Currently, i am a user of several nline services but am choosing to pull myself away from many of these services.
In my opinion, people need to take responsibility for their own choice to allow personal infomation to be shared online. Suring this show, there was a comment about how we can protect our privacy with online diaries. The fact is that you cannot. Period. If you want a private diary, you can choose to use a pencil and paper. They both still exist. Typewriters are another option as is a computer not attached to any network.
Further, if i dont want my 537 friends on facebook to know anything about me, i should delete my account. There is no law that forces us to use online services such as facebook, or web-vased email services. If you want good email privacy, use a pop-based email client with a PGP interface,
我的意思是,我们仍然可以在法律允许的范围内选择自己的隐私水平。我选择住在没有电网的房子里,用柴火取暖。我没有固定电话,使用谷歌电话号码作为各种预付费手机的接口。我自己没有网络连接。我不带带gps的手机。I drive an 84 VW withh nop lojack system, etc.
Managing our privacy can be our own responsibility to a large degree.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, February 4, 2012 -- 4:00 PM

So there it is: Managing our

So there it is: Managing our privacy CAN be our own responsibility, TO A LARGE DEGREE. (emphasis mine, obviously...) This historionistic notion I have been reading about begins to make more and more sense. As I have gleaned bits and pieces of it, the central premise seems to be that we, collectively in the largest sense, have painted ourselves into the cultural corners we now inhabit. And we expect, somehow, that studies in cultural diversity and sensitivity training will somehow make us all sing kum by yah and become true brethern and cistern together. After working in a microcosmic fraction of the world for nearly thirty years, I realized there would be no kum by yah moment. Three years+ into retirement, I see no contradiction of my initial realization.
I used to drive an 83 BMW, which no one but me wanted. I now drive something else---well, we'll see.

mirugai's picture


Monday, February 6, 2012 -- 4:00 PM


Privacy is only of interest to the philosopher in a taxonomic way: of what does privacy consist, how are private acts and thoughts classified, is all thought by definition private, and how to distinguish between the private and the public.
Philosophers work in private. Privacy is their physical and mental domain. Sure, there are forums and blogs and one radio show, but ideas are formed, and positions are taken in solitude, most often a result of a one-person ?dialogue.?
Doing philosophy is sitting and thinking and having internal dialogues. This is private behavior; it is hermetic behavior; if it doesn?t give you joy, you can?t be a philosopher.

DennisCMyers's picture


Wednesday, March 4, 2015 -- 4:00 PM

Mr. Stinson writes, "The

Mr. Stinson writes, "The philosophical underpinning of the Constitution is the Social Contract: Rights are 'endowed by the creator', not granted by the Constitution." No. The phrase "endowed by the creator" does not appear in the Constitution. It's from the Declaration. The founders carefully avoided reference to divinity in the Constitution. What underpins the Constitution is not supernatural endowment but the consent of the governed.