The Urbanist Delusion
Serena Wong

02 February 2018

Since Amazon announced the search for its new urban headquarters, cities across the US have jumped at the opportunity, offering everything from tax breaks to municipal planning powers. In a bid to display their uniqueness, cities across the country have all touted the same set of assets—rich culture, beautiful parks, elite institutions of higher education, restaurants, and other identical hallmarks of urbanity.

Inthis polemical critque萨瓦尔(Nikil Saval)认为,亚马逊现在已经让“城市主义的意识形态”破产了。那么这种意识形态是什么呢?是什么真正吸引人们住在城市里?亚马逊(Amazon)寻找新的城市总部的举动,又如何揭示了“城市学家的错觉”?

Nikil Saval addresses these questions in his article onn+1:


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, February 5, 2018 -- 10:20 AM

I did not realize living in

我没有意识到生活在一个环境中,比如城市环境;或者生活在另一个地方,比如说,农村地区,与意识形态这样的基本的东西有关(基本可能不是最好的描述,但我想不出一个更好的词)。选择其中一种而不是另一种的人通常会有基于效用的偏好;经济学;“舒适区”;和/或其他或多或少实际的考虑。“Par example”(法语:例如):我和我的妻子都喜欢乡村,但从获得专业医疗保健的角度来看,这是不切实际的。我们变老了,事情趋于崩溃——包括我们自己。仅就我们自己而言,乡村生活vs.城市生活在任何方式、形态或形式都不是一种意识形态。对于那些这样认为的人,我要对他们说,太棒了! To anyone who feels bankrupted by Amazon: my sympathies.

Laura Maguire's picture

Laura Maguire

Monday, February 5, 2018 -- 10:39 AM

Harold, are you familiar with

Harold, are you familiar with Jonathan Haidt's book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion? He talks about the rural-urban ideological divide there. You might find it interesting. He was also a guest on the show a few years ago://

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, February 5, 2018 -- 10:53 AM

Thanks, Laura! I'll check it

Thanks, Laura! I'll check it out. HGN.