Automation and the Future of Work

23 September 2017


Ever since the invention of the wheel, we humans have been coming up with all sorts of new technologies to reduce or even eliminate certain types of labor. In many ways, this has been a boon for humanity. Apart from saving us time and effort, these inventions have grown our economies, and have increased the standard of living worldwide. Now, we can spend our time on more important things and let technology do the mindless drudgery for us.

But we’ve entered into a new phase of technology and it’s not all good. Whereas the technology that came before was mainly a way to reduce hardphysicallabor, since the invention of the computer, more and more technology is replacingmentallabor. Of course, there are still benefits to that. Instead of, say, having to figure out my taxes myself, I can just use some nifty software that does all the work for me. And it does it with much greater speed and accuracy.

But if we think about the bigger picture, if we think about the ultimate direction all this new technology is leading us to, then we have cause to worry. Increasing automation means more and more jobs are being lost because robots are more efficient and cheaper than human labor. Take drivers or cashiers—there are over 6 million people in the US currently working in those jobs, but now we haveself-driving cars and trucks, and self-checkout machines, and soon there will be no humans employed in those kinds of jobs. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Of course, this is always what happens when new technology is introduced. Some jobs get replaced, but new jobs are introduced, jobs that no one would have imagined before, like software engineers. What is different now, though, is that jobs like that are also being replaced because computers are becoming increasingly better at various kinds of mental labor. So, it’s not just blue collar workers who will be affected. It’s lawyers, programmers, doctors, and—who knows?—maybe one day even philosophers too. The bots are coming for us all!

Is this an inevitability? No, it depends on who owns the bots. If the public owns them, then maybe we can choose when and where to use them. But if it’s the capitalists, the 1%, they’ll be happy to drive us all out of work if it means greater profit margins for them.

But even if the bots do take over most jobs, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. I mean, who doesn’t want more leisure time and less drudgery? Leisure time is definitely great—when all your basic needs are met. But it’s no fun to lose your income when you’re already living paycheck to paycheck.

So, for a world without work to be something positive for humanity, we would have to have universal basic income (UBI). And with all the money we would save with these superfast, efficient robots, surely we would be able to afford that?Finland is currently experimenting with UBI, thoughit's not exactly "universal". And the fact that Finland is doing this does not give me hope that the US will implement UBI anytime soon. We can’t even guarantee universal basic healthcare here.

It will be interesting to see what happens in countries that do introduce UBI. How will it affect the people on it? Some worry that without work, people would lose their sense of purpose in life, not to mention their connection to their communities. But do we really need some lousy job to give our lives meaning? Jobs that truly provide meaning and purpose are few and far between. How many people would keep doing their current job if money was not an issue? I would guess very few. Most people would much rather have more free time. Not having—or needing— a job would provide opportunities to pursue other things, like painting, playing music, writing, gardening, or just spending more time with friends and family. We would naturally find activities that give us structure, purpose, and connection.

On the other hand, in a world without work, maybe there would be more people going quietly mad with nothing to fill their time than there would be people pursuing meaningful activities. Hey, I might even be one of those people who just sits around smoking pot and watching TV all day if I didn’t have a job. But I would get bored with that fairly quickly. I would need to find ways to spend my time more productively and, I imagine, most people are like that. Slacking off is fine for a while, especially when it’s in contrast to a hectic, stress-filled life, but it’s not interesting if there’s no end in sight to it.

So, what do you think? Does the possibility of a world without work fill you with dread or yearning? What do you imagine it will be like, once the robots come for us all?

Comments(11)'s picture

Sunday, September 24, 2017 -- 10:11 AM

Please don't confuse jobs

Please don't confuse jobs (work for pay) with work. If you don't see the stark difference, you can ask almost any woman on the planet!

suetalksalot's picture


Sunday, September 24, 2017 -- 10:48 AM

As a young retired person (

As a young retired person ( reluctantly with a medical problem), I see both sides of the work issue. Work is imperative to young people for growth. Its that simple. Everyone needs to work when they are young.
机器人将会取代很多人类的工作,但是人类总是需要做看护。如果能有一个“帮手”来做一些简单的事情,比如倒垃圾、开车去约会、买杂货,那就太好了。这些看护人需要维持生活的工资。This is where government can step in with basic wage help for non workers and more for
working caretakers.

mirugai's picture


Sunday, September 24, 2017 -- 9:49 PM

As Zizek always points out,

正如齐泽克经常指出的那样,“他们”总是让你相信任何命题中只有两个极端的对立面,但实际上,这是对我们“人性”最坏一面的巧妙诉求,目的是让我们忽略“他们”不希望我们考虑的真正解决方案。事实是,机器人和其他所有替代劳动力和就业的技术都极大地提高了生产率(正如经济学家所定义的那样),甚至提高了社会的收入。美国是一个非常非常富有的国家。解决人们没有工作的问题的办法是更好地分配国家的财富。一个有保障的国民收入将是一个解决方案(不要再担心“人们不会有来自工作的高贵和自尊”。我总是很惊讶地发现,很大一部分美国人都是非常优秀的艺术家,或者真的能把某种乐器演奏得很好,或者对某些学术课题非常了解,或者能自己修理汽车或船……)我不允许任何人的年收入超过100万美元(看在上帝的份上,这已经够多了),我还要求公司将利润以100万美元的上限向下传递给每个体育明星。如果你给每个体育明星的年薪上限从20万美元到100万美元,所代表的技能不会减少;所有的玩家都在玩。当然,将会有全民医疗保健(全民医疗保险,保险公司可以选择覆盖高端治疗),以及所有州立大学的免费教育。一切都是由税收资助的,而不是雇主。 Anyone making $70,000 or less pays no taxes at all. After that its 30%. Of course this cannot be brought about by using the "American" style of democracy: but as Naomi Klein has predicted, capitalism will disappear when confronted by what is happening to the earth; and the social systems set up to mindlessly exploit the earth will crumble. WWIII which is all about this will intensify by the declining livability and habitability problems, combined with the ever more devastating armament in the hands of those pushed too far. So, it isn't a debate between "work is a human right" and "more profits raise all boats." Because there is no one in power who wants to really address, and solve, the income inequality problem.

Lister's picture


Monday, September 25, 2017 -- 4:18 PM

I’m confident we can all


What we always seem to forget is the meaning of exponential growth. When you connect brains together like we have with the internet, then integrate artificial intelligence, then use the connection, human brains, and computers to improve the entire system you get exponential growth. By no means am I saying the exponentiality is perfect, but it’s real, and it’s fast!

Everything we’ve achieved thus far has been done within the confines of our tiny individual brains. Soon, with CRISPR and melding with technology we’ll be able to fundamentally redefine who we are.


Think of how Ants life their lives as compared to Humans. That’s the sort of comparison you should draw between humans today and humans 50 years from now. While automation is causing us pain now we don’t like to drastically change economic systems quickly or without significantly more pain. If you speak with WW2 veterans, they will say we are not in enough pain currently to change. With continued improvements to our standards of living arguable out pacing the hurt from automation, it is unlikely we will have the motivation to change the current economic model any time soon.


Grailgrasp's picture


Tuesday, September 26, 2017 -- 12:44 PM

Do individuals have the

个人是否可以选择成为技术上有能力、无能或多余的3个社会阶层,JK Galbreath预测?如果是,那么人类的工作将会继续。如果选择被政治控制所取代,那么工作的历史就结束了,休闲社会也就结束了。

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, August 31, 2018 -- 12:20 PM

I cannot say that I am either


Most of them will have to work. Some, however, may not. I wonder if THEY will be bored. Or restless..., or, if boredom and restlessness will be obsolete? We can make it so. Brother writes some damned fine poetry.

Christopher Hall's picture

Christopher Hall

Sunday, September 2, 2018 -- 2:49 PM

Who controls the livestock,


I am no Pollyanna, in the strict term the folks at IBM imagined it, so I cannot see any alternative than we the people going from the working livestock to pets, and when our numbers are to great to feed and clean up after, we will be sent to the shelter like all unwanted pets.

If we can look to the past, say for instance when the folks cooped up on the British Isles coined the term "Surplus Population" some 400 years ago, then we can be sure of the fact when the time comes around again for that term to become commonplace, the circumstances will be worse by orders of magnitude.

The moment someone doubts that what was done in the past can't be done in the future, run. When they capitulate and agree it could happen again, but could not be worse, run faster.

hrsweet3's picture


Monday, September 3, 2018 -- 1:03 PM

In the last century there

In the last century there were numerous predictions that the work week would be reduced because of automation and that would free up people to expand themselves through art, education and the like. At the moment what we see, instead, is a lot of people working multiple jobs at minimum wage.


这将留下“呆伯特”类型的人。但我们的技术的发展、维护和运行仍然需要它们。他们的薪水会很高。's picture


Sunday, February 9, 2020 -- 12:11 PM

There are many jobs that need

For myself, my own writing has been a free-time enterprise that I continue to find satisfying, but it was my paying job as a college teacher that has given me the most pleasure and satisfaction - as well as some displeasure and dissatisfaction - over the course of a lifetime. Finding the meanings and pleasures of literary works from Shakespeare to Toni Morrison, and conveying these to classes of students, has been my life's work. This pleasure has been wrapped up with the pleasures of human interaction with colleagues, and with students outside of class, including former students who contact me occasionally for friendly interactions. Teaching could, I think, occupy a good deal of the manpower freed up by the mechanization of labor, but I think there is work to be done in every field that will be hard to mechanize, and that will provide satisfaction to those called to the work.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 -- 11:31 AM

So, I'll ask again: what is
