Postmodernism: The Decline of Truth

15 July 2019

Did postmodernism have any part to play in the rise of the post-truth era? At first glance that seems very hard to believe. When we see Kellyanne Conway talking about “alternative facts” or Rudy Giuliani saying “truth isn’t truth,我们不会立即认为他们一直在忙着阅读雅克·德里达和理查德·罗蒂的作品。不过,这个问题可能没那么简单。

For one thing, there are a few documented cases of right-wingers explicitly drawing on postmodernist theory. TakeVladislav Surkov, Kremlin ideologist. Or Phillip Johnson, one of the originators of the “intelligent design” idea. (‘‘I told them I was a postmodernist and deconstructionist just like them,”said Johnson, "but aiming at a slightly different target.’’) Or Mike Cernovich, an alt-right conspiracy theorist, who actuallysaid the following: “I read postmodernist theory in college. If everything is a narrative, then we need alternatives to the dominant narrative. I don’t seem like a guy who reads Lacan, do I?”

And even when it comes to folks like Kellyanne Conway or Rudy Giuliani—people who almost certainly did not read anyLyotard—there is perhaps a case to be made for postmodernism having an effect, by creating an environment conducive to their flourishing. Kurt Andersen points out that postmodern ideas didn’t stay locked in the ivory tower but gradually circulated in the wider culture, convincing more and more people that each person has his or her own “truth,” and that it’s impolite (if not downright hegemonic) to say that someone is wrong. The result,according to Andersen?“一旦知识分子的主流彻底接受了许多同样有效的事实和真相,一旦大门和守门的想法不仅在校园,而且在整个文化中都被质疑,所有美国野蛮人的主张都可以得到认真对待。”因此,“后现代知识分子……变成了对美国右翼有用的白痴。”

换句话说,安徒生的观点是,后现代主义帮助创造了一个环境,在这个环境中,康威和朱利安尼夫妇受到的抵制更少,就像一个免疫系统受到抑制的身体。一两个哲学家似乎同意这种评价。Daniel Dennett saysthe postmodernists “are responsible for the intellectual fad that made it respectable to be cynical about truth and facts”;Timothy Williamson says在美国,“那些认为将信仰分为真假在某种程度上是不宽容的人应该意识到,他们为特朗普这样的人提供了一种烟雾弹,让他们更容易接受。”There could well be something to this, even if Donald Trump isn’t staying up all night poring overThe Postmodern Condition.

当然,后真相时代还有许多其他原因,其中许多可能更重要:公平原则的废除、24小时新闻的兴起、互联网、社交媒体……但如果后现代主义也以自己温和的方式做出了贡献呢?这难道不应该成为我们重新思考它是多么伟大的一个想法,对进步政治的贡献是多么重要的一个理由吗?理查德·罗蒂(Richard Rorty)曾经写道:“没有‘事实’这个概念,我们会过得更好”,“科学是‘真相’的来源(注意那些吓人的引号!)”是笛卡尔的概念之一,它将在“他所呼吁的时代”消失。我们现在就生活在那样的未来,它不是乌托邦;这是一个hellmouth。在我看来,我们目前所处的这个反乌托邦,应该让后现代理论的拥趸们三思而后行。他们希望有一个超越真理的世界,这是错误的。

At this point, defenders of postmodernism would probably make a couple of familiar responses. For one thing, they’d probably say that postmodernists werediagnosing the decline of truth, not asserting it, let alone calling for it. Well, that may be true of Baudrillard, but it’s surely not true of Derrida, who famously claimed that words never transmit ideas but just defer meaning endlessly. And it’s also not true of Richard Rorty, who said that “there is no sense in which any [scientific] descriptio[n] is an accurate representation of the way the world is.” (As Bruno Latour pointed out在美国,这种态度会让气候否定者非常高兴。)罗蒂宣称:“词汇……并不是‘更客观’或‘更不客观’”,“任何词汇对对象的描述都不比其他词汇‘更客观’”。换句话说,科学并不比山达基教更客观;天文学并不比占星术更客观。当谈到“寻求真理的哲学教授,他们不只是一个故事或共识,而是诚实地、质朴地、准确地呈现世界的方式”时,罗蒂认为称他们为“老式的伪君子”很有趣。他还告诉我们,阅读一本书的人不应该试图正确地理解它——这是不存在的——而只是“把文本塑造成符合他自己目的的形状”。

And it’s not just what these thinkerssaid; it’s what theydid. Actions speak even louder than words, and postmodernists had a way of revealing just how committed they were to truthfulness. When caught in a bind over an article, Derrida insisted loudly on his rights as an author, forgetting everything he’d said about the evils of the copyright system ("I shall therefore not claim a copyright because this entire matter of the police must be reconsidered”). Similarly, when I once asked Rorty why he kept attributing a view to Nietzsche that Nietzsche didn’t really have, he said “it just makes him into a more interesting and innovative philosopher.” And the journalSocial Texteagerly publishedan article它指出,在其他故意的严重错误中,PI是一个变量。总而言之,我们很难严肃地接受后现代主义者最终是由对真理的强烈热爱所驱动的说法。今天后现代主义的捍卫者正试图用这种方式改写历史——假装德里达及其同伴从未说过他们说过的话——这一事实或许再次证实了我们中的一些人的怀疑,即他们对诚实的承诺并不完全是最重要的。

The best argument for postmodernism, it seems to me, is that it sought to undermine the hegemony, in the intellectual world, of the white, male, heterosexual, Western standpoint. It revealed that purported claims to universality were often just a smokescreen for dangerously Eurocentric and hegemonic attitudes, and thus opened up a space for other ways of thinking to assert themselves and be taken seriously. This is an extremely noble aim, and the changes that have happened over the past decades have been vital and excellent. It’s just not clear to me that we needed postmodernism in order to achieve this. As Anthony Appiah once put it, “their complaint is not with universalism at all. What they truly object to—and who would not?—is Eurocentric hegemonyposingas universalism.” It wasn’t necessary to attack the very notion of universals, in other words, or the very notion of truth. When faced with lies posing as truths, we should just call them what they are, rather than claiming that there’s no such thing as objective truth. Here Du Bois and Beauvoir (among others) can be our models; we do not need the postmodernists.

Did postmodernism contribute to post-truth? We’ll never know for sure. All we can be certain of is that insisting there’s no truth, that claims of objectivity are always driven by interests of power, and that science is no more objective than Scientology is simply not going to help. We need to get the gatekeepers back at their gates. It’s up to all of us.

Photo byMicheile HendersononUnsplash


jlsheehan13's picture


Thursday, July 18, 2019 -- 5:47 AM

Blaming postmodernism for

Blaming postmodernism for "post-truth" is like blaming Nietzche for National Socialism. The ideas of intellectuals when misunderstood can influence any number of lamentable events, but it is those misunderstandings, not those ideas, which are to blame. When post-modernists "attack" objective truth, they are not seeking to undermine knowledge, they are rather noting that all knowledge has to be understood using concepts from each person's single perspective. This opens up an enormous field of study, where philosophers can seek to develop new perspectives. What analytic philosophers are seldom able to fathom is that claiming that all truth is subjective is not a value claim. Nor does subjectivity eliminate the possibility for agreement or discussion. I think it was incredibly important that postmodernists "attacked" objective truth because it opens up an entirely new realm of study. To think that alt-righters and post-truthers have any clear understanding of the concepts of objectivity and subjectivity gives them a lot of credit. And to blame postmodernists for the misinterpretations of idiots opens up lots of philosophers and thinkers to the same kind of uncharitable scrutiny. Nietzche and Hegel for the rise of the Third Reich? Preposterous. Their ideas were warped by people who were already post-truth. Postmodernists are seldom explicitly mentioned by the alt-right. Why would they be? On the whole, they were left-wing, free-sexual, intellectuals-- everything the alt-right despises. But just because they questioned the notion of our understanding of objective truth, they are responsible for the behavior of post-truthers? Preposterous again. Politicians have been openly lying to the public since before Machiavelli.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, January 2, 2022 -- 1:30 PM

Josh asks "Did postmodernism

Josh asks "Did postmodernism have any part to play...". That is not a very high bar, and he gives examples to show that it did. If we discount those examples, I'm not sure we are in a better place.




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juliaaugusta's picture


Sunday, February 27, 2022 -- 12:44 PM

fascinating episode! stirring

fascinating episode! stirring up all the old 1980s UCSC studies and theses on foucault and feminism and dominant discourses and the deconstruction of course of Enlightenment's One (male, white, christian) Truth (obviously! apparent in the existence and acknowledgement of many and different 'truths' / 'plurealities' and different discourses of women, other cultures and people of color, etc etc . . . all very exciting for this young undergrad at the time and tbh i think i would still stand by most of it . . . ?! i'm not so immersed in academic worlds since then in the past 30 years, so i was very surprised recently to read about Donna Haraway (who was and still is very esteemed UCSC faculty member) explaining or at least claiming some responsibility for our "post truth" "truthiness" "fake news states of mess and affairs in this guardian article from 2019. would love to hear your thoughts on this and on her work as it seems directly related to your very lively discussion and she's been at this for ages, certainly since i was there over 30 years ago. . . . thanks !

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, March 4, 2022 -- 6:44 AM

I have remarked on truth

I have remarked on truth elsewhere on this blog, including Prof. Perry's post on levels-of-reality from a dozen years ago.
Also posited a notion about contextual reality, which piggy-backs on something once called situational ethics. Anyway, I'll share an anecdote from an earlier association with an administrative law judge. We worked together, years ago. I would visit his office to discuss cases he was to hear. Our exchange banter would sometimes begin with my inquiry: what is the law? He would reply: whatever the hell I say it is! The point being, it all depended upon a standard of proof- the preponderance of the evidence. He was to decide who won and who lost, depending on this "feather's weight".

His decisions were appealable to a federal government office of administrative law judges.. Which meant that his word on 'truth' was not the final word. Or, the law was not necessarily whatever the hell he said. That said, I do not recall any decision of his ever being reversed. So, truth is what it is, on a good day. My friend had a lot of those. Until he was discharged for refusing to have his job description changed, so that his employer could assign duties he did not wish to assume. Is truth always truth? It depends.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, March 4, 2022 -- 7:00 PM

所以。Now that I have given an

所以。现在我已经用一个实际的例子说明了“真理”,……是不是太简单了?我不这么认为..你举的例子,突出了爱因斯坦关于简单的告诫,是足够真实的。然而,真理远不止是数学和物理,它使这位伟人有了他的发现。在这个词的最广泛的意义上,真理取决于环境;内容;上下文;应急。在另一种意义上,它是脆弱的。真相是我们在前进的路上编造出来的。 If it be considered that it is all right to manipulate truth to our own ends, that is not my call.. I cannot fix it
Nor can anyone else. Seems to me...

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