
20 April 2017


Let’s start with the word. In the relevant sense, “phenomenon” means something observed, for which one wants to know the unobserved cause or explanation.

For example, glaciers are an interesting phenomenon. But where did they come from? The phenomenological move is to say, “Let’s study the phenomenon itself first, and leave the explanation aside, at least for the time being. But of course Husserl wasn’t interested in glaciers. He was interested inexperience.

Philosophers like Descartes taught us that we are directly aware of our own experiences, but then immediately asked for the explanation for the phenomenon of experience… what our experiences can teach us about the external world. Husserl made the phenomenological move with respect to experience. He said, wait, for starters, let’s study the experiences themselves. He said, “Let’s put aside the issue of where they come from and what they provide evidence for.” In his terminology, let’sbracket所有这些问题。然后他就这样做了,写出了成千上万页。其中我读到的比例很小。他做了很多有趣的区分和主张。但这是非常困难的事情。

It seems phenomenology ought to be of interest to cognitive science, since cognitive science studies the mind, and experience is a big part of the mind. The phenomonologist most cited in cognitive science is probably not Husserl, but a fellow named Merleau-Ponty.

As I understand it, Merleau-Ponty thought that to understand experience—livedexperience—we shouldn’t bracket everything. We shouldn’t bracket action and the body. As we experience experiences in our lives, one might say, they can’t be understood completely on their own, but need to be seen as part of intelligent action.



Ruth shill's picture

Ruth shill

Monday, April 24, 2017 -- 12:57 PM

Very confused. Want to listen

Very confused. Want to listen to phenomenology episode. But cannot fathom how to listen 'not live'. What am I doing wrong??

Laura Maguire's picture

Laura Maguire

Monday, April 24, 2017 -- 2:00 PM

Hi Ruth,

Hi Ruth,

这一集将于本周在我们的各个附属电台播出,并将于本周末在我们的网站上播出。如果你想在那之前收听,而你当地的广播电台没有播放我们的节目,那么你可以在周二中午(PDT)在我们的家庭电台KALW 91.7FM收听节目的重播。Here's the link for that:



Carl Hosticka's picture

Carl Hosticka

Sunday, May 14, 2017 -- 8:58 PM

The ideas expressed on this

The ideas expressed on this show are parallel to ancient Tibetan Buddhist thought.

See "Studying Mind from the Inside" from The Universe in a Singe Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Doubleday Broadway Publishing House 2015

corsmith's picture


Friday, September 15, 2017 -- 3:23 AM

Your point of view on this

Your point of view on this topic is very interesting. And I think you're right. I used to read works of different philosophers and I can surely say that some of them belong to phenomenologists.Their manner of thinking is different from the others, for example like this one It's important to distinguish them because they rely to different spheres.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, March 17, 2022 -- 1:45 PM

Did not know much of Husserl,

Did not know much of Husserl, until recently.. His natural attitude sounds a bit like the physical stance postulate of a more modern thinker. Finding interesting stuff on some other blogs. Am sure my comments will ruffle more feathers. Never stopped me before...

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