White Privilege and Racial Injustice

13 February 2016

This week, we're thinking about White Privilege and Racial Injustice. Everybody knows that the US has a long and sorry history when it comes to racial injustice. It also has a long history of privileging the needs, concerns and narratives of white people over those of people of color. But how exactly are white privilege and racial injustice related? That’s our question for this week.


This being philosophy, of course, things are never as simple and straightforward as they seem. Even if there is, in fact, rampant mistreatment of blacks, that does not in and of itself prove the existence of so-called white privilege. To see this, we need to start from the beginning and get clearer about what exactly we mean by white privilege. Perhaps a good starting definition is that there is white privilege wherever whites enjoy unearned advantages relative to others. Think not just of the criminal justice system, but of spheres like education, housing, and employment, to name just a few.

Now if you view white privilege in something like this way, you might be inclined to think that the fact that whites are much more likely to be treated by cops with respect than people of color is a sign of unearned white privilege. After all, they really did nothing to “deserve” the advantage of being treated with respect by the police, except be born white in a racist society. Ergo, you might think, the fact that they are so treated is a sign of white privilege.

But there’s a problem with this way of thinking. Although not everybody is in fact treated with respect by the cops, everybody surely deserves to be – whether they are black, white, or brown. That is, we all have the right to be treated with respect. And for none of us does that right have to be earned. We’re get it automatically just in virtue of being born. The problem with our earlier way of thinking, then, is that it misconstrues what are really matters of rights in terms of privilege.


到目前为止,我们还没有找到一个白人特权的好例子。在白人至上的时代,尤其是在奴隶制或吉姆·克劳(Jim Crow)种族隔离时期,这样做要简单得多。然后,仅仅是白人就给了白人一种特权,这种特权是每个白人都能享受的,而不是黑人——只有白人而不是黑人的特权。这是白人中最不擅长的,甚至是黑人中最擅长的。从那时起,我们已经走了很长一段路。事实上,我们已经取得了长足的进步,一些人认为,白人特权是遥远种族主义过去的一个不合时宜的遗迹。

But it’s not so simple. Even if explicit, legalized discrimination is a thing of the past, a strong case can be made that far too many of our racial interactions are governed by implicit bias. That’s where people unconsciously judge minorities or women more harshly than white men, even though they may consciously endorse and even live out anti-racist, anti-sexist points of view. Implicit bias leads directly to white privilege. Take those experiments where exactly the same paper is submitted to exactly the same journal, once under a black sounding name—Jamal, say -- once under a white sounding name—John, say. Pretty reliably, John’s paper will be evaluated more favorably than the Jamal’s paper, even though they are otherwise exactly the same. And many people think that implicit bias is a major source of white privilege.


The moral isn’t that there is no such thing as white privilege. I think there surely is such a thing. But it’s just not as cut and dried to establish what such privilege consist in as you might think. Even the case of implicit bias raises issues a lot like our cop case. Everybody deserves to have their work evaluated fairly and by the same objective standards. If Jamal’s work isn’t but John’s work is, that shows that Jamal was discriminated against and discrimination surely should be eliminated. But it doesn’t automatically show that John enjoys some white privilege.

本周的嘉宾娜奥米·扎克(Naomi Zack)认为,尽管有白人特权这回事,但白人特权的话语往往——尽管并非总是——在思考如何对抗种族不平等时分散了人们的注意力。大多数时候,我们会进一步讨论权利。我不确定我能走得像她似乎愿意走的那样远,把重点从消除白人特权转移到保障少数族裔权利,但我发现她的想法很有吸引力。听一听,看看你是否也喜欢。


Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Sunday, February 14, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

The final paragraph is a bit

The final paragraph is a bit cryptic. The answer, of course, is that everyone should be privileged. But if that last remark refers to a call for "restitution", this sort of thing fuels the flames, creating more division and confirming the suspicion that minorities just want to mooch off whites. The reverse might be the case, and difficulty in explaining this to whites should be telling, but it is hard to see how a privilege (private legal right) can be institutionally enforced or redressed. We cannot entirely rid judgments about what we each deserve of subjectivity because such decisions are almost always made in private. More public accounting would be helpful, a bit of ventilation often clears foul air. It might be better to just make government responsible for some modestly decent lifestyle for everyone, rather than creating programs that single out groups. "Special treatment" is what opponents will call it. But this will still not address the issue of earned opportunities denied. Keep in mind, this denial is done in private, often tracelessly. And it is arguable, evident to some, that it is done explicitly to restrict opportunities within a loose grouping. But the plain fact is, where private decisions lead to socially toxic outcomes the public sector must intervene. Not by heavy handed intrusion in private institutions, but by providing opportunities in the public sphere that tend to restore a balanced potential to all. What we do with our lives is our business, but if there is no fear of destitution and a reliable expectation of seeing a reasonable rate of earnings for our efforts, then violence will subside. But as long as we have a culture that relies on cheating working people of their earning power racism will serve as a smokescreen for the real target that earning power is. In 1628, I think it was, a colonial leader near Boston tried to get rich by selling some of his followers into slavery in Virginia. They were white. This at a time when slavery was on the wane in England. Ten years later preachers spoke of a contrast between a "covenant of work" and a "covenant of grace". At the time of the American revolution a preacher in England (Jeremiah Burroughs) divided the world between "saints and worldlings". The theme that some of us bear the stamp of the divine and others of the "worldly" or profane runs deep in our culture, even in black culture. Racism is a most atrocious part of this theme that some are more deserving than others, but it is not the whole story, and going at that monster piecemeal gives it ample avenues of eluding our efforts to kill it, and time to reemerge in another form.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, February 15, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

How about Cornell West for

How about Cornel West for Scalia's vacancy?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, February 15, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

I'll not go into all the

I'll not go into all the ramifications of the storied history of these United States of America. Yes, we have gotten a lot of it wrong and will, no doubt, continue to do so for the forseeable future. As a people, though, we are not much worse than most, and only little better than certain others in this world. Rights are commonly viewed as inherent in all free societies. Perhaps some would disagree, saying: if you want to have rights, you have got to fight for them. Maybe so. Most consider freedom a right and we know we have to fight for that. But, this is only because there are those who would deny freedom to anyone who they believe does not deserve it. And so, freedom is not an absolute. We have to earn it, one way or another. And, if we are unable or too pacifistic to do so, it, like the Tao, of which John spoke in a different blog posting, just disappears---goes away, evaporates. Privilege may be earned. Earning it is often difficult, requiring us to be or do things we may find insulting or downright repugnant. In one sense then, earning a privilege may also require us to fight for it. Privilege can be inherited, along with sufficient wealth to more-or-less ensure its longevity.Inheritance does not mean that the privilege is deserved. We inherit many things for which we are blatantly undeserving. But, some ancestor just could not (or would not) deny our right to the privilege of the inheritance he or she wished to leave us. It really is complicated, isn't it?
Privilege may be seized, violently or surreptitiously. Despots are especially adept at wresting privilege for themselves and ensuring that no one under their influence has a ghost of a chance. If there is no will, no where with all on the part of the oppressed, the oppressors always win. Look around, though. The oppressed in this country are not so dramatically oppressed as they used to be, Racially, we are an imperfect society. But privilege is not exclusively white nor is it any other color or national origin. I might think that some people whose heritage is Asian or Indian have been accorded undue privilege in attaining education and employment in the United States. If that were true, it would still be only what I think. And that would be my right and privilege, right or wrong. Yes, it is complicated. Cornel West is a lovable intellectual. Witty, outspoken and all-in-all, an iconic figure. But, his stature is of his choosing and would not necessarily qualify him as Supreme Court Justice. Call me crazy, but he would not mesh well with the likes of Clarence Thomas. Or Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. I doubt that the suggestion was all that serious. But everyone has the right to an opinion. Freedom of speech is a freedom. But, it too requires fighting the good fight.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Tuesday, February 16, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

I see no reason the members

Tell those working double the forty hour week, and paying more than half their gross wages on housing, they are less oppressed than in former times! If anything, feudal serfs had more autonomy than the working poor today. There really is a shocking lack of appreciation about just how bad life is in America for low wage earners.
这一点也不复杂,所有的谈判都是不对称的,而这种不对称就是熵。That is, unless governments exert a countervailing effect against it, it tends to increase until unsustainable without "oppression", that is, without the force of law to sustain it.

Rob Allen's picture

Rob Allen

Thursday, February 18, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

You guys missed something -

You guys missed something - when that caller used the phrase "private law", he was referring to the Latin roots of the word 'privilege' - privus ?private? + lex, leg- ?law.?

Guest's picture


Friday, February 19, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

Thanks Ken Taylor for

感谢Ken Taylor创造了这次哲学演讲。中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播我们知道您是创建这个大型哲学平台的最重要的人之一。我们感谢你。

Guest's picture


Sunday, February 21, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

Nice talk Mr. ken. But the

Nice talk Mr. ken. But the plain fact is, where private decisions lead to socially toxic outcomes the public sector must intervene. Not by heavy handed intrusion in private institutions, but by providing opportunities in the public sphere that tend to restore a balanced potential to all.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, February 22, 2016 -- 4:00 PM

Can I take that as a "like"?

Can I take that as a "like"?

ben.clark's picture


Thursday, September 13, 2018 -- 9:14 AM

Sorry for necroing this

很抱歉毁掉了这个帖子,但我很少读到这种关于白人特权的废话。显然,作者缺乏对美国白人特权是如何设计和定义的理解。我在这里引用作者的话:“到目前为止,我们还没有真正找到一个白人特权的好例子。”没有理由再读下去了。如果作者写道,“到目前为止,我还没有真正找到白人特权的一个很好的例子”,我可以用它。但这完全是主观臆断。人们只需要谷歌“白人特权在美国是如何定义的”就能找到无数客观的例子。显然,作者是不会在对他们发音为“很难找到”的东西做出贡献之前进行研究的。Anyway, should the author or any future visitors wish to clarify "what is white privilege" that they might recognize it rather than claim its invisibility, here are 26 objective examples:https://nationalseedproject.org/white-privilege-unpacking-the-invisible-....

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, October 5, 2018 -- 11:38 AM

Well. We are about to get a

Well. We are about to get a new Supreme Court justice. We are not yet 100% sure of this, but, it looks as though it will happen tomorrow, torpedoes be damned. He will be very white, and may be a sound jurist, for those of the same persuasion. I don't know what may happen next. Maybe nothing truly perilous, but maybe something more. Qualifications for the job appear to be somewhat flexible. Political background and ideology are key. As is the case with most any professional job in Washington, D.C. All of this is as transparent as plate glass and no one seems to question that. Why should they? It is how the game is played---the swamp is not there for draining; it is an ecosystem, unto itself. Sure, there is white privilege, alive and well in these United States. Everyone knows it and those who would change it had better think twice.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, June 11, 2020 -- 5:17 PM



I had a post last January about the relative impact of SARS CoV2 like that. I wonder if Harold would have taken umbrage at this.


dennis.kamalick@gmail.com's picture


Sunday, October 7, 2018 -- 12:56 PM

I know that the dictionary

I know that the dictionary defiition of privilege indicates a sense of entitlement, but I have long held that privilege is a distinction that is earned, and that elitism is what should be used instead of privilege in the context of race relations.

Being still somewhat new to Philsophy Talk, I think I sent this message as an email via the "contact" page, when I only wanted to make a comment here (I could not find this comment page for this particular broadcast). I copied the text of my comment, but then lost it. I admit it. I'm a klutz.

So I am trying to recall exactly what I said in my earlier message and transcribe it here, so be patient with me for a moment.

I should think that if one has the distinction of parking in the special parking space reserved for the employee of the month, that disctinction came because that individual parking there either showed up on time for work, was exceptionally cooperative and efficient every day that month, i.e. earned that distinction, or that individual feels that he or she IS the best employee in the workplace and deserves such a distinctive and convenient parking place by force of his or her own will, or he or she does not care at all about employment, or workplaces and merely feels meritorious of that parking place simply on the basis of immediate desire to obtain and make use of it.

The use of privilege in race relations stems, from my perspective, from the language of supremacy, a language and an intention that confuses gift with merit, possession with earning, that posits reward without effort.


But hold on. I suggest that privilege is earned by commensurate committed effort. A natural-born athlete does not have the privilege of being honored in a sports hall of fame, that is an expected honor of that individual's exceptional inbred talent and physical dexterity. The less talented and gifted athlete, on the other hand, would have earned the privilege of such an honor by means of his or her dedicated effort to reach, or even exceed, what was generally judged to be the highest achievable level of athletic excellence for that individual. In another sense, the fact that yet a third individual athlete's parent, obviously of a previous generation, was an excellent performer and accomplished great feats of skill on the field of play is not, and should not be, a factor in considering whether or not to bestow such an honor on the athlete of the present generation.

In the comment I emailed earlier I made mention of riding a city bus. If I present my magnetized card and pass it under the scanner, or sensor, I have the privilege of jumping the line, as it were, and going immediately to a seat or open standing place, while another rider may be fumbling about in his or her pocket, or purse, or wallet, or brief case, or back pack, for the appropriate amount of money required by the transit authority to ride this bus at this time. I earned the privilege of jumping the line because I bothered to pay for a month of rides ahead of time online. Now another rider may have a host of reasons for not using the online system, or he or she may just decide that it is easier to track daily expenses when paying for each ride as it occurs and would find it a greater inconvenience to remember to pay online every month.

But had I not paid in advance, and had no magnetic pass to gain access to ride the bus at that time, and did not present the amount of money that would afford a ride on the bus, but merely boarded the bus and took the first open seat I happened upon, perhaps even taking that seat from someone elderly or disabled, I would not be acting out of earned privilege, bur from a presumed elitist conviction that an object, or a situation becomes my possession by means of my desire alone. Perhaps I felt I could board the bus without paying because I believe I pay enough in taxes already and am owed this means of transportation from a grateful municipality, or because my parent owns the transportation company contracted by the city, or because I consider myself good looking, or for any number of motives completely unrelated to the transit authority's mission to provide transportation service to paying passengers only. In such an instance my ridership is not a privilege at all, but is the result of my presumption of my status as an elite member of society.

When honor or distinction is not earned, but is expected as a matter of course, that is not an earned privilege, that is rather the sense, either inherited or invented, of an elitist conviction of entitlement based entirely on presumption; a presumption that one is entitled to unique status, beyond any and all evidence asserting the contrary: that the human social condition is one of altruism and egalitarian concern for one's fellow citizens.

Socratically speaking's picture

Socratically sp...

Tuesday, June 9, 2020 -- 9:34 PM

Wait, chandellier of what?

Wait, chandellier of what? Can we have a clip of that quoteplease? maybe a gif?

Where can we get more of this lady? Naomi Zack is her name?