The Fine-Tuning Argument for God

06 August 2015

Probably the most persuasive argument for the existence of God -- I don’t mean to philosophers and logicians, but to ordinary people -- goes something like this: All ofthis——也就是说,一个充满生命、智慧、美丽、人类、道德等的世界——不可能是偶然形成的。这一定是由于某种智慧的、强大的存在——这就是上帝。

The fine-tuning argument is a modern, up-to-date version of this argument. It takes off from something that serious physicists, religious or not, tend to agree on. Here’s how Freeman Dyson put it:


All these things Freeman Dysan calls lucky accidents --- which include the initial distribution of matter when the Big Bang banged --- and values of some fundamental constants --- can be thought of the universe as beingfine-tunedso as to allow for the emergence of life and all those other good things that come with it.


But such fine-tuning, in order to make life possible, requires a fine-tuner. This would have to be some Being with incredible knowledge and power. That seems to amount to God, or at least a God.

That’s basically the fine-tuning argument. We could elaborate the physics involved, and put the reasoning in the form of Bayes Theorem. But it wouldn’t change the basic idea. (Well, actually I couldn’t do this, but if you Google our guest, “Robin Collins”, you’ll find all the elaboration you want.)



The reasoning basically says: A life-supporting universe is intrinsically unlikely. A powerful and intelligent Creator who wanted such a universe would explain it. So the fact that we have a life-supporting universe makes it likely that there was a powerful and intelligent Creator.

So far, so good. In general, if an event happens, that makes the hypotheses that would explain it more likely. Buthow可能是它造成的吗?这取决于假设独立于事件的可能性有多大——这是“先验概率”——以及其他假设的可能性有多大。


Another alternative is that there are a whole bunch of universes --- not just galaxies in our universe, but complete universes. Given a string of universes, one would expect the various combinations of parameters for basic physical factors to show up in endless combinations, just as one expects all of the individually unlikely combinations of hands to show up, if one plays bridge long enough. Are these hypotheses initially more or less plausible than the God hypothesis?

This depends on what would be required by the existence of such a Creator. Wouldn’t that in turn require the existence of a Creator-friendly universe, or proto-universe, with parameters set to allow for the development of such a powerful and wonderful Being, capable of setting the parameters for our universe? If so, it doesn’t seem we have gained much with the God hypothesis.

The argument will only be plausible to those who already see the existence of some such Being as not completely implausible, and not requiring a similar explanation of its existence.

我也对我们应该如何处理论点的结论有一些疑问,即使我们同意它。Philo, Hume’s spokesman inthe Dialogues on Natural Religion, agrees by the end that the more likely hypothesis is that the world was created by some sort of intelligent being or beings. But he points out that this doesn’t in and of itself provide much evidence for the Christian God --- or the God of any other religion, he might have added. How do we know it was one God, and not a committee? How do we know it is benevolent, when the evidence on that issue is so mixed? It’s going to take quite an argument to get from fine-tuning to not coveting they neighbor’s wife and closing bars on Sundays and the other things some people think they know that God wants us to do.


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Sunday, March 17, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I find this argument silly,

I find this argument silly, honestly. Even if I grant that it's highly improbable that the universe as we know it came into existence through random processes, it's even more highly improbable that a being capable of creating the universe exists and decided to do so (for whatever reason). That being is by definition several orders of magnitude more complex than anything it would have created, so, using the logic of the argument against randomness, that being's existence is significantly less probable.
Unless of course you already assume that being exists and are just looking for rationalizations.
It also assumes that the universe as we know it isn't based on the circumstances in which it arose and exists but rather was created to exist in our current circumstances. The universe exists as a balance of the elements that make it up, and if one were to be dramatically changed it would rebalance itself. Life as we know it is the most relevant example: it has been very adaptive, and has changed over time as its circumstance has. To hear these neo-creationists tell it, life as we know it was created for the circumstance in which it exists currently, which is exactly backwards.
All of this is a roundabout way of saying I found your show on Sunday frustrating. I'm glad you did the show and are willing to host people like Mr. Collins, but ultimately none of his defenses rose significantly above the level of philosophical rationalizations of what he wants to be true. Ultimately I don't think he presented a single argument that didn't rely on the belief in god, which lowered the level of discourse for me (as someone who does not share that assumption).

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Sunday, March 17, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

In his Confessions, St.

In his Confessions, St. Augustine of Hippo posed a question: What was God doing before He created Heaven and Earth? Augustine's first answer, that God was preparing Hell for the people who delve into profundities, was obviously intended as a joke because Augustine then addressed the question seriously. Time, he proffered, was part of Creation; therefore, there was no "before."
Science too leaves us no better informed. In the Big Bang, our universe is said to have spewed out of nothing (call it a singularity, if you must). But what did it spew into? Certainly not into empty space for space came into being in the spewing out of our universe. It is just as easy to conceive a universe that is infinite in extent and eternal in time, as some eminent scientists still do.
Now, if God the Intelligent Designer exists, He is certainly more complicated than our universe and beyond our comprehension.

mirugai's picture


Sunday, March 17, 2013 -- 5:00 PM


Wow! What conceit!
NO! AFAWK (as far as we know) there is only one, statistically almost non-existent, tiny, tiny speck of the universe that has human life, and AFAWK human consciousness only exists in a tiny, tiny portion of that speck?s life.
Science seeks a certain kind of explanation, with dramatic impact being its measure. All this talk about ?probabilities? is just fun speculation: it is the use of science jargon to produce dramatic impact, far apart from whatever the relevant facts are. But go ahead, have fun (I am all in favor of you guys having harmless fun); speculate all you want to, say, ?prove? God?s existence and his nature and his activities. But ultimately you will find that science will not serve you to get answers about God because there is no scientific explanation for God; and there doesn?t ?need? to be one for what you might think of as his ?existence,? to exist!
Philosophy is rational thinking about thought.
Philosophy (and poetry as philosophy using metaphor) employs ?endless speculation,? and associated methods, to find out stuff. Use those methods to find God.

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Sunday, March 17, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

By definition God is that

We are part of the universe.
Hence religion.

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Monday, March 18, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I enjoy listening to


Bill's picture


Monday, March 18, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

The essential flaw of the

The essential flaw of the fine-tuned unverse argument is that it relies on a sample of one. By its very name, the universe is a single data point. No pattern, be it line or curve, can be constructed or extrapolated from a single point.
BTW, the same flaw permeated Carl Sagan's numerical "proof" that the universe must be populated with billions and billions of intelligent creatures. Carl may have been right, just as the fine-tuned argument could conceivably be correct, but neither of these feel-good hypotheses is (as yet) supported by any data.

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Monday, March 18, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I enjoy reading the differing

我喜欢阅读从这个博客中提出的话题中产生的不同观点。主要是因为各章节?why Talk仍然80%忠于它的首要目标:谈论一切有哲学意义的事情。80%是我的估计,所以,大家不要激动。另外一些人则在神的问题上争论不休,毫无疑问,他们还会继续这样做。整个事件之所以重要,是因为它影响着我们与他人互动的方式。
Expectations have such dramatic effects on who we are---or THINK we ought to be (your previous post on partisan politics illustrates this well.) I am a benign agnostic. God may exist, and if so, good for that. But, faith in anything begs affirmation. I think I'll have faith in myself. God can take care of its own affairs and those of the faithful---if that is how things really work. In accord with Bill, I have seen no data.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Aside from other problems

Aside from other problems like sample size pointed out above, I'm always struck by the failure of imagination that goes with fine-tuning arguments. Yes, it's true, having the Earth turn out just as it is, with precisely the values of the physical constants we have may be quite unlikely (although we certainly are not sure that those constants are in any way arbitrary rather than products of a deeper physical law). Our existence is just one outcome in the set of all possible forms of intelligent life, and we just don't know how big that set is or what it looks like. Further, when we think of the events leading to our own existence, we have to acknowledge that any long causal chain will contain lots of unlikely steps, whether it leads to an interesting outcome or not. A happy accident is just that, literally, and it shouldn't surprise us.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

This planet of ours is not

我们的星球并不完美,在这个地球上肯定有一些地区充满了绝望、饥饿和痛苦的人们。如果上帝存在,为什么他或她会创造一个如此不完美的星球,有这么多所谓的宗教民族,为了哪个宗教最和平而互相争斗和杀戮……真是浪费精力。我说…成为一个怀疑论者,质疑一切——而不是像一只“绵羊”,盲目地遵循《圣经》中所谓的真理。我建议你拿起一本叫做《穴居人逻辑》的书,打开你的思维盖子,改变一下。Another good read is "Parenting Beyond Belief"
Just my humble opinions here folks.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

God is simply another name

God is simply another name for the Universe and the Universe another name for One.
Be One,

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I'm always baffled by these

I'm always baffled by these "inference to the best explanation" arguments for God. And it's always for the same reason: I never see what it is that they are supposed to buy you. I don't see anything new in the Fine Tuning Argument. Although, if you ask Laurence Krauss, the premise is no good to begin with, since (a) there isn't evidence of any special fine-tuning, (b) we have no good way of estimating the range of alternative life forms that might have existed given various alterations to some of the constants, and (c) no matter who or what came out at the end of a possibly very different cosmological process, they'd sit there just as we are, asking the same questions. [ re (c), consider: I might wonder how it could possibly have come about without divine plan that I, Steve Tighe, exist here today. Well, if any of the millions upon millions of different sperm produced by my father had met one of my mother's eggs, someone else, NOT Steve Tighe, would be sitting here (barring some tragedy earlier in their life). But, whoever that person was, SHE could surely ask the very same question, with the very same warrant. A random event, such at the particular day on which my parents conceived me, can have a unique outcome.] I'll also ignore the problem of how you get from "a creator" to anything approaching any being that might be recognizable as God. (As one of my undergrad philosophy teachers liked to say, "The universe does show evidence of design. It looks like it was, perhaps, the equivalent of an extra-terrestrial high school science project, for which the "creator" got a grade of "C+". Unfortunately, that creator, and her whole race, are now extinct.") Put aside these issues.
让我们关注这个论证在解释价值方面应该给我们买什么,因为这是它的营销幌子。我从一个公认的宇宙之谜开始:为什么它有某些属性,为什么这些属性是地球上生命(实际)过程所必需的?现在我得到了启示:有一个存在,上帝,他创造了它,让它成为现在的样子,拥有这些属性。我快乐吗(当然是智力上的快乐。提出或接受这个论点,除了纯粹出于智力上的考虑,肯定没有别的动机了吧?哦,还没有。大家一致同意的问题是解释世界是如何具有某些属性的。借用斯宾诺莎的说法,作为一种解决办法,就是说出一个名字,并声称一切都由此得到了解释。上帝是如何创造世界的?通过什么方式? HOW does a being go about twiddling knobs and setting physical parameters? One old creationist answer, given by Henry Morris, went, roughly, "God created the world for purposes we can't understand using powers beyond our comprehension and forces nowhere operating in the universe today". Well, put that way, the argument collapses. One can't market something as "an explanation" which is essentially an eternal monument to inexplicability. So what more is needed? Well, I would think, some sort of idea of HOW the purported explanation is supposed to go. Eg., I believe that many living things begin from a single cell, when a sperm fertilizes an egg. In the human case, after 9 months, out pops a very complicated being, all sorts of structures, symmetries, and incredible resemblance to a miniature adult human, usually looking a lot like one of its parents. HOW does that come about? I take it the rough answer is, "that original single cell contained a complete genetic code, one half from the mother, one half from the father, which over the course of pregnancy guided development ..." etc, etc, etc. I'm not an embyologist, but I suppose one could give a real answer. Without something similar, the God Hypothesis seems to be in the situation of having 3 theoretical items, God, the act of creation (ie., setting the physical parameters, creating matter, etc.), and the universe, and providing no idea how they are supposed to go together.
Theists might draw analogies to modern science. For example, Quantum Theory is, according to those who know it best, darn near incomprehensible. Trying to explain its view of physical reality in terms amenable to commonsense is hopeless. So why shouldn't the God Hypothesis be the same? Well, (that is a long, drawn-out, half sighing, "well", by the way), yes. So if it could be shown how the God Hypothesis works to yield explanations of features of the universe as well as quantum theory yields explanations of higher level physical phenomena, theists might have a point. The problem, as should be evident, is that ANY outcome is compatible with the God Hypothesis. Creationists have always been in the (enviable?) position of knowing in advance of any evidence that their thesis is true, and therefore cheerfully able to claim apparently recalcitrant evidence as further support. (As the history of Christianity's rejection and subsequent embrace, at least by some, of evolution as part of God's plan shows.) As far as the universe goes, we don't know God's purposes, we don't know (theoretically) how anyone could set physical constants and endow matter with its fundamental properties, and we don't know what sort of powers and forces would be needed to bring it all about. And that is the crucial thing. If someone embraces an "explanation" that seems not to explain anything, while increasing the number of unexplained things to boot, I begin to suspect the main motive is something other than theoretical insight.
At the outset, I said that these sorts of arguments always baffle me. Now I can say why. Accepting a disputed premise, the fine-tuning of the universe seems to need explanation. So, we have one mystery. One problem. The God Hypothesis, far from resolving that problem, gives me at least 3: For what purpose)s) did God create the world as he did? What theoretical knowledge did God use to twiddle the knobs and set the physical features of universe? What powers are needed to do so? ("Twiddling knobs" is, of course, a metaphor. But I really have no idea, and despite reading and listening to a lot of stuff on modern physics, I have no idea what a non-metaphorical account of "setting the physical parameters of the universe" would look like, or if one is even possible.) I said "at least 3" because, of course, there is probably still going to be the problem of explaining how God exists. The old-fashioned Cosmological Argument, inferring God as the creator from the contingent existence or nature of the world, had the same problem. In place of one problem-the unexplained existence or nature of the world-we were given 2: the existence of God and the means by which God created the world. Barring answers to these, the initial problem still remained as well, ie., we would still not have an explanation for those problematic features of the world. I don't see where the Fine Tuning Argument has made any progress. It's still the same move, just in fancier dress. In the end, I'm reminded of Bertrand Russell's analogy of the pursuit of knowledge with climbing a mountain in the fog, with more and being revealed as the fog dissipates. I wonder if there aren't a lot of people who just like the fog.
PS Hi Ken!!!

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

The laws of physics,

Cruel nature is credible; a cruel God, especially an infinitely cruel one, is not credible. Intelligent design, indeed?

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013 -- 5:00 PM


在我看来,上帝是a clever invention, having been posited across a wide spectrum of societies, cultures and traditions. The "God Delusion", as described by the redoubtable Richard Dawkins, remains a well-articulated and persuasive opinion, that seems to support a common hypnosis. In an angrier rant, the late Christopher Hitchens wrote that God is Not Great, while Salman Rushdie said that the title of Hitchens' work should have been: God is Not. I do not support any position in this endless and pointless argument, because it has achieved nothing, AFAIK. And, as I see it, none of us will ever KNOW; while we live to tell about it.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

The Theist argument that the

有神论者认为上帝最初的状态极其简单,这一论点并没有被物理学所驳斥。宇宙的初始状态(T=0时)也是极其简单的。和热!在CERN无法达到的温度下。这种状态也是高度不稳定的(因为它也是极不可能的)。宇宙热大爆炸模型(Hot Big Bang Model of The Universe)描述了这种不可能性的结果(今天的宇宙)。主要是普遍的膨胀和冷却趋势。如果上帝是可能的最简单状态(无限简单?),那么上帝也一定是可能的最热状态(无限热?)比T=0时的宇宙温度还高。既然无限状态不可能存在(与数学家讨论这个说法,最好是集合理论家),那么上帝也不可能存在。 End of Story.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

The universe is not what you

The universe is not what you think it is; it is much more wonderful. I fell of a cliff while mountain climbing. My leg was broken in so many places that it was backwards, and I was going to die up there all alone. I prayed to God more deeply and totally that I had ever done in my life. After about 10 minutes I had an experience.
I saw everything around me to be of undescribable beauty, order and indestructable substance. I saw everything as God experiences it. I call it "experiencing heaven". The infinite unlimited is real. It is we who are stuck in 3 dimensions and experiencing limitations.
I cannot begin to figure out all the things you understand about the Big Band, black holes, etc. But I saw what mankind will learn when he figures it all out. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but as advanced as science it, science is still in kindergarten.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I am surprised by how many

I am surprised by how many posts here make highly controversial claims that are supposed to refute the fine-tuning argument without being aware that the claims are highly controversial or offering any argument for them. Most are confidently stated, with little support. In this post, I will address several of the objections raised by previous posts. I deal with most of these in articles I have written, many of which are posted on my personal website (search for Robin Collins). Here I will just give brief responses.
OBJECTION 1: God must be as complex as the Universe posted by Colin and Arvoasitis on March 18th
The first objection was raised by two posters. It is a common objection that is often promoted as a simple, fatal objection to the fine-tuning argument but is rarely argued for. The first post claimed ?That being [God] is by definition several orders of magnitude more complex than anything it would have created?; and the second claimed that ?if God the Intelligent Designer exists, He is certainly more complicated than our universe and beyond our comprehension.?
Those who offer this objection would have to show that for any being to have the attributes that God has would require a high degree of underlying complexity. Consider consciousness (awareness). One might argue that from our experience with humans and other organisms, consciousness always is associated with a complex structure, namely the brain. This, however, does not give us much reason to think that consciousness NECESSARILY requires a complex, internal structure, since nothing in our CONCEPT of consciousness requires this ? and typically a connection of necessity is established by showing that the corresponding concepts must go together. If one thought that the property of being conscious was reducible to a certain complex set of interrelationships, then one would have a reason to think that of necessity it requires a complex structure to exist. No plausible analysis along these lines has yet been given, and many philosophers (both theists and atheists) have thought none can be given. In any case, it is clear that our concept of consciousness is not that of having a complex structure, since as children we knew we were conscious before we had much of an idea of what a complex structure is. So, I think it is plausible that an entity (or ground of being) could be conscious without having any internal structure, just as an electron has the property of having a negative electric charge without having any internal structure sustaining it.
The claim that God?s has unbounded awareness (i.e., God is omniscient) is also important for the claim that God has minimal internal complexity. If there were some truths God were ignorant of (but it was possible for a being to be aware of), then there would have to be some law or principle external to God, or something about God?s nature, that determined which truths God was aware of and which he/she was not aware of. That would add complexity to reality. So, I think a plausible case can be made that an unbounded consciousness need have no internal complexity. Similar things could be said about the other properties of God.
OBJECTION 2: Sample of One Objection posted by Bill on March 19
?By its very name, the universe is a single data point. No pattern, be it a line or curve, can be constructed or extrapolated from a single point.?
OBJECTION 3 Other Life Forms Objection posted by Duncan on March 20th
?Our existence is just one outcome in the set of all possible forms of intelligent life, and we just don't know how big that set is or what it looks like.?
The point of this objection is supposedly that we do not know enough about what kinds of intelligent life (or in my terminology, embodied conscious agents who can significantly affect each other through their choices) can exist to say whether it requires fine-tuning. This is just not true; all we have to know is that embodied conscious agents require stable, reproducible complexity. A universe in which the strong nuclear force that binds neutrons and protons together is too weak would have no atoms other than normal hydrogen. It should be obvious that highly complex entities that can significantly interact with each other cannot be made with just hydrogen ? whether in gas or liquid form ? let alone evolve; for example, we are not going to find intelligent life forms evolving in the sun?s atmosphere. As another example, if the dark energy density were not tuned to within 10^120 of its naturally occurring value (the Planck scale), then either the universe would expand so rapidly that the matter in the universe would never condense into galaxies or stars, or the universe would collapse long before it cooled sufficiently for galaxies and stars to form. In either case, stable reproducible complexity is not going to evolve ? e.g., without stars, there will not be any usable energy sources, such as the volcanic vents the author mentions. Matter would just be evenly distributed in space, such as one atom per cubic meter. I think people who raise this objection just have not carefully considered the fine-tuning evidence.
OBJECTION 4. Lack of Explanatory Value Objection posted by Steve on March 21st
Steve Tighe raised the objection that the God hypothesis does not buy us anything of explanatory value. Although often presented as an inference to the best explanation, I believe this is a bad way of presenting the argument (as I stated in my interview). One problem is that there are many different kinds of explanations, each with their own criteria for what constitutes a good explanation, with these largely depending on one?s pragmatic ends. A better way of framing the argument is either to claim that the fine-tuning data strongly confirms theism over its naturalistic contenders. The situation can be thought of as follows. Define ?elaborated theism? as the claim that God exists conjoined with claims that God does not require fine-tuning (for the type of reasons stated above) and that a universe with embodied conscious agents realizes goods that could not otherwise be realized. Before the fine-tuning evidence, many have found elaborated theism as not completely implausible, especially when compared with the contending hypothesis that the universe just happens to exist. Suppose that one is such a person. You might have doubts about the coherence of the God hypothesis (or the other two claims that are part of elaborated theism). The fine-tuning evidence will not itself give you insight into why you should find theism coherent, or make the other two conjuncts seem more plausible when considered alone. I claim, however, that it should make the naturalistic hypothesis much less plausible: not only is naturalists stuck with the inherent implausibility of claiming that the universe?s existence is a brute fact, but now they are stuck with the hugely coincidental fact that is set just right for the existence of embodied conscious agents. So, I claim, the inherent plausibility of naturalism has gone way down. Although the inherent plausibility of theism has not gone up, its plausibility IN RELATION to its major contender ? naturalism ? should significantly go up.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Further thoughts on Fine

Further thoughts on Fine-Tuning.
I have to admit that I don't find the fine tuning argument all that convincing. It seems to turn on a premises -- that the fact of a life-supporting universe is in some sense improbable, given all the possible non-life supporting universes there could have been. But I don't really know how to think about the probability or improbabilty of an overall universe. I said as much during the episode. That principle says that we should reality - total reality -- to be in some sense plenitudinous. That is, we should antecedently expect that all possible ways that things "might be" will be actualized. That's not to say that the actual cannot be a limited subset of the really possible. But when only a limited subset of the really possible is actualized, it seems that we want some explanation of the limited actualization of the possible.
Not sure how big a deal that is. Wouldn't call it a hard constraint. Not sure it can be justified as any more than a human craving rather than anything like a deep metaphysical constraint. Still, although I'm not sure what to make of it, I'm not in general opposed to judicious use of something like such a principle. And I do wonder whether something like the principle of plenitude might work to generate something like the fine-tuning argument.
但是这些与微调的论点有什么关系呢?我已经承认了我不会被你的论点打动,所以也许根本不会。但在我们得出这个结论之前,有几个不同的观点值得讨论。首先,如果你认为只有一个实际的宇宙,而认为各种各样的宇宙,其基本常数等的不同值,不仅在逻辑上或概念上是可能的,那么你可能就到达了微调论证的起点,但其方式与它的提倡者设想的有点不同。这一现状需要解释。不是因为“不可能”吗?再说一次,谁知道整个宇宙的概率是多少?顺便说一下,目前的物理学并没有告诉我们这一点。相反,你是通过充分实现真正可能的原则到达那里的。现实似乎不如现实的可能性那么丰富。 Of course, the principle might drive you into the arms of the multiverse because that gives you an actuality that has the same degree of plenitude as the really possible. But you can also -- it seems to me -- accept that idea that random symmetry breaking at the beak bang does just as well (and probably better) at explaining the one universe and its special character than the the fine tuning hypothesis. Only if (fundamental) reality abhors randomness would you have to deny that. But why think that?
Still, even if you reject both the multiverse and fine-tuning,and prefer random symmetry breaking, maybe you still want to reduce the plenum of a possibilities so that there isn't such a great gap between the totality of possibilities and the totality of actualities. You might do this by trying to reduce the number of independent fundamental variables to the smallest number possible -- thus limiting the set of possibilities. Not sure how far you can get with that. But it's worth a try, it would seem. You might still have more real possibilities than actualities, but the gap wouldn't be so great.
Plus it seems like the drive to reduce the number of independent fundamentals is driven more by a methodological or regulative regulative constraint. Is there really any more antecedent reason to believe that the universe is "simple" (in the sense of having a few independent fundamentals) than that it is irreducibly "complex"
Not sure what to make of any of this. But that's what doing an episode on the fine-tuning argument will get you -- more questions than answers.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

With all due respect, Mr

That's my argument. I'm sure you've heard it before, and that you've given it some serious consideration. Your response (if I may paraphrase) is: Who says god has to be complex? It's an interesting hedge, and I'm glad that you're not trying to argue that the rules just don't apply to him - at least you're making an effort to adhere to logic. But then you lose me with your definition of god: "A common definition of God is a being, or ground of being, that is all powerful, omniscient, perfectly good, and eternal, and that sustains everything in existence."
Now, I'm not sure where that definition is from, or even that it is common, but for the sake of argument, let's just use that as our working definition.
Your definition is irrelevant to the question at hand and in no way establishes that something simple could willfully create something more complex than itself. Or whether god is or isn't highly complex.
Which brings us back to your question: Who says god has to be more complex than what he's created? The terms of your own logic. IF the proof of god's existence is the complexity of the universe (which couldn't exist without willful creation), THEN in order to willfully create the universe he must be more complex than all of the components of the universe combined. Because he's willfully, consciously "fine tuning" it. The fact that your argument is based on the existence of complexity but demands that the creator of such complexity isn't complex is logically incoherent. You can't have it both ways: either the complexity of the universe is proof of god's existence (and thereby proof of his higher level of complexity than the universe, the creation of which he was created for creating), or it's incidental.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

All indications are that the

All indications are that the observed universe has an underlying structure such that stochastic inputs ratchet evolutionary processes forward. Not only bio-evolution but also the other aspects of nature's machinery, from the formation of the chemical elements in stars and supernovae right through to the evolution of technology within the collective imagination of our species.
All of which exhibit strong directionality. A pervasive and persistent pattern which can usefully be extrapolated to predict the imminent emergence of a new, non-biological predominant cognitive entity on this planet from what is now the Internet.
越来越多的人进一步认识到,随机输入可以(并且确实)以这种方式驱动“生命”过程的方向性。An overall directionality clearly observable in the biological and other evolutionary processes which, from our traditional human perspective, we interpret as "purpose"
Jose Ignacio Pascual et al of Freie Universität Berlin have also helped fan the flame of this understanding by recently demonstrating that the stochastic motion of vibrating hydrogen molecules can be used to move a mechanical cantilever.
The interpretation of processes of this kind as a ratcheting mechanism happens to be my own preferred analogy. It does however require an underlying structure in the fabric of our universe evidence with which stochastic component interacts. And it is this which provides a rational basis for the contentious issue of fine tuning of the universe for "life"
The physical parameters are but the tip of the iceberg. There is actually a much greater body of evidence to support fine tuning to be found in fields of science far better established than cosmology.
After all, perhaps the earliest proponent of fine-tuning was the biochemist Lawrence Henderson. In ?The Fitness of the Environment?, published in 1913, he observed that ??the whole evolutionary process, both cosmic and organic, is one, and the biologist may now rightly regard the universe in its very essence as biocentric?
Geology, biology and particularly chemistry provide many examples of ?just right? prevailing conditions that enable and, indeed, make virtually inevitable, the strong directionality we observe in evolutionary processes.
The most recent part of this evolutionary continuum is that most familiar to us and of which we have the best knowledge: The autonomous evolution of technology within the medium of the collective imagination of our species.
Because it predicated by the very common and entirely intuitive belief that it suggests a ?designer?.
But it can be very plausibly argued that, except in a very trivial sense, the concept of a ?designer? is but an anthropocentric conceit for which there is no empirical basis.
An objective examination of the history of science and technology bears this out.
To quickly put this counter-intuitive view into focus, would you not agree that the following statement has a sound basis?
We would have geometry without Euclid, calculus without Newton or Liebnitz, the camera without Johann Zahn, the cathode ray tube without JJ Thomson, relativity (and quantum mechanics) without Einstein, the digital computer without Turin, the Internet without Vinton Cerf.
My work in preparation "The Intricacy Generator: Pushing Chemistry Uphill" will provide a more formal and detailed treatment of this issue.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, March 21, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I have read and re-read the

I have read and re-read the comments generated to date (3/22/13) on this post and show. I regrettably confess learning little more than I knew before. The fine-tuning argument, if there is (or need be) one, remains illusive in utility. Some commenters spoke volumes in few words. If their viewpoints and/or positions were right or wrong, they were, at least, concise. Other submissions were lengthy, to the point of tedious---some contained nuggets of wisdom, that required careful parsing, but were worth the extra effort. As long as we have philosophy and religion, we shall have arguments about god---for all of the reasons we have had them before. Prophecy is self-fulfilling, and miracles happen for those who will it so. The testimony of Christensen is moving. I believe him.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I'm certain that I'm

I'm certain that I'm misreading your reply, but it seems to me to boil down to, "If you're predisposed to accept the existence of God and his authorship of the Universe, the fine-tuning argument will appeal to you. If you're not, it won't.." Did I miss something? IF, and again ,this is, per Laurence Krauss, a disputed IF, IF I accept the claim that the universe appears fine-tuned for life, it seems there are 2 possibilities. Somehow in the conditions of the Big Bang, matter acquired these properties. They are somehow inherent in the structure of physical reality itself. It might be that physicists will never be able to figure out how that might have happened. So those properties of the universe will remain unexplained. The other possibility is that some outside agency acted somehow to produce the universe with just those properties. So, eg., matter could have had many other sets of properties. I admit this to be, quite possibly, merely an autobiographical peculiarity, but I really don't see what interest such an explanation would have, UNLESS we are also given the means by which God did, or could have done, whatever he did to set those properties (and for what reasons).
鉴于你对不同类型解释的评论,以及我对上帝应该是哪种类型解释的无知,我想我不知道如何评估(有争议的)宇宙微调证实了上帝假说的主张。因为我不知道什么才算确认。但是让我试着通过一个看起来很糟糕的类比来解决这个问题。假设我说:我知道是什么导致了精神分裂症。木星。(是星球,不是古代的神。)假设你问我:“木星如何解释精神分裂症?”我回答:“就是这样。”你又问了一遍,试图弄明白我的意思,“但是木星和精神疾病之间可能有什么联系呢?”我回答说:“如果你准备接受天体对我们心理的影响,你可能会喜欢这个解释。如果你不是,你可能不会。 But that's the explanation". I would expect to be taken as not serious, or as a bit nutty. But the problem is, I don't see where the God hypothesis is fundamentally any different, except for the historical fact that more people have been raised to be sympathetic to the God hypothesis. You point to a (disputed) puzzling feature of the universe. You offer an explanation. The explanation involves no filling in of the connection between explanans and explanandum. God's existence and ability to twiddle knobs and set physical constants ARE presented as brute facts, and the connection between God and the universe is left unintelligible. So, even given your reply, I ....probably could just have restated my first comment all over again. And I will repeat, I don't see why this isn't exactly what Spinoza meant by people who utter a name and think they've explained all.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Don't play into an argument

Don't play into an argument that is not rational to begin with. There are no 'accidents'. That is opinionated. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes if we don't know why, we say "god did it". This is a way of saying that we're not god, and that we don't know, yet not saying that "we don't know" as it doesn't inspire children with confidence, and it makes people want to know something which may not be worth finding out to begin with.

Guest's picture


Friday, March 22, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

"All of this --- that is, a

"All of this --- that is, a world with life, intelligence, beauty, humans, morality, etc., ---- couldn?t have come about by accident. It must be due to some intelligent, powerful Being --- and that?s what God is."
This argument has two parts, (a) that the world is a wonderful place with beauty and morality etc. and, (b) that people astonished from the beauty of the world would search for the creator of that awesomeness.
Well, (b) would not be so popular if it wasn?t for (a), don?t you think?
Morality is a term so flexible. It is strictly related to cultures, historical periods and nationalities. What is morality? Morality may be a way for societies to point out that people should respect the good in every man and every man should try to be the best aspect of him. But ?good? and ?best? are defined by society itself and cannot be accounted as God?s gifts to humanity. Ethics, that is the basis of morality, is a mixture of historical, political and economic factors that form the archetype of the moral man.
Nietzsche stated ?In Christianity neither morality nor religion come into contact with reality at any point.? Einstein, I think, gave the right perspective of morality directing its definition towards society, ?Morality is of the highest importance - but for us, not for God.?
Hence, there is not much to admire in the world. I don?t say people should not be happy to be alive, but life is not a matter of happiness rather than a matter of purpose. We live in this world, because we are created by it, for the purpose of contributing to its continuity. If we accept the realistic facts of our existence, outside the society at first and then in a society that could allow for the realization of our individuality as the purpose of the existence, then the world would not be about good and bad, but about the truth.
We admire the things we cannot yet explain with our tools (i.e. science). For humans, that have created such a great idea for themselves, it is very hard to accept randomness, and so the hope of God?s existence eliminates the fear of the unknown and gives all of us a way, through religion, to be like God. That is a fact that cannot be excluded from any argument about the existence of God. The religious man tries to resemble God, follows the guidelines in order to concur His greatness. Thus, have all the answers.

Guest's picture


Friday, March 22, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

For disembodied entities

For disembodied entities peering into an external universe, it is reasonable to ask, "Why this universe?" The answer "Because God created it" raises two questions: "Why does God exist?" and "Why did God choose this universe out of an infinite set of possibilities?" These two questions have a simple, well-known answer: "Because we created God in our image."

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Friday, March 22, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Replies to Colin's and Steve

Replies to Colin's and Steve's Replies
Colin and Steve, thanks for your replies to my reply. Here is the next iteration in which I reply to some of your replies.
First, to Colin?s post:
COLIN: ?Your argument that the universe we live in is so complex it shows evidence of being "fine tuned" depends on the notion that complexity cannot happen through evolution and therefore must be the result of willful creation.?
MY REPLY: The argument has nothing to do with evolution (if you evolution by natural selection), since that kind of evolution applies to biological complexity, and this argument has to do with the universe?s needing to have the right structure for evolution to even occur. The closest thing to an evolutionary account of the fine-tuning is the many universes hypothesis, which relies on the chance production of universes and observer selection instead of natural selection. I briefly addressed this hypothesis in the interview and more in my papers on the subject.
COLIN: ?The very meaning of your term of choice - "fine tune" - implies a conscious effort to refine something. Something simple cannot willfully create something complex - it needs to have an understanding of why what it's doing is the best choice.?
MY REPLY: If God is an unbounded consciousness, then God will be aware of and therefore understand all truths, which means that God will understand what is the best choice. As I stated in my post, I do not see why an unbounded consciousness would need to be complex at all. For example, there is nothing in the notion of ?consciousness? that requires complexity. As to your point about the meaning of fine-tuning, that is the name that has been commonly given to the fact that the initial conditions of the universe and the constants of physics must be precisely set for life to occur. At least according to almost all the major thinkers in theistic tradition, God wills the universe into existence; thus, no refining is involved. Now, you might object that having the power to will something into existence is unintelligible, but agents such as us do this all the time with thoughts and images in our minds ? I will to form an image in my mind of a red beach ball and the image occurs. So, initially such a power seems intelligible, though unless one is a philosophical idealist in the case of God, the power extends to bringing about more than just mental entities. Of course, in the case of God I cannot give a further account of how God can have this power (at least in terms of some underlying mechanism), other than just postulating that God does. However, one always runs into that issue, even in scientific explanations: at some point, one must just hypothesize that mass-energy has certain powers or obeys certain laws, without being able to give a further analysis. (See my response to Steve below).
MY REPLY: I never said that the only way something can achieve complexity is by being fine-tuned by something more complex. Of course, if I said that, then I would fall into the problem you elaborate. I did not even say complexity needed a further explanation or cause. Rather, I only claim that the particular type of complexity of the universe was very, very surprising under naturalism but not under theism, and thus by the likelihood principle strongly confirms theism over naturalism. Or, another way of putting it is that the fine-tuning evidence has made naturalism considerably worse off in comparison to theism than it was before the fine-tuning evidence.
COLIN: ?what in that definition gave him the ability (or impetus) to create the universe??
COLIN: ?IF the proof of god's existence is the complexity of the universe . . .?
Response: Besides what I said above, argument is not a proof (only a claim that fine-tuning provides evidence for theism) and it is not based on the complexity of the universe. For example, a random configuration of letters is highly complex (just try to reproduce it), but no one would infer to design from finding such a random configuration. The argument is rather that the fundamental parameters of physics must fall into a very narrow range of values (compared to their theoretically possible ranges) in order for life to exist. Nothing in that statement refers to complexity. Given my statement of the argument, you would have to critique it by saying that something about God must also be precisely set for God to be able to create the universe. The objection would be a good one if one conceived of God as, for example, an alien with a brain. Then, since we know brains need to be set just right to function, so would God. That, however, is not how the leading thinkers in the theistic tradition have conceived of God.
STEVE: ?I'm certain that I'm misreading your reply, but it seems to me to boil down to, ?If you're predisposed to accept the existence of God and his authorship of the Universe, the fine-tuning argument will appeal to you. If you're not, it won't..? Did I miss something??
我的回答:我认为你的表述不太正确。更好的表述是用?你是否倾向于接受上帝的存在?“如果你不认为上帝的存在是完全不可信的”;最后一个短语可以被翻译成主观或认知概率的语言,如?你若不给神呢?S存在的初始概率为0 ?如果你给它一个非零的初始概率,那么微调证据就可以证实假设。我所使用的是确认理论的似然原则:如果一组证据的存在(在这种情况下是一个精心调整的宇宙)在一个假设(上帝)下不那么令人惊讶,那么在另一个假设(自然主义的单一宇宙假设)下,如果它证实了一个最不令人惊讶的假设,确认越强,惊讶程度的对比就越强烈。(确认的程度可以从贝叶斯?theorem of the probability calculus, which I do in my papers on the subject.)
MY RESPONSE: If one is using a personal agent conception of God (historically, there are other conceptions), the type of explanation being invoked is what Richard Swinburne calls a personal explanation, a kind we use all the time. If I want to explain why you drove to the store, I would invoke a reason (you wanted to get groceries) as my explanation. If you pressed me further on how a reason can bring about your body moving in the direction of the store, I would say that you are an agent ? that is, the kind of thing that has the power to act ? and that is motivated by reasons. Although perfectly acceptable in ordinary life, note that this sort of explanation does not address how you are able to respond to reasons or intend to do what you do, at least not in the sense of providing a mechanism. In the case of God, we can be given the reason (because of the value realized by the existence of conscious embodied agents), but not necessarily an analysis of how God has this power.
Even though we rely on these types of explanations all the time, you might find this explanation uninteresting in the case of God because it does not provide an account of how God (as an agent) can bring about anything or respond to reasons. But, if you do, it is because you are looking for a particular kind of explanation ? a scientific explanation ? that attempts to explain an occurrence in terms of underlying mechanisms and laws. An explanation that does not do this is usually considered scientifically uninteresting because it does not allow one to make further explanatory progress by uncovering the mechanisms or laws by which something operates. I agree that finding such underlying mechanisms or laws has been very helpful for scientific progress, and so if that kind of progress is what one is after, invoking God will likely not help. But note that is a certain type of pragmatic concern. If one is merely interested in the ultimate cause of a phenomenon ? the structure of the universe -- and is willing to take the ability of God to bring about the universe as a fundamental power that is not further analyzable, then one might very well be happy with this sort of explanation. Or if one only wants an explanation to take away the surprise of some feature occurring by invoking an hypothesis that was not just made up to explain the phenomenon in question, then the God hypothesis will also be an adequate explanation in the sense of removing the surprise that the universe has the structure it does.
As to the worry that one must accept God?s ability at this point as a power that is not further analyzable, that is the case with any explanation. For example, you can explain why water boils by appealing to the claim that water is composed of atoms and the laws regarding how atoms behave, and then attempt to explain the laws governing atoms by appeal to laws governing their components ? e.g., electrons -- and so forth. Eventually, however, unless you are willing to countenance an infinite regress of explanations, your explanation must stop and you must appeal to some brute powers or laws that you cannot further explain, but just say that is the way things are. At this bottom level, even in scientific explanations, you must just say that matter just behaves this way, without being able to provide any further connection between what is doing the explaining and the thing being explained. For example, suppose we cannot find any further account than that of general relativity of why masses attract each other. General relativity says masses attract each other because mass curves space-time, and in the absence of other forces, masses follow geodesics. If that was your ultimate explanation, you would just have to take the power of masses attracting each other as a brute given, without any further explanation. So, scientific explanations also have to accept brute powers (or at least laws) that are not further scientifically analyzable, but they just do it further down the chain. (As a side note, Newton?s theory of gravity was resisted by advocates of the mechanical philosophy for over 100 years because he did not give any account of how masses could attract each other, but just wrote down an equation for the relation between the force of attraction, the quantity of mass, and their distance apart. Eventually, scientists can to merely accept that at some point one must just invoke powers or laws without any further explanation for how the entity in question has those powers.)
All that being said, I further stress that I think casting the fine-tuning argument into an inference to the best explanation is a faulty way of proceeding, largely because one is comparing personal explanations with scientific explanations; this is like comparing apples and oranges, since if one is looking for a scientific explanation, one will never be satisfied with appealing to the powers of a personal agent. (Also, this holds in reverse. If I want to know why you went to the store, and you give me an explanation of the firing of neurons in your brain that explains the movement of your body towards the store, I would be unsatisfied: I would want to know the reason why you went to the store.) In the likelihood formulation, one avoids this whole problem of comparing explanations, As long as one allows that it might just be possible, though perhaps very unlikely, that such a being as God exists, I claim the fine-tuning evidence confirms that hypothesis.
Finally, I will address your interesting Jupiter case. I think it is relevantly disanalogous to the case of God, as you recognize it might be To make it analogous, at least three features would have to be added: (1) the occurrence of schizophrenia would have to be very, very surprising under the non-Jupiter hypothesis, but not surprising under the Jupiter hypothesis; (2) the Jupiter hypothesis would have had to have been seriously advocated before finding these that schizophrenia was very, very surprising ? say, because of purported religious experience with Jupiter and its powers; (3) one eliminated any other possible explanation other than chance. In that case, it seems to me that the occurrence of schizophrenia would confirm the Jupiter hypothesis. As another analogy, if a group claimed that there was a spirit called Groodle whose favorite number was 1346523423441765 and that the spirit was going to try bring about that the next sixteen die roles would come up with that number, and it came up on that number, I would take the Groodle hypothesis much more seriously even if I could not understand how a spirit could do such a thing. (This, of course, assumes I have eliminated any other plausible explanation, other than chance, the latter which I take to be the contrasting claim the case of the universe ? it simply came about by chance.)

Guest's picture


Saturday, March 23, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

So much speculation. Much of

So much speculation. Much of it based on faith. Some of it grounded in physics. We seem to have all sorts of "arguments" regarding the God issue. Someone will surely set me straight here, because this blog and its commenters is/are adept at such. I have parsed the voluminous and, mostly eloquent, writings set forth in the previous comments. There is one approach or notion I heard of, many years ago, that my parsing has not unearthed in the current discussion. The age-old explanation of an all-knowing, all-powerful capital-G god was discussed, as would be expected. Michael, the true soul that he is, said that the Universe was another name for God. Simplicity is safe and comfortable for many of us who have other things to do in our lives. I admire and cherish those who live simple lives, trying each and every day to do so myself.
Shirley, someone will set me straight. I am counting on it.
The Carpenter.

Guest's picture


Sunday, March 24, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

I have noticed from so many

e.g. Robin Collins: "If you look at traditional theism, the creator first of all is thought to be necessarily existent and second, and this was long before the fine tuning, this was the plausible view, both in the West and in the East...
The creator is thought to be not only necessarily existent but have no internal complexity"
In what sense is making statements like this and then constructing a "Fine-tuning argument for God" based on such assertions "Doing Philosophy"?

Guest's picture


Sunday, March 24, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

The Creator:

The Creator:
The Sun, the stars, the planets, the Earth,
The space, the air, the water, and the dirt,
The plants, the animals, the mankind too,
The Universe, Nature, the infinite, the immeasurable,
The sacred, the holy, the God, the everything,
The truth, the just,
The you, the me,
The almighty, the One,
The All,
The is,

Guest's picture


Sunday, March 24, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

To Paul from Basel: Thanks


Guest's picture


Sunday, March 24, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Reply to Paul from Basil on

Reply to Paul from Basil on Doing Philosophy
In this case, I am just reporting the kind of God the leading theologians and philosophers in the theistic tradition have believed in long before the fine-tuning evidence ?a God that does not have a great degree of complexity. To say that their God must be enormously complex and thus requires fine-tuning is just plain false, because by definition their God does not; the objection should rather be stated that the traditional conception of God is logically incoherent, since any being who created the universe would have to have an enormous complexity of the type that required fine-tuning. It is part of doing good philosophy to state arguments and objections as precisely as possible.
What difference does this distinction make? Among other things, it shows that postulating that God has little internal complexity that needs fine-tuning is not ad hoc in this context, since to be ad hoc requires that a hypothesis be made up to save a theory from refutation, which I pointed out in the interview. It also leads to a more precise framing of the fine-tuning argument. Although I said a few words about why God has been believed to have little internal complexity, in my view, no one has proved the traditional conception is logically coherent, and no one has proved that it isn?t. So, before the fine-tuning evidence, one is left with doubts about the coherence of the traditional conception of God versus doubts about the universe existing on its own without a further explanation, etc. To repeat what I stated before, I claim that the fine-tuning evidence does not introduce any new doubts about the inherent coherence or plausibility of the God hypothesis that has been traditionally held, but I argue that it does introduce new serious doubts about the plausibility of the naturalistic hypothesis that the universe just exists as a brute fact. So, given that one does not find theism initially completely implausible, its plausibility should increase for one relative to its naturalistic contender. What is unphilosophical about that line of reasoning?

Guest's picture


Monday, March 25, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

If I were to attempt an

If I were to attempt an argument in support of fine-tuning, it would go something like this:
Now here is an astonishing fact. Human life depends on a multitude of almost-impossible biochemical reactions (comparable to the inert gas reactions) occurring frequently, regularly and unfailingly in every human being while temperature and pressure remain nearly constant. How is this possible?
The answer is that that there are biochemical substances, called enzymes, which power the near-impossible reactions, sometimes trillions-fold, to make life possible. The question now is this: did these enzymes evolve naturally through a series of blind accidents? Or was there some sort of plan that brought them into being? Or were they the product of divine intervention? Or, is there yet another possible explanation?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, March 26, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

一个时间机器。Yes, that

If there was nothingness when God created the heavens and everything else, where was God in the midst of all this nothingness? Or, more pointedly, how can some thing or being (God), allegedly existing before there was anything, create everything out of nothing? I'm not sorry. I prefer the equally improbable, yet infinitely more possible notion that there are things such as meaningful chance (Carl Yung, et. al.); evolution through natural selection (Charles Darwin, his predecessor, antecedents, et. al.) Everything that lives ultimately dies. That is the way of being. The notion of and belief in an all-powerful God is the human response to awareness of mortality.
The Denial of Death* is more comfortable than the acceptance of its finality.
(*Ernest Becker)

Guest's picture


Tuesday, April 2, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

The tight correspondence

I'll close with a nugget of wisdom from the deeply insightful Douglas Adams:

Guest's picture


Wednesday, April 3, 2013 -- 5:00 PM

Wasn't that Addams with two d


Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Friday, August 7, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

What is of interest


Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Friday, August 7, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

There are many definitions of

There are many definitions of god. The one lumbering through these discussions was invented by dogmatists as an alternative to police or military power as a means of gaining the submission of a people. That is why it is inherently messianic. And that is why it is still controversial even though countervailing evidence is overwhelming. Evidence, that is, of the pernicious origin of the god myth in question. That is, a single solitary creator and adjudicator.
Matter is a differentiation that can only express itself in replication. The enigma of this is the source, for lazy minds, of the perennial recurrence of the question of an external creator. But there are too many patent realities that the perspective of a rigid replication (divine providence) can only portray as anomaly. Too many anomalies is bad science. Call it god and it only gets worse still.
I think the puddle is on Squirnshelos, the planet of the mattresses. But Adams' name is spelled with one 'd'. And I, for one, find very little in this world that suits me. If god is responsible, to 'ell with 'im!

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Friday, August 7, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Suggested reading:

Suggested reading:
The Symbolism of Evil, by Paul Ricoeur.
大多数创世神话开始于混乱和邪恶,而不是善良和秩序。父权之神作为征服者出现在先前存在的创造中。What we think of as an external creation of an omnipotent omniscient god is very much a latter day invention, since writing at least, and maybe only since the Reformation, or in response to Islam.

Rey43's picture


Friday, August 7, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

I'm just going to begin with

I'm just going to begin with a snippet from my reply to Edward Feser:

Quentin Smith alludes to a similar concept?namely Hector-Neri Castaneda, Galen Strawson, David Fair, Jerrold Aronson and others? Transference definition of a cause.1 He cites Castaneda as stating that "the heart of production, or causation, seems, thus, to be transfer or transmission.?2 Smith also states the following:
"Castaneda?s full theory implies a definition that includes the nomological condition: c is a cause of e if and only if (i) there is a transfer of causity from an object O1 to an object O2 in a circumstance x, with the event c being O1?s transmission of causity and the event e being O2?s acquisition of causity; (ii) every event of the same category as c that is in a circumstance of the same category as x is conjoined with an event of the same category as e."
与规范性倾向一样,如果上帝是非物质的,他如何能将因果关系转移到物质对象?Castanda吗?s (ii)遇见休谟?S的逻辑条件和更基本的物质条件。为了解决这个问题,有神论者不得不引入一个品牌,可以说,因果关系,使这样的讨论难以理解。说白了,就是用废话来维护废话。
Given this, the Fine-Tuning argument is dead in the water. Whether or not the universe is fine-tuned for life would have no bearing on whether a god is capable of creating a material universe. It's, in fact, the same objection Elizabeth of Bohemia leveled against Cartesian dualism: how can the mental interact with the physical? If one is admittedly non-physical, how can it have any effect on the physical? Likewise, if god is immaterial or as the Bible says, "spirit," how can he transfer causity to the proto-universe or interact within it now? The same objection can be raised against his purported timelessness. How can a timeless being interact within time? I'm fully aware of William Lane Craig's attempts to square this issue, but even he would admit that he has no answer.
道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams)已经被一些对话者提到过,他推翻了微调论点的假定目的。它吗?不是说宇宙是为我们而造的,而是说,宇宙之所以这样出现,仅仅是因为我们的存在。理查德·卡里尔也做过这种逆转。He states the following:
"Similarly the ?fine tuning? of the universe?s physical constants: that would be a great proof?if it wasn?t exactly the same thing we?d see if a god didn?t exist. If there is no god, we will only ever find ourselves in a universe finely tuned (in that case, by random chance), because without a god, there is no other kind of universe that can produce us. Likewise, a universe that produced us by chance would have to be enormously vast in size and enormously old, so as to have all the room to mix countless chemicals countless times in countless places so as to have any chance of accidentally kicking up something as complex as life. And that?s exactly the universe we see: one enormously vast in size and age. A godless universe would also only produce life rarely and sparingly, and that?s also what we see: by far most of the universe is lethal to life (being a deadly radiation filled vacuum) and by far most of the matter in the universe is lethal to life (constituting stars and black holes on which no life can ever live). Again, all exactly what we?d expect of a godless universe. Not what we?d expect of a god-made one.
这样,我们就有了我们自己的宇宙?D .奢望拥有如果没有上帝。而一个神并不需要万亿星系和数十亿年的时间来创造生命。他不?我们需要大量的致命空间和致命物质。只有无神论的宇宙需要它吗?说这样一个随机的、偶然的宇宙是不可能的,也没有什么好处,因为一个奇妙的、超级全知全能的宇宙,是方便地存在的。上帝也同样不可思议。不管怎样,你都在假设你有惊人的运气。这就留下了证据。如果有证据,那就更有可能了?没有神。 Thus, we?re forced to choose between which lucky accident it was, and the evidence confirms the one and not the other."3
肖恩·卡罗尔是这么说的吗?S是有神论者最好的论据,因为它是按规则办事的。无论如何,他说这仍然是一个可怕的论点。这一点也不令人信服。He gives us the following reasons:
"First, I am by no means convinced that there is a fine-tuning problem. It is certainly true that if you change the parameters of nature, our local conditions that we observe around us would change by a lot. I grant that quickly. I do not grant that therefore life could not exist. I will start granting that once someone tells me the conditions under which life can exist. What is the definition of life, for example. If it?s just information processing, thinking, or something like that, there?s a huge panoply of possibilities. They sound very science fiction-y, but then again, you?re the one who?s changing the parameters of the universe; the results are going to sound like they come from a science fiction novel. Sadly, we just don't know whether life could exist if the conditions of our universe were very different because we only see the universe that we see.
"Secondly, God doesn?t need to fine-tune anything. We talk about the parameters of physics and cosmology?the mass of the electron, the strength of gravity?and we say if they weren?t the numbers that they were then life itself could not exist. That really underestimates God by a lot, which is surprising from theists I think. In theism, life is not purely physical?it?s not purely a collection of atoms doing things like it is in naturalism. I would think that no matter what the atoms were doing God could still create life. God doesn?t care what the mass of the electron is, he can do what he wants. The only framework in which you can honestly say that the physical parameters of the universe must take on certain values in order for life to exist is naturalism.
“第三点是,一旦你更好地理解宇宙,你认为存在的微调可能会消失。它们可能只是表面现象。在吗?有没有一个著名的例子是有神论者或者宇宙学家喜欢给出的?我想得还不够多吗?早期宇宙的膨胀率被调整到1 / 10的60次方以内。了吗?这是一个简单的估计,在信封,铅笔和纸的背面。但在这种情况下,你可以做得更好。你可以进入广义相对论的方程,有一个正确的,严格的概率推导。当你用正确的公式问同样的问题时,你会发现概率是1。 All but a set of measure zero of early universe cosmologies have the right expansion rate to live for a long time and allow life to exist. I can?t say that all parameters fit into that paradigm, but until we know the answer we can?t claim that they?re definitely finely-tuned
“4号,有吗?“宇宙多元宇宙”是一个明显而简单的自然主义解释。人们喜欢担心多元宇宙;这听起来太奢侈了。我认为多元宇宙非常简单。它不是一种理论;正是对物理理论的预测,它们本身相当优雅、微小和独立,创造了一个又一个宇宙。在吗?我们没有理由,没有权利,期望整个宇宙看起来像我们现在的条件。但更重要的是,如果你以多元宇宙为出发点,你可以做出预测。 We live in an ensemble and we should be able to predict the likelihoods that the conditions around us take different forms. So in cosmology papers dealing with the multiverse you see graphs..that try to predict the density of dark matter given other conditions in the multiverse. You do not see [such] graphs?in the theological papers trying to give God credit for explaining the fine-tuning because theism isn?t well defined.
第五,也是最重要的一点,有神论无法解释。即使你认为宇宙是精确的,而你不是?我不认为自然主义能解决它,有神论当然不能解决它。如果你认为是这样,如果你诚实地玩游戏,你会说,'这就是我希望存在于有神论下的宇宙;我将把它与数据进行比较,看看是否吻合。我们期待的宇宙是什么样的?我一遍又一遍地宣称我们期待的宇宙符合自然主义的预测,而不是有神论。那么调优的量呢?如果你认为我们宇宙的物理参数是为了让生命存在而调整的?您希望进行足够的调优,但不要太多。在自然主义下,一种物理机制可能会过度调节到难以置信的程度,而这与生命的存在毫无关系,而这正是我们所观察到的。 For example, the entropy of the early universe is much, much, much, much lower than it needs to be to allow for life. You would expect under theism that the particles and parameters of particle physics would be enough to allow life to exist and have some structure that was designed for some reason; whereas under naturalism, you?d expect them to be kind of random and a mess. Guess what? They are kind of random and a mess. You would expect under theism life to play a special role in the universe; under naturalism you?d expect life to be very insignificant. I hope I don?t need to tell you, life is very insignificant as far as the universe is concerned."
I think the scholarship I've briefly presented thoroughly thrashes the Fine-Tuning Argument. Like all apologetic arguments, it simply doesn't make a case for theism. The Fine-Tuning Argument harbors an implicit God of the Gaps Argument. Since it can't be demonstrated that god operates within the universe, i.e., performs miracles, heals amputees, and so on, the theist must retreat into dubious metaphysics and outmoded arguments that have neither convinced atheists nor demonstrated a conclusive case for theism.
中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播“哲学谈话”根本不应该宣扬这些论点。甚至宗教哲学家也在超越这些过时的论点。这片土地已经被彻底践踏,任何关于这些论点的讨论都是倒退。基督教是假的,它的神是不存在的,我们因此而更美好。让我们来讨论实际的人类问题;让我们来讨论真正的哲学难题。如果上帝真的存在,我怀疑它会关心我们未能把握其本质的尝试,以及我们在制定不涉及欺凌、驱逐、甚至谋杀非信徒和其他宗教信徒的宗教原则方面更大的失败。上帝的谈话显然是分裂的,最终是不必要的。一个如此在意自己是否被接受的神会尽一切可能让人们相信他的存在。在我看来,一个神秘的神或一个拒绝做小把戏的神与无神论没有什么不同。 Yet this is precisely the sort of deity this argument defends: one that started the universe, props it up, and is indifferent to our plights. It is a waste of time to rehearse and rehash these arguments. Our time is better spent on the human condition and the problems we face. Let us move on together.
Hector-Neri Castaneda, ? cause, Causity, and Energy,?,载中西部哲学研究第九辑。P. French等人(明尼阿波利斯:明尼苏达大学出版社,1984);盖伦·斯特劳森《现实主义与因果关系》,《哲学季刊》第37期(1987),第253-77页;大卫·费尔《因果关系与能量流动》, Erkenntnis 14(1979),第219-50页;杰罗尔德Aronson, ?休谟的遗产?《科学的历史和哲学研究》7(1971),第135-36页。
2 Hector-Neri Castaneda, "Causes, Causity, and Energy,?, in Midwest Studies in Philosophy IX, eds. P. French et al (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984), p.22
3 ?Design Arguments for the Existence of God?. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
4 Richard Carrier, ?Richard Carrier Interview?. The Best Schools

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Saturday, August 8, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

I wonder if the Adams remark

Nomology? If ever there was a term meant to beg the question, this is it! And yet, its user seems to think it helps prove the reverse. For an argument from immanence the remarks above are riddled with implications of transcendence. I think it might be time to go back to Aristotle, as much a I despise the man. He had a broader range of causality with ample scope for the theist's view. I still think the best argument against them (and, alas, against Rey) is the lost referent. The most scathing critique of any philosophy is that it does not really know what it refers to. But what do we do when reference collapses? Punt? Resort to flumpuffery like "nomology"? Where do we get the idea that the "mental" is not of the same order of being as the "physical"? How is it we keep clinging to distinctions like this long after the meaning of them is clearly flown the coop? Rey would replace god by a thinking machine, but I suggest this is no better a solution. It just substitutes one set of disappearing referents for another. If knwoing what we are talking about is the first order of business, this discussion evaporates in a puff of fuzzy logic. I think there is an argument rather like this somewhere in the Guide, where mankind gets run over by proving blue is green, or something like that.

Gerald Fnord's picture

Gerald Fnord

Saturday, August 8, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

I take issue with the premise


Rey43's picture


Saturday, August 8, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

Gary demonstrating an

I argue further that material objects interact via their dispositions and this manifests as causation, e.g. the fragility of glass interacts with the solidity of a floor, and in most cases, this results in the shattering of the former. What material dispositions can an immaterial being have? None. God does not meet the material condition and therefore would not have caustic power assuming he existed. I also presented scholarship that addresses problems with the Fine-Tuning Argument. The theist is obligated to present an unintelligible brand of causation to argue in favor of god creating the universe; it would be the invocation of nonsense to preserve nonsense.

mirugai's picture


Saturday, August 8, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

The Religion of Explanation

The Religion of Explanation
我们真正谈论的不是对上帝的信仰,而是对解释(即因果关系)的信仰。让吗?你说你觉得一切都很好?(我不?顺便说一下,T;由最精细的人持续杀戮?物种可以说是它的自然条件)。跟你说的一样吗,很好?就是事情本来的样子。你也吗?t need to explain how things got that way, nor do you need to be bullied by non-believers into coming up with an explanation. As Dr.Ismael once asked John, ?Why do you think everything needs an explanation??
Coming up with all kinds of mental calisthenics and making up your own definitions of ?terms,? proves only that your real religion is not God-based, but is a belief (i.e., apart from rational or scientific evidence) that ?everything? has an explanation, and if one isn?t obvious, make one up that appeals (I say, ?dramatic.? What could be a more dramatic scene than a being with a long white beard, who lives in the sky and who sends lightening bolts or a new sofa to those who pray to him? Or the guy who started it all, is all-knowing, all-powerful, and still runs the show?)
Of course there is another God (other than the one with the white beard, or some variation on that idea, believed in by 95% of the people (now, there is a ?probability? case for you)). And that is the God which is simply a reference, based on a human need to do so, to a consciousness outside one?s own. Usually done for confirmation of what one, or one?s group, thinks is right or good. And that for all kinds of additional reasons: again, drama, explanation, wonder, community, empowerment?others.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Saturday, August 8, 2015 -- 5:00 PM


我的物理老师曾经问班上的学生,为什么冰箱里的架子能分辨空牛奶和满牛奶,而我们可能分辨不出来?解释一下,我就相信你是唯物主义者的观点。然而,我怀疑你根本不是。我对你的不满是,你根本不是一个唯物主义者,而只是用另一种教条的非唯物主义取代了一种教条。你是一个二元论者,需要诉诸于未定义的区别,以学术性的胡言乱语蒙蔽读者。我想知道休谟在哪里使用了“法理学”这个术语来描述他自己的观点,他的观点更像是一种心理学,而不是逻辑实证主义。事实是,物质具有比“法理学”所能解释的更多的技巧。反常现象是有意义的,仅仅因为在诸如精神和物质的区别的逻辑中没有它们的位置,并不意味着它们可以被不受控制地抛弃。逻辑不能关闭陷阱,也不能从认识论解释我们可以推断出什么经验,所以我们之间弹跳不完整的信念这些激励在美国,并没有意识到什么是异常的一个是与另一个和这个结合异常和矛盾供应提示我们需要开始做哲学,虽然我们几乎总是在被蒙骗的人,或者干脆放弃责任通过吸引神话模型。但即使是神话也不像你描述的那样,它是像你这样的空想家的混合物他们唯一的可取之处是对他们的条款和意图的天真信仰。 In point of fact, I am not so naive, nor committed any more to theism than to the presumption of a completed system of rational explanation, as if the material world were any more the product of a transcendental logic or "nomology" than a transcendental creator. In other words, I am saying you are not the materialist you seem to claim to be, nor as much as I am.
Oh, love does exist. But it is not what you think it is. The problem with evolutionary theories is that they invariably ignore the input of the organism in its own development. Random change is not enough. The living thing must avail of the abilities that change imparts in it, or it has no effect. That is, we reject or welcome change. Either is an act of loss, and only through a response, not its own, responsible (in any sense, even the most counterintuitive sense) of the worth of that loss completes that act. That response is love. The explanation lies in that that welcoming loss that instills that responsibility creates all. It is very much immanent to this world!

Rey43's picture


Sunday, August 9, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

休谟吗?s secondary conditions

休谟吗?S次条件(时间和时空)只在满足物质条件时才满足。休谟还有第三个条件,也是物质条件所满足的。休谟吗?逻辑条件说,每一个物体,比如原因,总会产生类似结果的东西。它吗?这是援引自然法则的概化原理。然而,每一条自然法则都可以简化为一个物质对象。引力是一种与物体质量成正比的吸引力。就像电磁学一样,它表现在一个能作用于物理对象的场。 Without material objects, gravity wouldn?t emerge?at least not in any discernible sense.
这就解决了你关于货架“知道”满壶和空壶的区别的问题。自然界中存在着力,每一种力都可以简化为物理物体。承认这些并不会使我成为一个二元论者,也不是放弃物理主义。需要明确的是,我是一个还原物理主义者,这大致意味着所有存在的要么是物理的,要么是可还原为物理的,例如,意识可还原为大脑,它的解剖结构,以及它的功能——正如自闭症、精神分裂症等所表明的那样,它可还原为神经解剖学。给我分配职位是在转移注意力;你试图让回应我变得更容易,因为从表面上看,你无法做出充分的回应——因此,那些盲目的人会用哲学术语指责你,比如“听起来像学术呓语”。如果你对哲学术语感到不舒服,那你显然走错地方了。再说一次,你对法理学的关注并没有解决我的观点,因为我几乎是顺便提到了那个条件。休谟的因果条件可以简化为我的物质条件。没有原因,既不是物质的,也不是可还原为物质的。 God, being immaterial, does not satisfy the Humean conditions and my more basic condition for a cause. Hence, it is a brand of causation that's unintelligible.
For whoever's interested:

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Sunday, August 9, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

It's called the electro

这叫做电动势。物质实际上并不接触其他物质,它接近,遇到电动势,要么反弹,要么达到平衡。但电子与电子的实际相遇是复杂的和概率的,不是一个直接和简单的作用和反应。亚里士多德列出了四种因果关系:效率,形式,材料,最终。你似乎认为这只是有效原因。柏拉图,正如我最近在另一个帖子中提到的,对为什么这是不充分的给出了一个精彩的解释,(斐多篇,96a及以下)。引力需要物质,因为它是物质,就像光需要光子一样。我只是不明白你说的这些知识,也不明白我为什么要被你的侮辱吓倒。你是说你不知道"异常"是什么意思吗?这是不符合命题的数据。 Hume is nowhere so arrogant as to suggest the habit of thought is truth. He just says that coherent repetitions just naturally retrench as expectation and supposition of knowledge, not knowledge in fact. If nothing contradicts the habitual way of thinking this means we get by in the world but do not learn anything, not that we are metaphisically correct. There's a ghost from the past! But it seems to me you are opening a back door for metaphysics to return. If you take a close look at Kant's square of opposition, you will see that a formal contradiction requires a quantifier. An opposition of the form A is B or A is not B is not a formal contradiction, it is a contrariety. But what even Kant didn't recognize was that the qualifier is the crucial part, and modern formal logic quite literally excludes this altogether, making a hash of its pretensions to rigor. It fell to Heidegger to realize the central role of the quality "being". But he veered off into a role rather like the scientist in the movie Help. But the resolution comes in a dynamic, not of act and reaction, but of act and response (quite another kettle of fish!) of what begins as anomaly (the act of loss) but becomes contrary (the response of love) to the law that would read it as outside its thesis. So you see, I'm actually a reasoned development of Hume's view, rather more substantively so than you appear to be.

Rey43's picture


Sunday, August 9, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

And yet again, none of this

And yet again, none of this addresses what I'm saying. Your focus on Hume is misplaced. I mention him in passing and you go on to stroke your ego with some knowledge of ancient Greek philosophers (none of whom were mentioned by me) and an ill advised lesson in predicate logic. I know what an anomaly is, but as I stated, it's a moot point, since again, it's ignoracio elenchi. You haven't addressed my points at all. Even if we trade my conditions for Hume's or for Aristotle's, we still do not arrive at an immaterial efficient cause or material cause. A final cause is not always required, since teleology is not always required. To believe so is to engage in agency detection. A storm, for example, has no telos.
It is you and other religious folk who collapse teleology and causality. They may cross paths, but the two are not to be conflated. As you've done from the start, you've straw manned my position, since I don't collapse Aristotle's four causes to an efficient cause. I didn't even mention Aristotelean metaphysics. I've worked from a Humean framework and showed how his three conditions are reducible to my material condition. This still does not mean that there can't be any efficient causes at all. I've not implied that anywhere. I've argued quite clearly that god can be neither the efficient nor material cause since he's immaterial, and thus, cannot transfer causity to a material object--let alone a material conglomerate like the universe. You've dodged my question repeatedly, put words in my mouth, and have tried at every turn to frustrate me with one red herring after another. I will no longer respond to your vacuity; you're not responding to anything I've written.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, August 10, 2015 -- 5:00 PM


那很正常,因为你还没回复。你说休谟是无关紧要的,然后又引用他。你声称经验主义,却假定理性主义。我确实告诉过你我是一个唯物主义者,但不知怎么的,你却把它解读为宗教信仰。仅仅因为我反对还原主义者和实证主义者的专横主张,并不意味着我是一个有神论者。这就好像,如果我不是一个独断专行的理性主义者,我一定是一个独断专行的自然神论者。我向你们解释过因果关系不能简化成牛顿力学那样简单,但我是那个没抓住重点的人?我觉得你没抓住重点,真的。但真正的问题是,我们如何被推翻我们最亲爱的幻想的东西所说服?我的观点是,“上帝谈话”只有作为一种隐蔽的社会暴力形式才有说服力,有点像种族主义或里根经济学。 But you seem to me to be engaging in something similar. My offering the issue of the dramatic interplay between anomaly and contrariety is intended as a rigorous solution to the rational conflict inherent in material causality and as the resolution of the enigmatic recurrence of "god talk", it is not moot. (By the way, the "moot" is a protected and protective mode of learning the arts of adjudication and legislation, it is not impertinent or irrelevant simply because it holds the final decision in abeyance until these skills are mastered. It's a kind of courtesy, you see.)
如果你感到沮丧,我很抱歉,但你完全没有把自己的意思表达清楚。你似乎没有意识到物质因果关系的模式,我想你指的是机械相互作用,不能解释很多,也远不能完全解释物质现象。我试图向你解释你对因果关系的概念从何而来,但你忽略了这一点,就像其他人忽略了我对“上帝谈话”从何而来的解释一样。但是,如果说服的力量是一种隐蔽的社会暴力,那么是否有什么能让我们改变想法,从而获得解放呢?我们能通过彼此来实现这一刻吗?还是说说服总是暴力?如果是这样,只有上帝能拯救我们。但我不这么认为,在那种情况下,没有上帝能做到。但我们可以,只要我们能学会说服的艺术在思想改变的那一刻解放我们。我坚持这不是非物质的,因为我是一个唯物主义者。 The human mind is material. But, as I said earlier, matter has lots of tricks your causality does not account for. The implacable reaction is the nature of the mechanical. when we fabricate machines or interpret events mechanically we reduce matter to that mode. Dead matter cannot come to life. But there is life, and there is mind, and there is ample proof that mechanics does not explain this. This does not support theism because the resolution to the enigma of it is the drama of loss and love, anomaly and contrariety, and the gods suffer neither. The existence of life and mind prove there is no god, not the reverse. But since you mean not to respond, I guess you will not see your way through to the explanation of this. Insist on dogma, if you will. The fundamental law of meaning is that the act of it needs its response free. God would never allow this, of course. But neither do you, with your half-baked causality.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Monday, August 10, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

~~He is not good,

~~He is not good,
simply has been strong.
It has simply been
When they brought us here,
they brought in train.
a guard
On their belts,
"Gott mit uns".
"God is with us."
Now, who says
All these things, but
against us.
He is still God ...
our enemy.
That is what
happened to the pact.
He has made a new
deal with others.
We are now entering
to the gas chambers.
him guilty.
Found God
guilty, yes,
for not complying
with the agreement,
for breaking your
covenant with us.
Every day 6,000 people were
taken to the gas chambers here.
I thought I was going to
I'm ready.
He is not ready.
Send me,
not him.
Shut up.
Just move.
Please look at me.
I am young,
might be useful.
How can they be
Making Sense
not my job.
Well, then,
who is?
I think you're reading
wrong cards.
Please, just
checked the cards.
Please checked
What now?
What now?
Now that God is guilty,
What now?


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, August 13, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

This God thing seems

This God thing seems infinitely bigger than any of us and I suppose the fine tuning argument is as good as any, inasmuch as arguments abound and likely always (and in all ways) shall. Is God all that we make It out to be? I do not know. Is God beyond the scope of philosophy and the rational mind? So it would seem. But I am of the notion that Pascal was at least on to something when he made his celebrated wager, even though, as stated by Einstein, God does not play dice. Here again though we should ask: did Einstein know for sure? What if, in truth, God DOES play dice? I mean, if we look around, we can see the evidence almost everyday. Hmmm. This has been an enduring topic on this blog, as well it should. It is probably THE enigma of the ages. I do have one final comment, in the form of a burning question: Can anyone who believes unflinchingly in God also, at the same instant, be counted as a philosopher? That is my personal enigma.

Gary M Washburn's picture

Gary M Washburn

Thursday, August 13, 2015 -- 5:00 PM

When you say "god is" "god

When you say "god is" "god does" god says" "god would" "god can", where in the world are you getting this from? It aint reasoning, that's definite.

