Mind Reading

07 April 2012


Our capacity for mind-reading is actually a big deal -- a major evolutionary achievement of our species. Without it, we couldn’t learn from each other as easily and as profusely as we do. And we couldn’t so effortlessly coordinate our lives with others in the many ways we do.



Still, we shouldn't work ourselves into a skeptical frenzy. Suppose we take our mind reading abilities at face value and try to figure out exactly what underlies that ability. There's lots of fascinating new work in philosophy and cognitive science about the basis of our capacity to read minds. Maybe learning how we actually manage to read minds might cure my doubts. Some investigators think that our mind-reading abilities are rooted in a complex theory of mind. In other words, reading minds is analogous to making inferences about the not-directly-observable behavior of atomomic particles on the basis of theories in physics or chemistry.

But the mind is a pretty complex thing. Philosophers and scientists who study the mind still don’t understand it fully. How can ordinary folks be so good at reading minds, if the people whose business it is to rigorously investigate the mind, still don’t really have a good theory of how it works? There’s another view that says mind-reading doesn't have to involve theoretical knowledge at all. Here’s how it goes: we figure out what other people feel or believe or intend by creatively projecting ourselves into their situation and figuring out what we ourselves would do or feel or believe in that situation. And there are other approaches as well, which we hear about from our guest, Shaun Nichols, co-author of "Mindreading: An Integrated Account of Pretense, Self-Awareness and Understanding Other Minds."


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Saturday, April 7, 2012 -- 5:00 PM

Some say the mind-reading

Warmest Regards,

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Friday, April 20, 2012 -- 5:00 PM

Over the decades, I have

Over the decades, I have observed that a statement that begins "I know for sure that" is invariably followed by nonsense, and the more forcefully the statement is made, the more preposterous it is likely to be. (In quite a number of cases, I have had adequate knowledge of the facts or realized that the speaker was representing opinion as fact, and in the rest I have made a reasonable surmise.) Similarly, in scholarly writing, any statement that begins "We now know that" should set off all kinds of alarm bells, unless you know that it is so.
At a pragmatic level, it is reasonable to claim to know things (the dispute being about the criteria or qualifications for a valid claim to knowledge). On the other hand, Constructive Psychology considers the world largely ambiguous and open to interpretation. Indeed, CP sees the brain as an artist that creates its own reality (but that may be going a little too far).