Harmful Jobs, Net Impact
Eliane Mitchell

13 October 2017

Consider this:

You have just graduated law school and the Environmental Protection Agency, run under Scott Pruit, has offered you a position there. Pruit's goals at the EPA are to roll back regulations that help protect the environment—an agenda that you believe will do much more harm to the Earth than good—but on the bright side, you think, maybe you could try to change the EPA from the inside. So what should you do? Take the job and try to soften Pruit's efforts? Or would it be more productive to work for an environmental agency whose efforts you support? To put the question more broadly, is it ever justifiable to take a harmful job to do more good?

An article on80,000 Hours,一个关于“毕业生如何在职业生涯中做出最大的改变”的在线指南,探讨了这些问题。使用道德哲学进行比较,它拒绝接受一份有害的工作的有效性,并希望从非结果主义(义务论)和结果主义的基础上“从内部”改变它。首先,具有巨大负面影响的工作违反了权利或其他道德原则,完全无法通过义务论测试;其次,从事有害工作的行为可能会导致其他隐藏的伤害,如损害个人声誉或周围有不道德的人。基于这些原因,这篇文章总结道,人们可能不应该从事有明显负面影响的职业,因为一个人所能取得的那一分钟的积极成果,不会超过这项工作在其他方面的有害手段。

你觉得呢?你有比这更能说明问题的论点吗?Enter your comments below and also find80,000 Hours's list of the 10 most harmful jobshere.

Link to article:https://80000hours.org/articles/harmful-career/