Why America is not a Nation

19 June 2018


Why do I say that? Well, there's a short answer and a slightly longer answer. The short answer is that too many Americans hate, or at least really dislike other Americans for us to count as a nation. The longer answer is similar in spirit, but will take some work to spell out in detail. Spelling out the longer answer requires me to say a bit more about what I mean by a nation. There are, I think, two different conceptions of nationhood. In one of these senses of ‘nation’ America is as much a nation as any other. But that, I shall argue, is hardly a sense of ‘nation’ worth caring much about.

On the one hand, you have a nation wherever you have an intact state, held together by some means or other, under the unified jurisdiction of some central government, with the power and authority to make laws, defend itself, etc. In this sense, American is clearly a nation and a pretty powerful one at that. But in this sense, Iraq under Saddam Hussein was a nation. So too were the former Soviet Union under the Communist Party and the former Yugoslavia under Tito. And I hope these examples will help you see where I am headed.


To grasp the deeper sense of nationhood I have in mind, think of a nation not as defined by the potentially coercive instruments of statehood, but by mutual bonds of sympathy, respect, and tolerance among citizens. Such bonds may serve to gather people into a single or at least unified collectivity. They may serve as the basis of a shared national identity, grounded in a set of mutually endorsed commitments, projects, and values. To participate in the life of a nation in this sense -- call it nation-as-shared-project -- is not merely to be subject to the coercive power of this or that state. It is to participate willingly in set of shared commitment and projects. And it is for one’s participation in those shared projects and commitments to form an important component of one’s identity as a being in a world. When I am a citizen of a nation so understood, I identify with my fellow citizens as partners in a set of joint national projects and they, in turn, identify with me.

I do not mean to say that we can never have it both ways. It is surely possible for a stretch of land to be occupied by a people whose common nationhood encompasses bothnation-as-stateandnation-as-shared-project. Perhaps many of the current nations of the world do precisely that. But since I know only America from the inside, I will reserve judgement on this score.On the flip side, there are also stateless nations, as we might call them. A stateless nation is constituted by a people bound together by a system of shared projects, values and commitments, but without access to the instruments of statehood. Think here of the Palestinian nation or the Kurdish nation.

AndI certainly do not mean to suggest that nations are necessarily forces for good in the world. Some nations, with their defining national projects, are loci of pure evil. Arguably, Nazi Germany was more than a mere place. It was, however briefly, a genuine nation-as-shared-project. Its people were united by a grand, powerful, and dark project. And its attempt to carry out that project was enormously destructive for humanity at large. All things considered, It would surely be better for a stretch of land to be a mere place, than a nation-as-project of this sort.

So I hope it is clear that when I say that America is not a nation, but merely a place, I certainly do not mean to deny the existence of the Americastate. As I have already conceded, the American state definitely exists. Again, it is a highly consequential and powerful state. What there is not is an American nation-as-shared-project, defined by a set of mutually endorsed values, projects and commitments that serve to unite the inhabitants of the place that is America into a single people of a single nation-as-shared-project.

To some extent, this means that America is somewhat akin to the now defunct Soviet Union. It too was merely a place, as I have already argued.当然,将美国团结在一起的粘合剂与曾经将苏联团结在一起的粘合剂在性质上有很大不同。这里的国家权力工具比苏联的国家权力工具更加民主。但是,我们不应该让这种不同蒙蔽了我们的双眼,让我们看不到这样一种可能性:就像苏联国家的粘合剂解体并被削弱到失效的程度一样,美国国家的粘合剂也可能会如此。如果那一天真的到来,美国不仅将不再是一个民族国家,甚至可能不再作为一个地方存在——至少在某种意义上是这样。当然,曾经被美国占领的土地仍然会存在。但是,就像“苏联”不再作为一大片土地的地理名称一样,如果美国民族国家不再存在,“美国”也可能不再作为一大片土地的地理名称。

Now it应该说,无论是在前苏联,还是在受其影响的东欧集团国家,人们都知道如何喊出国家地位的口号。事实上,苏联人非常坚定地要创造他们所谓的“苏联人”,他们对苏联国家共享计划的认同将会深入人心。而那些在苏联统治下苦苦挣扎的人民,至少从表面上看,确实表现得很顺从。他们从小就学会了辩证唯物主义的来龙去脉。他们学会了唱歌和唱圣歌。但在他们的内心深处,很少有人是真正的信徒。Perhaps it is the same with us Americans. To test this thought, i想象你是一个外星文化人类学家,被派去研究美国。你们想知道,在他们的内心深处,什么样的承诺真正定义了美国这个国家,作为一个集体。你决心无视统治精英的官方声明、文件和声明。你决心深入了解普通美国人的日常生活和意识。你会发现什么?你会找到一个深深致力于民主、平等、宽容和合理的多元主义的民族吗?我不确定。我有点怀疑不是。我怀疑你会发现,尽管许多人在社会上已经习惯于口口声喊出美国国家地位的口号,但我们对这种理想的真正承诺水平相当浅薄。

Once upon a time,perhapsAmerica hadmore of a claim of being a nation-as-shared-project than it now has. This is a tempting thought, but I doubt that it is true. I suspect America has never been a nation-as-shared-project -- at least not for very many of the inhabitants of the place that is America. Or perhaps I should say that if America ever was a nation in the sense that concerns me here, it was a nation that excluded very many of the inhabitants of the land mass that housed the people of that nation. Or to put it differently, it may have been a nation-as-project for the few, but it was a mere place for the many. This is evidenced by the fact that America has seldom welcomed into its bosom the full range of peoples who have from time to time dwelled in this place. Think of how many of the inhabitants of this land mass were brutalized, exploited, enslaved, even exterminated in the name of one after another of America’s putatively defining "shared" projects.

This is not to deny that at various singular moments in the troubled history of the place that is America, we have experienced at least temporary stirrings of a deeper sort of nationhood. One thinks here of the very revolution with which America began, or of the westward expansion of the American state, or of the two World Wars, or the Great Depression, or even the Cold War. To be sure, even at such moments of apparent deep national unity, there have always been alternative voices, with competing, even irreconcilable ideas about what the project of America should be. The complete cynic will even say that such moments of apparent national unity and joint commitment were always merely apparent. They have been overly mythologized in our imaginations, the cynic will say, and bear little or no relation to concrete historical reality. We Americans have always been a people divided and at odds, with little sense of shared purpose, engaged in constant and bitter struggle. We hardly even know how to conduct the sort of civic conversation that might serve to bind the disparate people that we are into a united nation.

Perhaps the cynic is right. Perhaps America has never experienced even a faint glimmer of true nationhood-as-shared-project. Perhaps it has always been on the sham and illusion of nationhood. I will grant that there is a case to be made for that point of view. But arguing over history is not really my concern here. The more biting question for me and for the present moment in our history is whether we can become a nation, if not once again, then perhaps for the first time. I confess to not being optimistic. For one thing, we are now nearly as deeply at odds over the potential identity of an American nation as we have ever been. To take one small thing, think of how obsessed some Americans are over the very concept of an American. Some inhabitants of this place that is America think of themselves as the only "real" Americans and by implication dismiss others as not "real Americans." People often talk of "the American Heartland" as if primarily the people who live in those places are the "real" Americans, or at least the most authentically American of Americans.此外,“非美国”这个概念一直很流行,它总是被一些美国人当作武器,用来攻击其他美国人及其信仰、活动和价值观。

I sometimes wonder if there is any place on earth as obsessed with the concept of a real (national) as at least some Americans are. This obsession would be sort of, barely understandable if the distinction between "real" Americans and what—”faux"(?)—Americans was applied only to recent interlopers into the American polity. After all, throughout our history, waves and waves of immigrants, from all over the world, were not considered "real Americans" by those already here. But it's not just recent immigrants who get tagged by some as less than fully authentic real Americans. Even people with deep roots in this land are often dismissed as merely faux Americans. And the deeply troubling thing is that the “real” Americans seem to want, with all their hearts, to "take America back" from the “faux” Americans.


Part of what is driving us toward a politics of incommensurability is the almost complete breakdown of mediating structures within our total civic life that might help shape and guide civic conversations among citizens, considered as partners in joint national endeavors. There are many reasons for this collapse. They include the rise of the internet, the proliferation of confirmation bias as a business model, the demise of unions, the atomizing effects of globalization, the ideological hardening of our parties, combined with extreme gerrymandering, the rising influence of ungodly sums of money in politics, the fracturing of the media landscape and on and on and on. These developments have conspired to make civic conversations, which are asine qua non而打造共享的国家项目,就难得多了。因此,“美国”已经成为一个人们斗争和斗争的地方,几乎没有任何基础可以让我们形成共同的身份认同或对共同的项目和价值观作出共同的承诺。


我们需要的是一个全新的开始。我们必须建立一个新的美利坚共和国,一个有着完全不同的宪法和完全不同的公民精神的共和国。现在的共和国不是真正的共和国。这是一个最好的伪共和国。它正在迅速坍塌。即使有可能拯救它,它也不值得拯救,至少以目前的形式不值得。最好把这个伪共和国扔进我们动荡历史的垃圾箱,重新启动,重新开始。前面提到的法国人,毕竟是在他们的第五个共和国。我承认,我们不能完全确定我们能以非暴力的方式,在相互合作而不是相互敌对的精神下实现新共和国。但对于美国这个有着四分五裂的居民的地方来说,这是一个危险的时刻。 Heavy burdens must be shouldered. Perhaps persons of great vision, integrity, and practical wisdom will emerge to help lead the way. A Lincoln or Mandela or Gandhi for this age!



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 -- 10:52 AM

This looks like an

This looks like an introduction to your new book, about which I can only speculate. Your caption, nation-as-shared-project, does however invoke notions of America that were infused in education I was exposed to many years ago. I think you are right about some reasons for America's demotion from nation to place---I am certain the demotion is fairly recent, although I have been previously accused of idealism. At the peril of making an unfair (or unwanted) comparison, I think the shared project notion, comports with John Searle's ideas of individual and collective intentionality. It seems equally certain (to me) that there must be both, at every level of an American consciousness, in order for there to be anything shareable. It is probably too late for this. I look forward to reviewing your book.

Ken Taylor's picture

Ken Taylor

Wednesday, June 20, 2018 -- 11:11 AM

Not the introduction. It's

Not the introduction. It's an except from Chapter V. The introduction is called. "A Republic in Crisis." Here is the working chapter outline of the book:

Chapter I. Introduction: A Republic in Crises

Chapter 2. The Shaky Constitutional Foundations of the American Republic

Chapter 3. How the US Constitution Fosters a Disengaged and Infantilized Polity

Chapter 4. Behold the Soft Tyranny of Rural America!

第五章。Why America is Just a Place and not a Nation

第六章。Trump’s Threefold Crises of Democratic Legitimacy

Chapter 7. Toward a New American Republic

Ken Taylor's picture

Ken Taylor

Thursday, June 21, 2018 -- 12:19 PM

A follow up comment about

关于我的动力的后续评论。在我心情不好的时候,我认为美国没有什么希望,主要是因为很多美国人不太喜欢其他美国人。事实上,在我看来,美国就像一个严重失调的家庭,家庭成员几乎不能再容忍彼此,完全失去了彼此交谈的能力。举几个例子。有些美国人很乐意把神权政治强加给他们的美国同胞,不管他们喜欢与否。其他美国人显然渴望建立一个将许多其他美国人排除在外的民族国家。如果可能的话,美国人会带着他们所认为的陈旧的偏见,把他们那些笃信宗教的同胞完全赶出公共广场。很多富裕的美国人,告诉自己他们的勇气,勤奋,沙漠,这为他们想要剥夺美国的权力来帮助不那么富裕的美国人提供了正当的理由,这将使他们能够保留他们的成功或运气的回报或你拥有的东西。相对而言,不那么富裕的美国人坚持认为他们吃了亏,怨恨富裕的人是自私的囤积者,他们可能偷了,而不是非法获得了国家的合法财富。我们的政党利用和渲染这些紧张和矛盾,从而使它们变得更糟。 Our media blathers on mostly about nothing, except in times of great crisis, while this all stews and grows and deepens. Instead of interrogating and analyzing the sources f our deepest problems, the media is mostly content to play color commentators on the passing spectacle of struggle and dissoution. That is one reason why I say that America is not a nation -- and is not even close to being one -- but only a place these days.

chucktin's picture


Thursday, June 21, 2018 -- 2:56 PM

" Some Americans would gladly

" Some Americans would gladly impose a theocracy on their fellow Americans, whether they like it or not. Other Americans clearly long for an ethno-national state that would exclude many other Americans." -KT

With the exception of very few alt-righters who are non-religious and in the latter group, the Venn diagram of the two groups mentioned in largely concentric circles.


I do think the crux of the problem is income and wealth distribution and the fantastical concentration in a few that has occurred in the the last 35 years, and especially in the last 15 years. I agree with the Atlantic author Matthew Stewart about this top 9.9% problem.* A Christian might suggest a form of Jubilee is way over due. Jefferson was against inherited wealth believing most wealth derived from the natural resources of the planet, which includes human resources, and should be returned, as such, upon expiration of the rich person.

The aggregation of power in the Executive, abetted by Congress' of both parties, indicates to me the problem of the Imperial Executive is now long established and problematic. Parliamentary democracy has it problems, for sure, but I think a new United States Constitution should establish such a pluralistic government, as the dualistic government has largely failed due to rank partisanship and tribalism.


Bryant Poythress's picture

Bryant Poythress

Saturday, June 23, 2018 -- 10:27 AM

Ken, The establishment of the

In the midst of strife, suffering, war and death at Gettysburg, his allusion to the creation of all men as equal was not a detraction nor distraction from the apalling physical circumstances, but a reminder of a spiritual reality - for this vision is a spiritual vision. Whatever our individual situations, true forgiveness "with malice toward none; with charity for all..." must saturate our beings. Far from being sloppy emotionalism, it is where truth and freedom live.

Reified Objectification's picture

Reified Objecti...

Tuesday, June 26, 2018 -- 7:36 AM

"America is not a nation. It

"America is not a nation. It is only a place."
This is not a response. It is only words.

在同样的语言操纵下,有哪个“民族”能够经受住时间和边界变化的考验?为什么只看美国?包括波多黎各吗?那1876年左右的奥斯曼帝国呢?那是一个“国家”吗?独裁是一个“国家”吗?一个君主吗?他们的国家是通过观察其居民的相对社会一致性(从外部还是作为这个国家的“原住民”)?这是如何判断的?如果居民聚集在一起仅仅是因为如果他们不接受这个“共享项目”,他们就会被杀死呢? Does that count as shared intentions?

Perhaps the idea of a "nation" is merely a way to reflect control of the masses by the elite, who may or may not share ancestry with those masses, in order to mark out territory against elites of other geographical populations like chimpanzee territories. Are the territories controlled by groups of chimps considered "nations" then? I would think so, and probably more of an example of the definition given to "nation-as-shared-project".


MJA's picture


Sunday, July 22, 2018 -- 10:19 PM

Hi Ken,

Hi Ken,

The only way to build the nation you seek is to go back to the foundation and start anew. And what corner stone should we start with?
Truth Ken, nothing but the purest of absolute.
The foundation is:
"E Pluribus Unum"! Out of the many, One. Just One.

There is nothing more powerful than One.
"United we stand, divided we fall"

So how do we achieve this nation of the truly indivisible you ask?
We be it. We "be the change you wish to see in the world."
It is up to you and me.
Be it, be a nation of One and the rest will surely come.
The Promised land is right here, we just have to be it.
Free at last,


markostoughton's picture


Wednesday, November 27, 2019 -- 7:45 AM

The main obstacle to


Our history books focus on the deeds of white men like Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. To many white people, only a white man is fit to lead America. Only white men are worthy of full membership in the nation. White women may be associate members, as long as they remember their place. People of other ethnicities are tolerated to the extent that they serve the needs of white people and don't demand anything. For America to be a true nation that includes all of the people living in this place, more than 100 million white people would need to abandon these deeply help beliefs and understandings. They would have to give up a position of privilege that gives them many advantages. I can't imagine how that would happen.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, January 31, 2022 -- 7:18 AM

America is an enigma, seems

在我看来,美国是个谜。正如肯·泰勒的文章所阐述的那样,逆境将我们团结在一起;繁荣的驱动器。有点像婚姻。此外,这里也存在一些权威/抵抗的二分法。还有,真正的美国人。Vs。“他们”。泰勒用雄辩的笔法捕捉到了所有这些,甚至更多;优雅; and a keen sense of reality.

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