Flexitarian vs. Vegetarian

17 August 2017

Vegetarian: no meat, always.


A recentAeonAlberto Giubilini的文章为弹性主义辩护。假设我们的目标是减少整体肉类消费。如果我们成为素食主义者,当然,我们自己不会吃任何肉。但是,我们也会或明或暗地鼓励别人也成为素食者。对世界各地的许多人来说,这是一件很难说服的事情。

Instead, if we just become flexitarian and encourage others to simply join us in eatinglessmeat, then we'll end up convincing more people and thereby reduce meat consumption overall by a greater amount.

It's a counterintuitive, but plausible argument. Check it out at this link:
