The Prison System

21 May 2011


现在有一个开始的想法似乎可以证明这些庞大的数字是合理的。美国可能是一个暴力的地方。我们的监狱里挤满了人,因为我们的街道上充斥着暴力犯罪。但暴力犯罪只是故事的一部分。这是另一个事实。In the twenty-seven nations of the European Union, whose combined population exceeds ours by nearly two hundred million, the total prison population for all crimescombinedis around six hundred thousand. In the US, we’ve got almost that number of people – five hundred thousand to be precise -- in prison for drug related crimes alone. And many of these crimes involve no violence whatsoever.

That’s a lot of people. And it costs a lot of money. The states spent almost fifty billion dollars on incarceration in 2007. That’s up from ten billion in 1987 – adjusting for inflation, that’s an increase of a hundred twenty-seven percent.

And not just how many we imprison, but who we imprison raises moral questions as well. African Americans make up roughly twelve percent of our total population, but they make up over forty percent of the prison population. Latinos make up thirteen percent of the population, but twenty percent of prison inmates. The prison system is one of the epicenters of racial inequality in America. If current trends continue, one-third of all black males and one-sixth of all Latino males will go to prison during their lives, as opposed to one in seventeen white males.

To make some philosophy out of those numbers, think about theories of just punishment.

Intuitively, we think of a just punishment as a punishment that "fits" the crime. But what exactly does that mean? What does it take for a punishment to “fit” a crime?

One what to start answering that question is to ask about the goals or aims of punishment. Suppose you thought that the point of punishment is to deter future crime. In that case, a punishment might be said to fit a crime, if the punish is just harsh enough to change the cost-benefit calculations of potential criminals.

Alternatively, you could think that punishment is about extracting retribution – an eye for an eye. In that case, a punishment would fit a crime, if the pain or harm imposed on the criminal was proportionate to the pain or harm that the criminal imposed on its victim.

It could also be the point of punishment is to rehabilitate the criminal. In that case, the punishment fits the crime only if it helps to make the criminal a better person. But it seems a little odd to think of this as a theory ofpunishment,完全正确。你通过治疗或教育人们来让他们康复。当你对待或教育一个人的时候,你并不是在惩罚他们。最起码,惩罚需要谴责。那受害者呢?他至少该还点钱吧?

Actually, we’ve just introduced two more theories of punishment. Therestorative刑罚论要求犯罪人对自己的罪行进行赔偿。Thedenunciationtheory of punishment says that just punishment should express society’s collective condemnation of the criminal and his acts.

But by any measure -- deterrence, retribution, restitution, rehabilitation or social denunciation -- I suspect our prison system is riddled with moral imperfection. Moreover, it's not at all clear that our prison system has a well-thought out conception of "just" punishment at its core. I suspect the system rests on a hodge-podge of hardly thought out, politically driven practices that respond to panic and fear rather than being the product of deep philosophical reflection on the nature of just punishment. But that's where we come in right?

And to help us sort through these thorny issues, we invited Kara Dansky, Executive Director of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center. She is a terrific guests and has thought long and hard about the moral costs and benefits of our prison system. Tune in, I am sure you thoughts will be provoked.

Photo byEmiliano BaronUnsplash


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Saturday, May 21, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Way back there in the 1970s, British bluesman, Joh

早在20世纪70年代,英国蓝调歌手约翰·马约尔(John Mayall)录制了一张在当时具有开创性意义的专辑。没有打击乐的音轨——没有咚咚的鼓声;没有手鼓或手鼓,康加斯或任何此类时间签名保险。这本书名叫《转折点》。
One song was called The Laws Must Change. Well, they did not. The prison system is an economic and sociological failure. Why? Because in order to change the prison system, we need to change some laws---to recognize that current law does not reasonably reflect current reality. Those who are self-avowed, law-abiding citizens should take careful note and ask themselves: who is running the store? Where is the money going and for what?

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Sunday, May 22, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Laws? How many laws are there, Can they even b

How many laws are there,
Can they even be counted,
And what do they all mean?
Oh and... where or how does freedom fit in?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

If recidivism rates are any indication, we would h

如果累犯率是某种迹象的话,我们将不得不得出这样的结论:刑罚系统(还是那个s字)急需重新调整,如果不是完全的疏散和替换的话。多年前,比尔•考斯比(Bill Cosby)对歧视做了一个简短的解释,他说:“把它们放在某个地方就行了。”这部短片是对偏执狂和偏见的讽刺,科斯比在片中扮演了一个为种族问题提供“解决方案”的乡巴佬,但以科斯比出色的风格,它不是关于种族差异的,不,好吧——如果你还没看过的话,你得看看。比尔是个复杂的人。
Now, we are running out of real estate. At least that which is habitable by ordinary men and women. But sociopaths are not ordinary men and women are they? Perhaps we should look more seriously at putting them somewhere? Sci-fi movies have approached this idea numerous times. If you think I'm radical, see how you feel when some amoral misfit puts a bullet or a knifeblade in someone you love. But, don't get me started...

Mark Caplan's picture

Mark Caplan

Friday, May 27, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

According to the Philosophy Talk hosts, the U.S. h

Perhaps a good future question to address on Philosophy Talk is why Americans are so much more inclined to shoot, stab, rob and rape one another than are citizens of other economically advantaged nations. A great guest would be a serial rapist who can speak first-hand about what motivates him to destroy the lives of innocent victims.

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Monday, May 30, 2011 -- 5:00 PM


Rehabilitation? Why is anyone still using that worn out platitude, Hm?

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Thursday, June 2, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

PUNISHMENT (revised) At my incredible one-on-o

PUNISHMENT (revised)
The show on Prison indicated that 1. none of the five purposes of imprisonment are achieved by incarceration satisfactorily, and yet 2. it continues anyway, actually making everything worse. So the question was asked, why even do it when it is so costly, and so harmful. (Revenge was not included as a legitimate goal of incarceration.)
See Derrida. Punishment for crimes we don?t like ?just feels right?; it is essentially human (?all too human?) in a Derridian way. It is a natural offshoot of the justice instinct; and of another human instinct, to say what is good, what is right, and to be confirmed that that is so.
As Dave the sage Carpenter points out, the prison system can?t be fixed in a vacuum: its ills are part of the greater failure of the society. To solve the prison system?s problems we have to solve the American system?s problems. Confiscate all guns. Free universal health care (paid for by taxes). Guaranteed national income. Free housing and free meals for the homeless. Amnesty for illegal immigrants who are working. State ownership of essential industries as public utilities, like: airlines, insurance, utilities, banking, gasoline. Ten year moratorium on all imports except oil, to build US manufacturing and farming back up. No more war. No more crippling and crippled politics.
To preserve my sanity, my wife has suggested that I not read the NewYorkTimes, nor listen to the news. She is right, and I have done this; the subject ?Prisons? touched on some forbidden areas, and I went nuts in a rant on the subject. I then asked the blog administer not to run the comment; this is my revised comment, still nutty, but not insulting, I hope. I also think it is time to be a bit more anonymous in these comments, so from now on, I will use the screen name ?mirugai.?
Dave, "time signature insurance" reveals the way poetry comes closer to "reality" than philosophy. And the groundbreaking Mayall album for me was the one that introduced Clapton and his "woman sounding" blues guitar.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011 -- 5:00 PM

Reply to Tim: I liked most of JM's music and had a

Reply to Tim: I liked most of JM's music and had a fairly complete collection at one time. However, Mr. Mayall never gained much respect in these United States. A pity, that. But at the time I became aware of 'British Blues', I was not living in these United States. The musicians and musicologists I knew listened to many styles and marched to their own drummer, whether he was there or not. Interesting and logical that you would compare musical time signature to poetry. Having created both, I have often done so myself.