The Examined Year: 2018 – Uncut

31 December 2018

Happy new year from your senior producer, here to offer a look behind the scenes at how this year's end-of-year specialreallyhappened.

We spent one long December afternoon in the KALW studio recording the conversations for this episode (at least it felt long, since we did it all following the live broadcast ofForeign Aid -- or Injury). Co-host Debra Satz had stepped away from the program since beingnamed Dean of Stanford's School of Humanities and Scienceslast summer, but she'd committed to at least one more program on a topic of political economy. Given that we'd have her in the studio, and Josh available to come by after the broadcast, I reached out to host emeritus John Perry to see whether we might be able to convene an all-host roundtable -- the first since last year'sPhilosophy of Retirementshow with John -- in which Josh and Ken asked their erstwhile co-hosts what happened in 2018 that challengedtheir让他们以新的方式思考问题。Needless to say only a portion of the discussion made it to air, but here's the (more or less) complete conversation:

Once I finally got these old philosophical pals to wrap it up, we called up Yale philosopher Jason Stanley, who'd most recently joined us for aprogram on propaganda. Jason's most recent book isHow Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them,so Josh and Ken asked him about the year in Demagoguery and Propaganda. As usual, most of what they talked about wound up on the cutting room floor:

Finally, in a year marked by extreme weather that broke through the headlines in new ways, Josh and Ken invited Greg Dalton, Founder and Host ofClimate One at the Commonwealth Clubto the studio to talk about the Year in Climate Consciousness (disclosure: I also work as an audio editor at Climate One). That turned out to work well as the first segment for the broadcast, since Roving Philosophical Reporter Holly J. McDede would be putting together an aural tour of those consciousness-changing climate sounds from the past year. Anyway here's Josh and Ken's uncut conversation with Greg:


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, January 3, 2019 -- 9:43 AM


只是随机观察。你的主页上说有34000人喜欢哲学演讲(一个Facebook的名称,如果我没看错标志的话)。中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播这可能是此类努力的一个记录,因为哲学没有像《权力的游戏》或宝马“M”系列汽车那样震撼人心。话虽如此,我们似乎还是有希望的。Happy New Year, crew---keep up the good fight and so shall I !

Josh Landy's picture

Josh Landy

Monday, January 7, 2019 -- 5:33 PM

Thanks very much, Harold, and

Thanks very much, Harold, and thanks for being such a loyal listener! Thanks, too, for continuing to spread the word about philosophical ideas and questions. It's wonderful to know we have you in our corner.