[VIDEO] Baldwin on the American Dream

28 February 2018



The direct link to the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUBh9GqFU3A


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, March 1, 2018 -- 1:32 PM


自1965年以来发生了很多事情。接下来的二十年,无论以何种标准衡量,都是动荡不安的。(在我看来)种族关系从未真正恢复,而现在我们要面对的是领导层的无能;比我们大多数人能想象到的更多的性骚扰;精神错乱和/或不幸的持枪歹徒预谋谋杀的泛滥;狂热分子和有精神疾病的不满者。我们最担心的是这个世界在嘲笑我们的痛苦,并渴望看到我们的灭亡,无论采取任何可行的或必要的手段。美国梦(如果它甚至是可能的)现在是以所有美国人为代价的,不管种族、肤色、性别、年龄或国籍。鲍德温是一个杰出的人,生活在那个动荡的时代,我们许多人都设法活了下来。尽管如此,那个时代是我们今天遭遇的一个缩影。 Look out for the summer of 2018, people. You ain't seen nothing yet...

M.'s picture


Friday, March 2, 2018 -- 2:35 AM

Literally registered just to

Literally registered just to reply to you :)

Your post sounds like we are in a worse place today than in 1965, at least in respect to sexual harassment and murder (and by extension other violent crime). I think it definitely seems that way because we are more "exposed" to all the horribleness of the world because of the internet really and because that is news that "sells". I hate the news because all day every day since forever, the news is only about suffering and just generally negative things.
We are bombarded with how bad the world today is, while we get nearly zero news of the positive and "happy" events around us. We are always kept in fear and anger (research shows this state increases our propensity to consume more and spend more, which is what a capitalist society wants to happen but that's another story).
努曼先生,问题的事实是,我们生活在负面新闻的阴影下,与此同时,我们生活在人类历史上暴力和犯罪最低的时代。性骚扰从来没有像现在这样少。现在它只是对公众的眼睛更加开放了一点(什么是骚扰,什么不是骚扰是另一回事,发表评论不是性骚扰)。同样,在全球范围内,我们的谋杀和犯罪率最低,战争和领土冲突也最少。我住在英国,绝对无法想象任何邻国会攻击我们。回到几百年前,如果你的盟友察觉到你的软弱,他们就会攻击你并夺走你的土地。然而,我们的政治领导人继续说我们如何生活在“前所未有的危险”的时代,所以他们可以限制我们的个人自由,并获得越来越多的对大众的控制(完全是另一回事)。我强烈推荐大家观看Steven Pinker教授的讲座。(https://www.ted.com/talks/steven_pinker_on_the_myth_of_violence). Watch this Sir and be a bit more at ease. Look for more positive news, especially around your own neighborhood. Don't get corrupted by negative people.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, March 2, 2018 -- 10:12 AM

Thanks, M. I am familiar with

Thanks, M. I am familiar with Mr. Pinker's work, specifically his treatise on violence (THE BETTER ANGELS OF OUR NATURE). I would like to be more optimistic, really I would. Mostly, I live as well as I can and treat people accordingly. I also write philosophy and am fascinated with the human condition we call consciousness. HGN.