Sexism Versus Misogyny
Eliane Mitchell

20 February 2018


In an interview withVox,康奈尔大学哲学教授凯特·曼恩对这两个词进行了区分。She argues that sexism is "a body of ideas that exists to justify social relations," whereas misogynyenforcespatriarchal social relations when they come under threat. In this way, misogyny exists as the "moral manifestation" of sexism, for it punishes women who subvert male expectations and do not "serv[e] male interests in the ways they're expected to."

Read the interview here:

And tune into the show this Sunday for our show onMisogynywith guest Kate Manne.


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, February 22, 2018 -- 11:31 AM

It's funny, now that I really

It's funny, now that I really think about it, and after having lived long enough to form some of my own ideas. When I was younger, I was informed that misogynist was a term describing men who hated women. No further explanation was offered; no psychological profiling; no armchair psychoanalysis---nothing. As a young and impressionable(?) man, alone and defenseless in the world, I was content to let things stand at that. I mean, it seemed facially straight-forward; no facades, scams or mumbo-jumbo. Years later, when I was introduced to the word sexism, I began to finally wonder about misogyny and what that really meant. Now, after all these years, I offer this much, in response to Manne's distinction:
