Listener Covidundrums

28 May 2020

Are there particular moral dilemmas and conundrums the coronavirus pandemic and its effects have raised for you? Have you struggled to find an ethical way to balance your own needs and the needs of others? How much should you expect others to do for the public good, and what can reasonably be asked of you? And if some people are breaking the rules, putting you or others at risk, do you have an obligation to do or say something?

In this week’s show we’re discussing listeners’ real life covidundrums. We asked you to get in touch and tell us about the moral dilemmas and ethical quandaries you’ve had to confront in the age of Covid and social distancing. We got lots of emails and voice messages from listeners all over the country, and even one from across the pond in Ireland! We tried to include as many of those conundrums as we could in one episode.

为了给我们的听众提供关于道德困境的哲学见解,我们邀请了一位职业伦理学家加入Josh和Ray的特别节目。Philosopher Karen Stohr is a senior scholar at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown and, since the pandemic started, has been regularly tackling readers’ problems in aWashingtoniancolumn calledAsk a Coronvirus Ethicist. We were delighted she was able to join us for this week’s show.


If you have a Covid-related ethical conundrum that did not get addressed in this week’s show, we’d love to hear about it! Drop us a note and tell us about your problem atcomments@philosophytalk.organd we might feature it on the blog or include it in a follow-up episode.

Photo byWesley TingeyonUnsplash


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Thursday, June 4, 2020 -- 10:28 PM

-Donate an organ to Ruth
