
Literary Minds


Hacking Our Sense Perceptions

Are humans limited to the senses we’re born with? Or is it possible to hack the brain and create new senses? Even if we could, would we want more senses than we already have? This week we’re thinking about hacking the brain: perception beyond the five senses.

Subway Spreading and Personal Space (Part II)


How does Consciousness Happen?

How exactly does consciousness occur? Neuroscientist Anil Seth argues that it is a controlled hallucination. Having less to do with intelligence than we often think, consciousness depends on how the brain predicts its world to operate.

Dennett vs. Papineau on Consciousness

大卫·帕皮诺(David Papineau)和丹·丹尼特(Dan Dennett)都是著名的唯物主义者(唯物主义认为,意识可以用物质和神经元功能来完全解释),那么为什么帕皮诺要对丹尼特的书《从细菌到巴赫和Back》(From Bacteria to Bach and Back)进行评论呢?