
Flexitarian vs. Vegetarian

Suppose our goal is to reduce overall meat consumption. Would it be better to become a vegetarian, who eats no meat, or a flexitarian, who eats a little meat? A recent Aeon article by Alberto Giubilini makes the case for flexitarianism.

Confessions of a Conflicted Carnivore

Since the next episode of中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播是关于道德的要求,我想分享下面这篇我去年写在博客上的文章。许多哲学家,包括我自己在内,都在食物选择这一领域感受到道德的要求。但是,我们能在多大程度上向普通人提出这些要求呢?这篇文章试图找到一个中间立场,结果可能谁也不满意。尽管如此,我还是希望它能提供思想食粮(对不起,我忍不住)。