
What Do We Owe Future Generations?

Exactly how much should we care about future generations? It seems obviously wrong to say that we shouldn’t care about them at all. It also seems wrong to say that we should care about them as much as we do about ourselves. After all, they don’t even exist—at least not yet.

#FrancisOnFilm: Aquaman


Philosophy of Trash

How much of today’s treasure is destined to be tomorrow’s trash? Are growing piles of trash the price we pay for progress? Or do our trashy habits amount to ecological terrorism? These are the questions we're thinking about in this week's show.

Is Neoliberalism Destroying the Earth?

Thousands of posters, books, videos, and social media exhort us to take four minute showers, eat vegan, carpool, and recycle in order to slow global warming and save Planet Earth, and yet, we have to ask, do these individual efforts really amount to much?

A Virtual Walden's Pond

你可能认为这是不可能的,但现在有一个由亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)设计的《瓦尔登湖》的电脑游戏版本,旨在帮助培养一种哲学体验,并学会“刻意地生活”。这本书恰好在梭罗诞辰200周年之际发行。