A Tribute to Ken Taylor

04 December 2019

I was shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Ken Taylor, a long time friend, colleague, and co-host. Stunned, actually. A great man with a wonderful family, who have my deepest sympathy. I always thought of Ken as my younger brilliant energetic colleague. It wasn't his turn to die.


In 2005 Ken and I started中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播在时任教务长约翰·埃切门迪(John Etchemendy)的慷慨帮助下,该项目“质疑除了你的智力之外的一切”。从那时起,它每周都在KALW播出。从KALW和俄勒冈公共广播电台开始,它已经发展到来自几个国家的超过100个电台。Ken和我曾经是搭档主持,直到几年前我没油了;从那时起,Josh Landy和Debra Satz就成为了共同主持人,尽管Debra现在有点分心,因为她是斯坦福大学H&S的院长。

Ken was a person of dynamism and determination. He put together a great support staff for the show, starting with Ben Manilla at the helm as producer, and now Devon Strolovitch for many years. Laura Maguire, one of Ken’s Ph.D. students, has long co-ordinated research for中国伊朗亚洲杯比赛直播, involving Stanford undergraduates to develop topics and suggests guests—a system that was all Ken’s idea.

Ken’s passing is a great loss not only to his family and close friends, but to all who were inspired by his research and teaching. And those who were intrigued by his opinions, readily available on the radio and in print: always presented with reason, often anticipating issues, problems and positions not yet conceptualized by others, usually insightful and always presented forcefully and confidently.


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, December 4, 2019 -- 4:07 PM



This is the first I have heard of this. I've listened to him for years and introduced myself when PT did a show locally. I thanked him at the time but it was nowhere near enough for all the hours I have spent in his company on PT.

I've taken to his manner about talking of important and profound questions - noting to give heed and think harder.

I will miss him terribly.

Everyone who knew him, his family ... you have my sympathy.

This was not the update I signed up for here. I will make it a point this coming year to read his works and remember a truly great man.

Thanks so much for this remembrance. I'm so sorry John. I could tell his respect and friendship for and with you was "deep".

Let us all take time to think of Ken.


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Thursday, December 5, 2019 -- 9:51 AM

My sympathies are likewise

My sympathies are likewise extended, though I did not know Mr. Taylor, I enjoyed his insights and cordial manner.

等一等。我# 039;m仍然思维。's picture


Friday, December 6, 2019 -- 9:39 AM

I will be lost without Ken

I will be lost without Ken Taylor on KALW's Philosophy Talk. When I discovered Philosophy Talk on public radio in San Francisco, I hadn't felt that connected to the discussion of philosophy since listening to the recorded shows of Bryan Magee's interviews with philosophers on BBC. I can only imagine the gaping hole left in the hearts and minds of those who knew him well and will feel such loss. I'm so grateful that we have these recordings and writings of his thoughtful illuminations

Zcounselor's picture


Thursday, January 2, 2020 -- 10:25 PM

10pm on OPB and a sharp
