Teaching Philosophy: The Answer to Automation?

11 January 2017

In our annual year-in-review show, John and Ken were joined by political theorist Margaret Levi to discuss what the future looks like for workers when technology and automation are putting so many out of work. The particular technology discussed onThe Examined Year 2016was driverless vehicles, as there were some major advances (and some setbacks) in that area last year. But that is just part of a bigger trend in automation that is threatening jobs in many sectors.

InThe Guardian本周,有人建议给孩子们讲授哲学,以帮助未来的工人们应对新的现实。这个建议最初是来自爱尔兰(我的祖国!)的Michael D. Higgins。

As The Guardian reports, Higgins said that “Theteaching of philosophy在一个日益复杂、相互联系和不确定的世界中,它是我们所拥有的最强大的工具之一,可以让孩子们成为自由和负责任的主体。”他说,在课堂上教授哲学为“通向人文主义和充满活力的民主文化”提供了一条路径。


"But it can build immunity against careless judgments, and unentitled certitude. Philosophy in our classrooms would better equip us all to perceive and to challenge the conventional wisdoms of our age."


Read the full article here:
