Children as a Philosophical Problem

17 November 2006

Tomorrow (Sunday November 19, 2006) Ken and I will discuss children with Tamar Schapiro. Children certainly pose a lot of problems -- but are they philosophical? Coincidentally I gave a few lectures on John Stuart Mill's great little bookOn Libertyrecently to Stanford frosh. In thinking about that book one philosophical problem about children comes up, for Mill thinks the central principle of liberty he argues for in the book does not apply to children.

In the Introductory chapter of his essayOn LibertyJohn Stuart Mill states, as the central thesis of his essay...


这就是所谓的“损害原则”或“否定自由原则”。Adherence tosome在我看来,损害原则的版本似乎是任何政治哲学的必要条件,值得称为自由主义的形式(在我看来,这是对政治哲学的赞美)。罗尔斯的第一原则“正义”(“每个人都应该得到尽可能多的不同自由的平等保障——以及尽可能多的这些自由——就像其他人在同一时间能得到的保障一样”),尽管表述方式不同,所依据的哲学基础也与穆勒(至少声称)所依赖的哲学基础大不相同,但它也提出了类似的主张。

Mill goes on immediately to say, however

This seem problematic in several ways. First there is the phrase, "children, or of young persons below the age which the law may fix that of manhood or womanhood." Is the part after the comma a gloss on what Mill means by "child"? It seems like there are morally significant subcategories, e.g. newborns and infants (up to 1.5 years), toddlers (1.5 to 4 years), youngsters (4 to 12) and teenagers (14-20). Certainly the appropriateness of reasons and remonstrations as opposed to direct force in protecting children from the consequences of their own actions varies among these groups.

Mill claims to defend his concept of liberty on utilitarian grounds, but there is a considerable measure of what seems like "self-actualization" ethics that seems to enter into his defense of liberty. Mill obviously values interesting, complex, autonomous, people, people who march to the beat of some drummer coming from within. Many of us find the value of such people and of society that accomodates and appreciates them more immediately compelling than any utilitarian principles that on which such values might be somewhat shakily based.

If you think that such autonomous individuals, individuals with some capacity to form and criticize their own beliefs and goals, are the true subjects deserving of the liberty Mill advocates, then there is a good case for a long period of diminished liberty in which the habits, skills, and knowledge necessary for such autonomy are instilled. But what about all of those who make it to adulthood without developing such habits, skills and knowledge?

On the other hand, even during the period of development, is there really a principled difference between the extent to which methods of rational persuasion rather than force should be used to protects a person from the consequences of his or her own actions?

Based on experience, rather than philosophy, I'm of two minds. On the one hand, I've seen many parents who resort to force in controling their children when they should be using persuasion. On the other hand, I've seen parents using methods of rational persuasion when it seems to me that right response would be, "Do it because I said to do it." I've made both mistakes myself. Still, this is mostly a seat of the pants judgement on my part.


In any case, there seems to be a lot to talk about, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow's discussion with Ken and Tamar Schapiro.


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Saturday, November 18, 2006 -- 4:00 PM

There are two reasons why JS Mill might exempt chi

JS Mill可能免除儿童伤害原则的原因有两个。
One is that children should not exercise their liberty to their own detriment, even when they would be allowed to if they were adults because nobody else would be harmed.
But a different reason is that children do not possess liberty at all, so that it would be impossible for the harm principle to apply to them even if we wanted it to.
Could this be Mill's real reason? I think so.
Allow me to quote Mill's entire paragraph about children that was partially quoted by John Perry above:
By the way, let me be clear that I very strongly disagree with Mill's racism, as I'm sure we all do.
In any case, Mill gives the same rationale for parenting children as for colonial imperialism: one is a benign despot/parent whose ultimate aim is to provide one's subjects/children with their own eventual liberty, of which they have none yet.
So the question for Mill is not how the liberty of children should be restricted. That's a loaded question which must be rejected because it assumes that children have liberty when in fact they do not. Rather, the question is how the liberty of children should be ACQUIRED. For the harm principle will not apply to them until they first have liberty to restrict, and they will not have liberty at all until they "have become capable of being improved by free and equal discussion."
Therefore, according to Mill, nobody possesses liberty by necessity, or by nature, but only as a matter of contingency, by nurture. Liberty is a skill which must be acquired, developed, nurtured. And like most skills, liberty could remain unacquired one's entire life if left undeveloped. Hence the intimate connection between education and liberty, and thus education and children.
Liberty, according to Mill's European intellectual tradition, is a power or capacity developed by means of education in the liberal arts, of which traditionally there were seven: grammar, logic, and rhetoric constituted a basic primary education, while arithmetic, geometry, and applied mathematics like harmonics and astronomy constituted a more advanced secondary education. Acquisition of these basic skills or "arts" was considered necessary in order to possess liberty. The idea was that in order to make genuinely good choices in life, and thus be genuinely free, one must be able to read, write, make and evaluate arguments, do basic arithmetic and deliberate with others -- or as Mill puts it, "become capable of being improved by free and equal discussion."
Now, I wish to make one suggestion: that in order for children -- or anybody else, for that matter -- to become capable of being improved by free and equal discussion, they must be taught how to engage in free and equal discussion in the first place. How many parents teach this to their children as a skill? On the contrary, many parents deny their children free and equal status in discussion! And if there is no free and equal discussion between parent and child, how can parents teach their children this valuable skill?
So parents, grab your Plato and start practising some dialectic, because you've got discussion with your children as free equals to attend to....

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Saturday, November 18, 2006 -- 4:00 PM

As a mother of 3 young children I have come up aga

As a mother of 3 young children I have come up against these issues and had to develop my own philosophy. Most of the time I manage to abide by it but I admit at times I resort back to "because I said so" only because in that moment I am lacking patience. However, I do beleive that children must decide what is right and wrong on their own and no amount of me telling them will pursuade them unless they reach there own conclusions from personal experience. Personal experience sticks better in the memory. When using force or fear to control a child you are only creating another struggle within themselves and with the world around them. People tend not to think you can pursuade or reason with a small child but at 1 year of age I found patient explination was far more effective. If I can give them a good enough reason that makes sense in their perspective then they will go along but if I use force then I only get struggle and fighting. As the get older they need solid logic and reasoning so that they can talk themselves through situations that are challenging. However if it is force and fear that has been emebedded in their minds then as they get older they will only find loopholes to get around it. This forces children to lie and do things in secret so that they can get away with it. And if no one is around to rule them by fear then what will they rely on in the long run to stay out of trouble?

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Monday, December 4, 2006 -- 4:00 PM

I agree with Mill, I think it's easier to see a co

My question would be "At what point does a person stop being a product of their environment and at what point does the environment become a product of the person in it" I think that point where that happens is the dividing line between the child and the adult

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Wednesday, January 17, 2007 -- 4:00 PM

That Tamar Shapiro is pretty cute.

That Tamar Shapiro is pretty cute.