Decolonizing Philosophy

17 October 2017

It's clear that many of the prevailing intellectual traditions throughout the world are disproportionately influenced by Western (European, Christian, white) ideas. For example, the philosophy done throughout America clearly takes much more after European thought than anything that could characterized as African or Asian thought. We might even say that philosophy has been colonized by Europe and the West. A recent article by Ryan Nefdt onAfrica is a Countrymakes the case for decolonizing philosophy. How can we even take up this project of developing a genuinely African philosophy?

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Saturday, November 4, 2017 -- 12:38 PM


这个问题听起来不太清楚。我们应该去殖民物理还是数学?或者我们去殖民化化学?为什么我们要去殖民化哲学?哲学作为一门学科,是在希腊思想的轨道上发展起来的,就像心理学、数学、物理学或生物学一样。哲学不能等同于“智慧”;there are many traditions of wisdom in all countries,
But philosophy is almost an almost technical enterprise with its problems and it is open to all viewpoints insofar there is will to clarify matters with sound arguments. See for instance the anthology by Robert E. Allison, "The Chinese mind", where there is a good exchange of Chinese and Western authors on various philosophical problems. De-colonize means that there has been a colony; philosophy does not intend to make any colonies, like physics or biology. Like other intellectual enterprises waits for people to participating in the conversation and in giving new directions to the enterprise itself,