Is Neoliberalism Destroying the Earth?
Eliane Mitchell

08 September 2017

Thousands of posters, books, videos, and social media exhort us to take four minute showers, eat vegan, carpool, and recycle in order to slow global warming and save Planet Earth, and yet, we have to ask, do these individual efforts really amount to much?

Not really, according tothis articlefromThe Guardian. In fact, it isneoliberalism它强调自由市场和政府放松对企业的管制,误导大众认为个人的“绿色努力”可能会对环境产生影响。也就是说,通过提高个人的力量,新自由主义说服消费者通过对他们的生活做出昂贵或不方便的“绿色”改变来“拯救地球”,并让企业更自由地按照他们的意愿污染环境。因此,现在正是民主国家要求大型企业采取更可持续环保措施的时候,因为全球变暖是任何个人都无法单独对抗的大敌人。

Is neoliberalism destroying the planet? Or might there besomevalue in telling individuals that they can make a difference? Check out the article here:


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Friday, September 15, 2017 -- 11:31 AM

Is neoliberalism destroying

Is neoliberalism destroying the planet? Yes, but not exactly. We; meaning all of us, utilize the goods and services produced by those mass corporations. For instance, right now to post this comment, a plethora of things must be taking place; there must be an energy supply, probably fueled by some dirty source like coal, there must be servers each connected and ready at my disposal that put of heat plumes, etc. If we want it, someone will build it. Supply without demand, falls by the wayside. To "fix" the problem is to change the philosophy, to shape and promote "values" that move away from neoliberalist nonsense to more sustained futures. Otherwise, given this course, humans probably have no more than 100 years left before some mass extinction event, not brought on by asteroids, or global climate change, but by the simple and disinterested belief that philosophy makes no difference.