
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
First Aired:
Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What Is It

神经科学的进步可能很快使神经美容时代成为可能:使用药物让人们影响大脑的工作方式,从而使他们更有效,更有吸引力,更像他们的“认知理想”。一个所有的女人都漂亮,所有的男人都英俊的世界可能是可以忍受的,虽然无聊。但是,一个全是a型人格的社会到底能不能成功呢?选择改变自己的方式是理性的吗?是否应该在道德或法律上禁止健康人摆弄自己的大脑化学物质?John and Ken put on their best face with Sam Barondes from UCSF, author ofBetter than Prozac: Creating the Next Generation of Psychiatric Drugs.

Listening Notes


Should we take the optimistic viewpoint that cosmetic neurology will make the world a better place or the cautious viewpoint that we don't know enough to do that sort of thing? Barondes thinks a middle path is the best position to take. Will neurological drugs change the psychiatric profession into a life consultant career? Is it ethically acceptable for pharmaceutical companies to profit off neurologically enhancing drugs? Is there a difference between taking prozac and meditating? Should people take drugs when therapy of some sort will do the same thing? How are neurological drugs different from, say, steroids?

Is it possible that drugs would create a neurological “arms race”? Barondes thinks that there is an upper limit to improving the mind. Evolution has fine-tuned the human mind over millennia. Why should we mess with nature's design? Barondes emphasizes the good that neuropharmacology has done for people with neurological disorders.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(04:35): Amy Standen采访了精神病学教授Peter Ravens,关于神经美容对精神病学专业的影响。
  • Conundrum(第46章40节):来自俄勒冈州的汤姆回忆起他童年时以杀蚂蚁为乐的行为,他想知道仁慈的神如何能永远折磨一个人。
