We've Been Framed: How Language Shapes Politics

Sunday, September 21, 2008
First Aired:
Sunday, January 14, 2007

What Is It

政治力量对词汇的劫持是否告诉了我们关于语言和意义的本质的一些有趣的事情?自由主义者会被冠以其他名字吗?或者他们真的是增税、喝拿铁、吃寿司、开沃尔沃、读《纽约时报》、穿身体环、喜欢好莱坞、左翼怪人吗?Ken and John welcome back Philosophy Talk favorite Geoff Nunberg, author ofThe Way We Talk NowandGoing Nucular,to explain the ABCs of "talking right."

Listening Notes

John and Ken begin the show by discussing the concept of frames and framing in language. Ken describes the history of framing in the study of artificial intelligence and how it has been developed in the philosophy of language. Words become associated with certain frames--for instance, suppose we hear there is a talk about free will by a certain philosopher, and someone asks: Is it an analytic or continental philosopher speaking? Depending on whether they come from an analytic or continental tradition they may associate those words with positive and negative connotations that don't arise from the words themselves, but from the framing of these words. Would you rather lose 48 pounds over 2 years or 2 pounds a month? The framing of the question can determine its answer!


John, Ken, and Geoff discuss whether or not there is a distinction between dictionary and literal meanings, whether not frames are a necessary evil in a linguistic society, and the nature of language use. Ken next moves the conversation into the contemporary political atmosphere, questioning whether there is something deep to learn from the fact that the right seems to be much more effective than the left at framing important issues. Geoff thinks there are two main components to the right's success: the creation of slick catch phrases like "No Child Left Behind" and the creation of an overarching narrative about the decent heartland and the traditional American spirit. Geoff thinks that too much attention is given to the former catch phrases and not enough to this very successful narrative strategy. John and Ken go on to discuss the symbols that everyday words like value, tradition, and elite have become.


  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 4:33): Novella Carpenter speaks with George Lakoff, the influential cognitive scientist and linguist from UC Berkeley about George Bush's "Surge" vs. Vietnam's "Escalation" and how frames are created by the left and right in American Politics.
  • 60-Second Philosopher(Seek to 49:25): Ian Shoales burns through George Orwell's life and works as the creator of some of the most important and powerful "frames" in the 20th century.
