
Sunday, January 29, 2017
First Aired:
Sunday, July 20, 2014

What Is It

想象一下发现你的祖父是个连环杀手。你会感到内疚吗?你会想联系受害者的家属吗?哲学家们长期以来一直认为,我们只能对我们自愿控制的事情负责,但有时我们会对不是我们造成的事件感到内疚,仅仅因为我们与那些造成事件的人以某种方式联系在一起。例如,许多德国人对他们的祖先参与纳粹政权感到内疚。我们真的能对自己无法控制的事情负责吗?或者这些感觉只是更原始的道德观的痕迹?John and Ken play innocent with Larry May from Vanderbilt University, author ofSharing Responsiblity.

Listening Notes


Ken and John are joined by guest Larry May, Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University and author ofSharing Responsibility. John asks Larry what sparked his interest in the topic of moral taint and collective responsibility. Larry explains that his interest goes back to his teenage years, when the Vietnam War was taking place and he felt ashamed for the actions of his country, which was rather unlike him at the time. John asks Larry to explain one of the principles that determine to what extent we can legitimately feel responsible for another’s actions. Larry brings up the interconnectedness of human lives and how this results in our facilitation of the actions of others in ways that make us responsible for them; the indirect role played is crucial, with the main question being whether a person who is indirectly responsible for a crime has the same degree of responsibility as a person who is directly responsible. Larry opines that the degree of responsibility lessens as closeness to the act decreases.

Ken agrees that a person should be responsible if he or she somehow, albeit inadvertently, causes a certain harmful action. But exactly how much responsibility should the person be charged with? He gives the example of a worker in a factory that produces bombs that kill thousands. Here, Larry brings up the idea of moral taint, meaning how a person should feel or regard him or herself. The notion stems from that of the Ancient Greeks and is different from the concept of guilt – taint is a pollution of sorts, a feeling of being somewhat responsible. It is not as strong as being directly responsible for a certain action or being guilty of a crime. Larry provides the example of Oedipus, who sleeps with his mother and kills his father but is not aware of the familial relationship – he is thus tainted but not blameworthy.


Larry, Ken, and John continue to discuss distributions of responsibility. Larry suggests that the concept not be thought of at an individual level but rather as collective schemes of redistribution, which are not as fraught, and he quotes Thomas Jefferson’s statement on the fear of incessant responsibility. Questions from the audience are welcomed, and topics such as whether disconnecting oneself fully from ancestors or groups that influenced a person is sociopathic or even an option, wiping oneself clean from moral taint, and the relationship between distributive justice and politics of reparation are discussed. The show concludes with Larry speaking about public policy recommendations for reparations, including the difficulties of devising a scheme that does not disadvantage any particular person or group, and with Larry’s “silver bullet” advice.

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  • 60-Second Philosopher(寻求46章16节):Ian Shoales讨论了不良影响、罪恶,以及个人在多大程度上受到历史和家庭的影响。他谈到了时间带来的遗忘,并提到了圣经中所多玛和两个天使的例子。
