Meaning of Life

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
First Aired:
Tuesday, May 18, 2004

What Is It

Does life have a meaning? If we were created by a powerful God, would that give our lives meaning? Who gave God's existence meaning? What if we were created by a crazy scientist wholly for the purpose of irritating their spouse? John and Ken search for meaning with Howard Wettstein from UC Riverside.

Listening Notes

生命的意义是什么?为此,生命的意义意味着什么?它是一般人类生活的意义,还是每个生活在其中的人的意义?许多人认为生命的意义是一个宗教问题。正如约翰所说,我们的生命可以代表某种东西,也可以被神赋予意义,就像我们赋予我们所说的话意义一样。但是,肯恩指出,为什么仅仅因为我们是上帝创造的,我们就应该有意义?神是如何明白他的意思的,这是一个永恒的问题。此外,正如康德所论证的那样,人类可以通过自主定义自己生命的意义来实现自身的目的。即使生命的意义这个问题没有答案,我们仍然需要过好每一天。也许问题不在于生命的意义,而在于如何活下去; answering the question “How should I live?” and finding something beyond yourself to help discover an answer.



  • Roving Philosophical Reporter(Seek To 00:04:21): In San Francisco, Amy Standen takes a poll of various men and women on the meaning of life. There are, she says, as many different types of people as there are philosophies.
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher(Seek To 00:49:59): What is the meaning of life? Throughout the millennia, different philosophers had different answers. Existentialists think life has no meaning. Wittgenstein believed that the question itself was meaningless. Darwinians, of course, thought the meaning of life was to produce more life. If we change the question to be how to gain satisfaction from life, we get a whole new set of answers.
