Camus and the Absurd

Sunday, November 8, 2020
First Aired:
Sunday, March 1, 2015

What Is It

Albert Camus is most famous for his existential works of fiction includingThe Strangeras well as his philosophical essayThe Myth of Sisyphus.他在纳粹占领期间领导法国抵抗新闻界,并成为最年轻的诺贝尔文学奖得主之一。与他同时代的汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)形容他“远远高于其他知识分子”。加缪的荒诞主义哲学与萨特流行的存在主义,特别是他们的自由观念,是如何比较和对比的?他深入参与了那个时代的哪些政治和哲学问题,他的思想对当代生活的问题仍有哪些相关性?John and Ken remain sensible with Robert Zaretsky from the University of Houston, author ofA Life Worth Living: Albert Camus and the Quest for Meaning.

Listening Notes

John starts with the heavy question: what is the meaning of existence? Ken finds Camus’ answer is quite depressing: there is no meaning and the search for meaning is absurd! Ken thinks you should find meaning where you can: religion for example. But aren’t those just illusions of meaning? Ken asserts that we find meaning in friends and community, but John sours that idea by reminded us that all of us will die! How is that not absurd? Ken, referencing Nietzsche, even if life is absurd and meaningless, that doesn’t justify suicide! There is comfort in illusions! But John returns to Camus’ absurd hero and explains that the hero embraces his absurdity, which is at least an honest confrontation with the truth!

John and Ken are joined by guest Robert Zaretsky, a historian from the Honors College at University of Houston and the author ofA Life Worth Living: Albert Camus and the Quest for Meaning.罗伯特回忆说,在他年轻的时候,加缪吸引他的注意力是因为他的声音很有个性。约翰问:加缪说的荒谬到底是什么意思?罗伯特解释说,荒谬是一个沉默的世界与人类对意义和清晰的渴望对抗的结果。因此,肯澄清,荒谬本身并不存在于世界中,而是存在于我们与世界的关系中。

Ken asks: why does Camus think life is really absurd? What are his arguments? Robert responds that Camus would not necessarily say that he is providing arguments. Rather, Camus provides illustrations for his thoughts, much like a novelist or a playwright would do. This distinguishes him from Sartre. John then asks, how similar are we really to Sisyphus? After all, even if the 9-5 job is boring, we get to go home and have leisure time! Robert responds that the sheer repetition of Sisyphus’ task underscores the absurdity.

Was Camus against having hope, in all senses of the word “hope?” Ken extends this question and asks, is there the possibility of a world that isnotabsurd? Robert responds that there is no hope, but that is not a reason to despair. We continue to insist on human dignity. But Ken responds, to what end? Robert responds that you don’t go to the end. Camus’ metaphysical and political rebel is by nature a moderate that has a deep sense of limits. The rebel is interested in continuing resistance, and maintaining a balance between the way the world is and the way the world ought to be to avoid violent action.

  • Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 6:05): In the midst of Occupied Paris, Camus loved to involve himself in theater, since it often made it past the Nazi censors. He ran the resistance newspaper and wrote famous novels such asThe Stranger.Camus was born and raised in Algeria by his working-class and illiterate mother. He eventually moved to Paris where he met Jean-Paul Sartre. Both he and Sartre were “playboys” and all was well until they became interested in the same girl. Thanks to his charm and look, Camus won her over and this led to bitterness and resentment from Sartre. After the war and the common cause of resistance was over, Sartre and Camus had only differences, and after Camus’ publication ofThe Rebel,they ended their friendship. Camus tragically died in a car crash in 1960.
  • Sixty-Second Philosopher(Seek to 46:28): Ian Shoales discusses the personal lives of Sartre and Camus and their differences. Their biggest difference was their positions on violence for noble ideas.



Alfredo's picture


Sunday, October 4, 2020 -- 1:23 AM

In L’Homme Révolté, Albert

In L’Homme Révolté, Albert Camus writes « le nihiliste n’est pas celui qui ne croit en rien, mais celui qui ne croit pas en ce qui existe. ». Would Camus have voiced an opinion about those who refuse to wear a mask today and keep their distances? Adn what would it have been?

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Saturday, February 12, 2022 -- 9:28 AM

I had to scratch my head on

I had to scratch my head on this one. Absurdity can embody many aspects of living: political ideology, war, for some, religion,...the litany goes on. If, however, one attempts a longer view of things, meaning can present itself. While not everything in living is meaningful, there is enough to keep it interesting, good health and moderation providing. My wife's ex-mother-in-law recently died. She was about a month short of 100. I did not know her well, but loved what I knew. Not certain that anyone who finds much of life absurd lives as long as Holly did. It is a mind-set, this absurdity thing. Just as is the emotion we call joy. She had lots of the latter. I did not wish to say much here. Did not need to.

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Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Monday, February 14, 2022 -- 7:16 AM

There were many comments on

There were many comments on the Philosopher's Corner post from 2015. A family friend has passed, just shy of 100 years of age. I have written a tribute to her I will share:

很久以前,在另一个世纪,有一些海报,有些是异想天开的。其中一幅画上有三只小浣熊。标题是:有三种人。那些让事情发生的人;一种是看着事情发生的人,另一种是好奇发生了什么。----------------- 让事情发生。我们所有认识她的人都会因此受益。所有熟悉她的人都有福了。除了那些惹她生气的人。生活在它自己的时间里,在它自己的条件下发生。

Our lives, when done well, enrich those of others. And likewise, their lives enrich our own. Nothing works out perfectly. Nothing can ever be expected to. And that, seems to me, is "all there is".

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