Is This Any Way to Run a Democracy?

Tuesday, November 8, 2005
First Aired:
Tuesday, November 2, 2004

What Is It

America prides itself on being the oldest continuous democracy in the world. But criticisms of the America system are widespread. Our system is tailored to narrow interests and wealthy elites. Our two parties lock out alternative voices. Our voting procedures discourage participation and lead to unrepresentative outcomes. Is this really the best way to run a democracy? Join John and Ken as they examine the philosophical underpinnings of democracy in America with Josh Ober from Princeton University, author ofAthenian Legacies: Essays on the Politics of Going On Together.

Listening Notes

民主有什么好处?肯认为民主是最道德的政府形式。美国的民主制度运行良好吗?我们的代表和参议员做出的大多数决定都没有得到大众的支持。约翰称加州的人们和政府之间有更多的互动。这是一件好事吗?肯介绍乔希·奥伯,普林斯顿大学教授。支持民主的最佳论据是什么?奥伯认为民主需要平等的假设才能开始。约翰问一个由一群专家统治的政府怎么了? Ober counters saying that the experts are not guaranteed to be beneficent. One of the benefits of democracy is that people will try to work out their differences. What about issues on which people cannot agree, such as abortion?

我们美国是不是太民主了?在一个民主国家,什么是允许限制个人自由和权利的?如果所有人都有一个共同的宗教信仰,执政就会变得容易。那难道不好吗?议会民主制会比美国目前的民主形式更好吗?奥伯怀疑议会制能否解决美国民主的问题。教育和民主之间的作用是什么?奥伯警告说,不要把教育当作投票的门票。媒体传播与民主的关系是什么?奥伯认为单向的沟通会破坏民主。 Many institutions that were put in place to aid the fledgling American democracy have now gotten large and unwieldy. Are these institutions to blame for the problems here?


  • Roving Philosophical Report(04:40): Amy Standen quizzes several Californians about their knowledge of propositions on California's ballot. Amy also asks how much anyone knows about the laws they vote on.
  • Sixty Second Philosopher(Seek to 50:17): Ian Shoales runs through the history of the concept of democracy, from Plato to Locke to de Tocqueville.
