
Tuesday, September 14, 2004

What Is It

From his theory of the Forms, to his views about morality, justice, and the soul Plato was one the greatest and most influential philosophers of all time. Indeed, it has been said that all of philosophy is but a footnote to Plato. Find out why as John and Ken dig into the philosophical views of Plato, with their guest, Chris Bobonich, author ofPlato's Utopia Recast.

Listening Notes

Why do people still read Plato? Plato wrote some of the most resilient philosophical works ever. Plato believed in things called forms, which were eternal, unchanging objects that were accessible only to reason. Plato also thought democracy was a sham and that philosophers should rule. Ken introduces Chris Bobonich, professor at Stanford. Plato's criticism of democracy stems from three propositions: knowledge is needed to make good decisions, it is possible to have such knowledge, and the people that have that knowledge, philosophers, should make the decisions. How do you get knowledge? Plato thought that knowledge was arrived at by revising theories in light of criticisms and contemplating the forms. In the Republic, Socrates and his interlocutors set out to design the ideal city and discover what justice is. The three parts of the Platonic soul are reason, the spirited part, and the appetitive part. Harmony among the parts of the soul, and the parts of the city, is justice.

Was the founding of our government influenced by Plato's ideas? Plato thought that the laws should include explanations. He also thought that education was an important function of the government. Ken points out that there is a tension between Plato's ideas about government and the philosophical idea of liberalism. Plato did not think government actions needed to be justified to the people. The Republic features the metaphor of the ship of state that exemplifies what Plato thinks ruling a state is like.


There are no Amy Standen or Ian Shoales pieces this episode due to the pledge drive.



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