What Is Masculinity?

Sunday, March 21, 2021

What Is It

Strong, in control, and stoic—these are traits of the ideal masculine man. Men who fail to conform to this ideal are often penalized, particularly if they are men of color, queer men, working-class men, or men with disabilities. So how do we create different visions of masculinity that make room for all kinds of men? Should we abandon the idea of masculinity altogether, or would that be throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Which models of masculinity will bring us closer to gender justice in the 21st century? The philosophers man their mics with Robin Dembroff from Yale University, author ofReal Men on Top: The Metaphysics of Patriarchy(in progress).

Listening Notes

21世纪的男子气概需要改头换面吗?作为一个人,你的性别是否应该影响你?雷认为男子气概是父权制的工具,应该被拒绝,但布莱基反驳说,男子气概可能有多种定义,不需要全部依赖于狭隘和刻板的期望。Ray is skeptical of a solution that would introduce more stereotypes into the mix, and they maintain that people should simply focus on what they have in common with all human beings.

The co-hosts are joined by Robin Dembroff, Professor of Philosophy at Yale University, who argues that any idea of what someone must be or ought to be on the basis of gender is constrictive. Ray asks how their critique differs from standard critiques of masculinity, and Robin explains that their view emphasizes the close connection between masculinity and maleness. Blakey questions the ability to separate the two concepts, which prompts Robin to define masculinity as standing in opposition to femininity. Ray then considers how men are advantaged and disadvantaged by sexism due to the intersectionality between gender, race, class, and disability.


  • Roving Philosophical Report (Seek to 3:05) →Ariella Markowitz talks to people who are helping men rethink their relationship to masculinity, such as clinical psychologists, second wave feminists, and health researchers.

  • From the Community (Seek to 42:42) →雷和主持人约翰·佩里讨论了什么构成煽动。



Ray Briggs

Blakey Vermule

Ray Briggs
Why think there's just one thing it means to be a man?


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, February 28, 2021 -- 4:58 AM

Your question regarding the

你关于男性化的问题似乎与我对你另外两篇文章的看法一致:厌女症和女性关怀。Men, whether particularly masculine or not so much,
感受到了来自女权运动和其他亲妇女势力的压力和压力。从公平和平等的角度来看,这被认为是一件好事。另一方面,它也可以被认为是侵蚀性的:唐纳德·j·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)登上总统宝座就是一个很好的例子。

不满的男性对特朗普的支持和支持不成比例。他发誓要为他在选举中的失败报仇,而这些人正兴高采烈地支持他。这是示范。And, I think
unhelpful. It encourages further erosion of democracy, in the sense of encouraging a revenge whch has no valid referrent: He lost the contest, fair and square. His insistence that it was rigged is , itself, a sham. But, obviously, brawny, masculline men may choose to feel differently and act on the feeling.
To use a part of my mantra, they are NOT ready to try harder, think better and cut the crap.


Guessedworker's picture


Thursday, March 4, 2021 -- 1:36 AM

Critical Theory never was


It does not matter to them that their arguments are circular, their certainties self-proving, their justifications hypocritical self-deceptions. It does not matter that equality does not and cannot exist in Nature, and therefore in humanity, and that cause is a total waste of everybody’s time. It does not matter that there is no Marx Factor whirring away inside the human brain, cross-checking with flawless efficiency over the mountains and deserts and oceans to make quite sure that no one with white skin has evolved a difference above the neck or below the belt from someone with black or brown or yellow skin. It does not matter that being a man or a woman is not a personal choice because, y’know, you can’t choose your chromosomes. It does not matter that reproductively whole men and women, in whom the future of humanity is vested, are not equal to the reproductively disabled “letter people”. None of it matters because it’s religion. It’s all just a desperate, pathetically immature faith-rebellion in the maximally damaging cause of a relativistic universe voided of all annoyingly “white” and “masculine” absolutes like reality, facts, truth and, especially, inheritance. Would that these strange political animals had all been practising Christians after all. Then the most they could have done to save themselves would have been to go and prey in church every Sunday.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 -- 6:28 AM




I'm not sure what you are saying there.

Guessedworker's picture


Friday, April 2, 2021 -- 2:57 AM

I might ask you the same

I might ask you the same question. On what definite basis, bereft of ascription, is the assumption of human equality in Nature made? (The same could be asked of the rest of mammalian life.)


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Saturday, April 3, 2021 -- 7:28 AM



I'm not sure about 'will,' but I agree with you that ideology based on a lie 'can' produce social pathology.

Though you didn't answer my question, I will try and answer yours as it relates somewhat to your statement that equality can not exist in Nature. Rightfully I can't answer your question, however, without "ascribing" cause to Nature in the first place. I don't do that. You do. Why? There are too many forms of nature in Nature for absolutes.

If we have to limit nature to mammals (you didn't do that initially but do now – why?), then certain breeds of coyotes, apes like bonobos, and monkeys like northern muriquis all are examples of biological equality. The spotted hyena has interesting sexual dimorphism as the females are dominant. Montane and Prairie voles are equally fascinating.


Men and Women are not equals, just as men and men are not equals. The difference in these populations' means is not indicative of the overlap in the spread around those means. Equality stems from their moral standing. This is the human equality that is at issue here. In this respect, it is time to work with human nature and not against women or men regardless of whether they are predominately masculine or feminine.

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Friday, March 12, 2021 -- 4:04 PM

No. I do not understand. I

No. I do not understand. I have suggested readings for insight into this and other questions. Susan Jacoby and Steven Pinker are two of my favorites There are dozens others. I don't contend these public intellectuals are 100% right, only that they offer valuable perspectives. I figure I still have a lot to learn. Life is just too short. We just do the best we can, with what we've got and what we know...
Warmest Regards.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, March 19, 2021 -- 8:10 PM

Sex and gender are two

Sex and gender are two different things. Though we scientifically understand next to nothing about sexual orientation, we know something about gender and much more about sex. Most of us don't question our sex or gender, especially men, comfortable with their maleness and masculinity. Why should they? They are 'Real Men On Top' as Robin's forthcoming book is titled.

Here's why. There is no state or country where men outlive women. Being male kills men. Men are victims of crime at much higher rates than women as well. Men commit homicides nearly nine times as often as women. The stats go on and on.

There are biological reasons for this disparity, but social norms that don't support males through adulthood bring much pain and harm. That may seem odd to say men need support when they are the criminals and lottery winners with respect to wages and opportunity. Nevertheless, it is perhaps true. That men rarely are open and honest about their lives is further fodder for change.

The absolute best solution for the ills of masculinity is equal rights for women. Once we correct that wrong, we can genuinely share the childcare and parenting that perforce humanizes.

尽管男性气质和女性气质存在巨大差异,但女性和男性的相似之处多于不同之处。在认知上,两性之间的差异远远大于两性之间的差异。SARS 2可能逆转了女性在工作中的趋势。希望我们能纠正那艘船。男性的生命取决于它。


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, March 21, 2021 -- 9:23 PM

Hmm... I'm not sure I liked

Hmm... I'm not sure I liked this show. Yet, just when I get heated Robin would say something reasonable. Overall I think there is too much here I disagree with to let this go without comment.

我看不到一条清晰的道路——这是我对任何职业哲学家的要求。清晰和方向……嗯。我不明白。Let me re-listen and write in a comment on this show, then come back and post it here.

I don't think this is going to be an easy edit. Robin is wrong on the science, the immutability of masculinity and femininity, and historical trajectory. This isn't going to be fun but maybe I am just not hearing this right.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, March 26, 2021 -- 8:23 PM

Complete androgen

Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) and 5-alpha reductase 2 deficiency give me pause to accept Robin’s views toward masculinity. These can manifest in gonadal male youth being raised as girls until puberty, when their intersex is discovered. Any view of masculinity must include these males and protect their freedom, childhood, and bodies. This would entail a philosophical commitment to careful, cautious, and enlightened nurturing of all children through puberty and adulthood. Protecting youth is where masculinity philosophers need to focus their thought.

Parenting is a counterexample to the complementarity argument for using masculinity for its explanatory sake. Sensuality, pleasure, and friendship are other examples. Humans have standard biology, purpose, and meaning in life that far outweighs their gender differences.



Overall I’m impressed with Robin’s theses and look forward to reading and reacting to this book. Sex, gender, sexual orientation, behavior, and sensuality are crucial to a happy life. It’s hard to be critical when this book is forthcoming, and I didn’t attend the show. This show didn’t go where I thought it would, and now I’m sorry not to have written in questions for Dr. Dembroff.

Cross post with Blog -//www.f8r7.com/blog/what-makes-man

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Wednesday, March 24, 2021 -- 7:17 AM

Sometimes, in my case anyway,

有时候,至少对我来说,有些东西会从过去几年读过的一些记忆文本中浮现出来。我之前提到过朱利安·杰恩斯。他不像某些人那么有名,但他的两院制思想仍然困扰着我的意识,或者在我思考其他问题时刺激着我的神经。男子气概。从我很小的时候起,这就一直是让我恼火的地方。我想知道,拿不定主意是不是一种进退两难的局面?我隐约地意识到,男人对自己的看法非常全面。他们敏锐地意识到自己的公众形象,并希望把自己塑造成他们认为最好的形象。这在很大程度上取决于贵族身份:与谁在一起,在哪里,他们感到自在,“心安理得”。这本身并不是智力模糊的表现。 They just want to have somewhere to hang their hat. Or hunt turkeys.

Philosophy of psychology? I think so. Others must decide for themselves. Turkeys are difficult prey.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, March 25, 2021 -- 9:18 AM

Difficult as it may be, this


Jaynes is a must-read but retrospectively ignorant and foolish. Imagining a preliterate brain is a just-so story. Thinking of the brain as bicameral was useful, perhaps, is no longer helpful and will be thought of as quaint. That said, were Jaynes alive today – he would have three or four more books out and be considered an authority and top-notch philosopher on par with Daniel Dennett or Richard Dawkins for his theory of mind/self.


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Friday, March 26, 2021 -- 6:37 PM

I'm going to re-read Jaynes

I'm going to re-read Jaynes and reconsider this comment. It's been too long and my take is too old to justify. I do feel like he got short shrift and was way ahead of the curve. Sometimes I can be too dismissive. This is one of those times.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Monday, March 29, 2021 -- 5:43 AM

I did just finish this. I'm

I did just finish this. I'm still saying it's far out there but if Freud gets a show Jaynes should as well. What may be the most interesting about Jaynes is his following.




All the negativity aside, this would make a great show if the right guest could be found to really dig down on this. I don't see any comprehensive critiques. Nautilus did an article on Jaynes in 2015.

When you take the time to come to terms with an author, it can be hard to see the forest from the specualtions. Often I am taken in. Not this time.