The Lives and Ideas of the Vienna Circle

Sunday, May 23, 2021

What Is It

The Vienna Circle was a group of early twentieth-century philosophers, mathematicians, logicians, and scientists, best known for developing the theory of scientific knowledge called logical positivism. Although positivism as a project has been largely abandoned, the group's ideas continue to have profound influence on contemporary philosophy of science. So what philosophical theories were proposed by the Vienna Circle? How might the socio-political circumstances of their time have shaped their radical ideas? And how did their ideas aim to shape politics? Josh and Ray ask David Edmonds from the University of Oxford, author of《史力克教授谋杀案:维也纳圈的兴衰》

Listening Notes


The philosophers welcome David Edmonds, Distinguished Research Fellow at the Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford, to the show. In response to Ray’s question about why many members of the Vienna Circle left Europe to escape the Nazis, David explains how many of them were Jewish and opposed to the metaphysical positions held by the Nazis. Despite their similarities, the members ranged in their political positions. Josh thinks the Vienna Circle’s way of thinking might be helpful in our current age of fake news and post-truth, and David agrees that it would be helpful to have increased accountability and scrutiny of the claims that people make.

In the last segment of the show, Josh, Ray, and David discuss laws of nature and the women in the Vienna Circle. Josh wonders if the circle would have developed political opinions had it continued longer, but David thinks they wouldn't have, given the controversy around one political manifesto they published. Ray asks for one lesson to carry forward from the Vienna Circle’s way of thinking, and David emphasizes the importance of clarity and expressing arguments in ways that people can understand.

  • Roving Philosophical Report (Seek to 3:53) →Holly J. McDede简要介绍了维也纳圈的概念及其面临的挑战。

  • From the Community (Seek to 43:59) →Dan grapples with whether his vegan friend is being inconsistent by feeding her dog animal-based food.



Josh Landy
Is metaphysics just a bunch of nonsense?

Ray Briggs

Josh Landy
Could logic be a solution to the world's problems?


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, April 11, 2021 -- 1:26 PM

Well. There are sixteen

Well. There are sixteen figures in the photo. Schlink is not one of them. I don't know the back story, so, would have to look it up. The veiled implication seems to revolve around Schlink's death, one possible insinuation being that the Circle was instrumental or at least involved. Sounds like an after-the-fact interpretation, based on hearsay and speculation(s). If the fall of the Circle was due to its' role in Schlink's death, then shame on the Circle. Whether or not that role was active or passive. These ideas are only surmise because I have nothing but a circumstantial base. I guess your Mr.Edmonds will connect some dots; turn some knobs... Hopefully, he is trying harder, thinking better, cutting the crap.--doing the best he can, with what he has and what he knows...If not, shame on him. So, I'll search-engine the Vienna Circle. And Schlink. Drawing my own conclusions. Pragmatic skepticism. That is what I do...

Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, April 11, 2021 -- 1:41 PM

The name of the deceased is

The name of the deceased is misspelled in your text. Look it up. Still does not get to answers to my questions about who murdered the professor and why. Mysteries are so much fun, yes? Must have had something to do with his views as a philosopher? What a lame thing to be murdered over..

D'autrement, if that is why the Circle fell, i guess the professor's death was not in vain.

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Tuesday, April 13, 2021 -- 6:22 AM



This show could be epic. A very interesting read at least.

Daniel's picture


Thursday, April 29, 2021 -- 7:38 PM

N's tactics, certainly, are


Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Thursday, April 29, 2021 -- 9:46 PM




Dave Edmonds is top notch. I thought the book was well researched, explained the philosophical issues, the characters and the times well. If the show sticks to the questions in the header above I will be sorely upset. They almost have no reflection of my own questions but here’s what I have for these...




Logical empiricism has influence, if only through Popper, but the main project is dead - in my opinion. We may have to disagree on that.

Goedel is a spawn of the circle as much as anyone. That he forever removed solid ground from math seems antithetical to the goal of the circle. Logical deconstruction of language was the main idea I think to have fallen along with a failure to construct inductive logic arguments. These were mostly done in by circle members in real time or later while in the US. There are those who today would argue there is no accepted scientific method.


Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Sunday, May 2, 2021 -- 3:40 PM


对我来说太深了。永远无法把哲学和数学联系起来。其他领域,心灵;语言,等等,我都能得到。维特根斯坦、罗素、库尔特·哥德尔、艾伦·图灵和理查德·费曼等人都很聪明。我只是不能把他们的才能理解为“哲学”。在传统意义上。不,我也不这样看待笛卡尔或牛顿。我想是我的错。发现他们更擅长数学和物理。当然,尽管有哲学,我们还是更好。 Still trying harder, thinking better, doing the best I can with I have and what I know
Regards to all..

Tim Smith's picture

Tim Smith

Sunday, May 30, 2021 -- 6:24 AM

This is a good documentary -

This is a good documentary - with some footage of Vienna and a sharp take on the intransigent Austrian psychology.

Not directly related to this book, show but telling nonetheless.
