Philosophy Behind Bars

Sunday, August 18, 2019
First Aired:
Sunday, February 12, 2017

What Is It

1994年,国会取消了对监狱大学教育的联邦资助。他们认为,在普通公民负担不起高等教育的情况下,让囚犯有资格获得佩尔助学金是不公平的。然而,研究表明,监狱教育具有积极的影响,例如降低再犯率和改善监狱环境。那么我们应该在监狱里设立教育项目吗?还是说,监狱的目的是惩罚犯人的罪行,而不是让他们接受许多非重罪犯从未接受过的教育?John and Ken take a lesson from Jennifer Lackey, who teaches philosophy at Northwestern University and at Stateville Correctional Center near Chicago.

Listening Notes

Ken doesn’t think that philosophy is the most conducive setting for philosophy; John agrees that that’s the case, at least in the U.S., where prisons are like overcrowded warehouses that are excessively focused on punishment. But that’s not the case everywhere – prisons in Norway, for instance, demonstrate that prisons don’t have to be so bleak. They can be places for rehabilitation. It doesn’t have to be a dichotomy of rehabilitation and punishment: losing freedom and being confined are already punishment enough, Scandinavian prisons hold. There’s no need to heap on insults to inmates’ dignity on a daily basis. Okay, says, Ken, but if you’re going to teach inmates anything, why should it be philosophy? Shouldn’t it be something more job-oriented? And what about the money that goes into prison education – shouldn’t that money be going to the education of non-inmates? John disagrees – he argues that we can educate both the free and the incarcerated.

John and Ken welcome guest Jennifer Lackey, Professor of Philosophy at Northwestern University. John asks Jennifer why she decided to teach inmates in prison in the first place. Jennifer explains that she’s had an interest in the prison population since she was 12 years old. At some level, we all bear responsibility for incarceration. John asks Jennifer about what it’s like to teach at a maximum security men’s prison – both for her, as a teacher, and for the students themselves. Jennifer explains that most of her students have been convicted of at least one murder and most have at least 25 years left on their sentence. There are constant challenges with security (though she’s never been afraid for her own safety, expect for a few tense situations) and with bringing course materials. Ken asks her whether the students see this as an hour-long escape from their regular prison routine or whether they’re actually invested in the learnings. Jennifer explains that in her 16 years of teaching, she’s rarely come across more engaged, more passionate, and committed students than her students at Stateville.


John then brings up a common concern: we have a finite amount of resources, so why should we spend them on prison education when we could be using those resources to prevent the crimes that lead people to prison in the first place? Jennifer, John, and Ken discuss this topic in greater depth, then welcome questions from the audience. They continue the discussion by tackling questions about the views of people who work in prisons on prisoner education, what education can do for prisoners, and whether we can muster the political will to change our system of incarceration.

Roving Philosophical Report(Seek to 5:47): Shuka Kalantari explores the workings of a philosophy in prison program in Kansas by talking to the first transgender woman in Kansas to transition while being incarcerated.

60-Second Philosopher(Seek to 45:10): Ian Shoales talks about prisoners who write while imprisoned and people who became famous in great part due to their time behind bars.



Harold G. Neuman's picture

Harold G. Neuman

Tuesday, August 20, 2019 -- 7:46 AM

I have heard and read stories

I have heard and read stories about the mental health and development of those incarcerated. Most of us have. An obvious observation says they have a lot of time on their hands and limited resources/opportunities to creatively employ it. There have been notable reversals of attitude and behavior among some men and women who achieve parole and/or exoneration, some of those going on to bigger and better things. Rehabilitation is a stated goal for convicts and is a wonderful thing when it happens, whether or not anyone believes they have paid their debt to society. Philosophy, like religion, can change lives, if and only if the light bulb wishes to change. With commitment, many things are possible. But, in the final analysis, only the inmate can know himself and what, if any, his future plans may be. Any predictions as to failure or success. based upon psychological profiling may be helpful, or, they may only represent a shot at a dartboard.